Sunday, August 1, 2021

Hazy, Lazy Day

 My baby brother had a picnic get together at his lake house.  I sent over potato salad, we dog sat Baxter instead of going over.  The air quality was bad all day.  Toward evening it cleared out some. 

Baxter and I did some stuff outside...gathered garbage and went to the transfer station.  Baxter is good company and enjoyed the ride in the car.  I kept him on leash all day...he wanted to go back home!  When I finally trusted him off leash his people came to pick him up.   He was so happy to see them.  He has separation anxiety issues. 

I watched some movie... I saw the beginning and the end with a nap in between.

My sister and her husband stopped by in the evening.  

Far Guy had a rough breathing day.  

An old church that was being torn down...I bet those stained glass windows went to the new church just down the road...the Steeple was in the lawn.  Near Goodridge taken last weekend.

Far Side


  1. Awww man! Tearing it down? They just remodeled an old small church in a little town 3 miles from here. It is now a weekend get away or BNB or whatever they are called now. It is charming and beautiful and very reasonable to rent!

  2. PS. Baxter sounds like he is good company for you. I love it that you can borrow a dog any time. If you were closer, I'd let you borrow Charlie! He'd love to couch sit for you and make sure the couch doesn't get up and move. He likes outside too!

  3. Thinking about you and Far Guy. I hope today is a better day for his breathing. It is hard when someone we love has health issues.

  4. I think it has been a few bad breathing days for even healthy people. We ventured out and had supper (appetizers & a drink) with my husband's golf partner and his girlfriend yesterday. Just being out for a couple of hours was tough. This smoke triggers my allergies immediately, so I can only imagine how awfully hard it is for FG to breathe in it. This morning it's a bit less hazy, so maybe there is hope it will go away soon.

  5. I sure hope they saved the stained glass windows.
    Smoky, hazy days with warnings for days now again. I feel so badly for the people dealing with the fires.
    Sounds like a pretty good Baxter visit. :)

  6. Gosh, my heart feels so bad for Far Guy. Breathing is such a HUGE thing that we never really think of. I hope the air improves soon!

  7. I hope they saved the windows! Our diocese is consolidating churches. This means they are eliminating small country churches which is alienating congregations, so I am not sure what their master plan is. We had a small country church south of our small country church that was built by German immigrants (just like ours). They had a very active family parish, a cemetery and a school across the street. The school property went up for sale two or three decades ago and was bought by some parishioners who turned it into a 501c3 senior center that hosts bingo, dinners, rummage sales and even receptions. About five years ago it was announced the church was closing and being razed. Some wealthy farm families attempted to purchase the building and save it and were even trying to go to court to get the windows, pews, etc that were all donated over 100 years ago by their families. Well, it is now rubble. The cemetery remains with the hall across the street. It is leaving a few decades of bitterness in it's wake.

  8. Hopefully, Baxter will grow out of his separation anxiety. My nephew’s Dutch Shepherd was the same way. She paced from room to room and finally settle right in front of the door until he returned. Sad to see the church building being torn down, but I’m glad the windows were salvaged.

  9. Baxter seems like good company. Maybe he will figure out that his people always come and get him and his anxiety will lessen. We miss having a dog but have no plans to get another. I hope they save whatever they can from the church before they tear it down. It's sad to see those buildings disappearing. I hope Far Guy's breathing gets better. Have a good week.

  10. Finally back catching up. I am sure all the smoke is not helping Far Guy. Stay inside, stay cool and I'm going to continue reading. Sherry in MT

  11. I'm sorry Far Guy is having breathing problems. He sure doesn't need to be out in that smoky air. I bet you had a good time with Baxter and maybe as he gets older his separation anxiety will lessen. I've watched more than a few movies like that, with a nap in the middle!

  12. Our rain did not clear the smoke down here. My wife is bothered by the air quality also. I could see the sun a little more clearly today.

  13. We've finally got haze from the fires here, too. Sorry to hear about FG's breathing problems. This is so hard to hear about; I hope there is better news ahead. Sigh.

  14. I feel like I should apologize to all of you east of us who are getting our smoke. these vicious fires just keep roaring along. Still no rain, but maybe a chance by next Thursday or Friday.
    We are still clear here just south of Seattle, but we did have some cooling cloudiness.

  15. Separation anxiety sucks, here's hoping it passes soon...

  16. I can certainly sympathize with Far Guy. The air quality here is awful and made even worse by a barn fire not more than 3 miles from town. The smoke is all hanging in the air.
    Hopefully Baxter will get used to coming over and will realize his people will be back to get him!!

  17. We're hazy and hot here too, so it isn't pleasant for anyone to be outdoors let alone someone with the health issues of Far Guy. Hopefully we'll see rain soon and the smoke will clear.

    Take care.

  18. I am sorry you guys were not able to enjoy your lake house family get together. Glad you had Baxter to keep you company. He is a cutie! That is sad about the church. It looks like it is in pretty good condition. At least parts of it are being saved. I hope you hear from Far Guys new docs soon, so he can get back outside.

  19. I bet you make a great potato salad! So sorry to hear that far guy is having such a tough time breathing in all the smoky air. Sure hope that clears up soon. It's got to be horrible for him. Glad you got to do some dog-sitting and run errands with him. I hate to see a church torn down...sure hope they saved the windows! Take care you guys.

  20. Sorry it was a rough day for Far Guy with his breathing, but glad you and Baxter had each other for company.

  21. Makes me sad to see that old church go.


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