Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Happy Fields and Closet Cleaning

 We got some rain again as a storm moved through early Tuesday morning.  1/2 inch of this point it all helps...although the fires in Northern Minnesota are still burning. 

The sunny happy flowers are now heavy with seeds.   When they are in bloom I call them happy fields.

It seems they were happy fields for a very short time this year.

Yesterday I found time to rummage through my half of the closet. 

 Boo hoo I threw two very worn shirts away...the elbows had holes...two of my fav shirts too...well worn. (I have several more that will go soon...threadbare things that are comfy and hard to part with, after all I still need my lawn mowing shirt who cares what I look like on the lawn is not exactly a fashionista activity)  I am keeping a sweater that  hangs near the front door... it has holes too...but washes like a dream...everyone gives me a bad time about that sweater...I have to keep one eye on it as several people have said it should be thrown away. 

 I made some decisions and will donate a few things that have been hanging in my closet and not worn recently...they have no holes.  I will drop them off today.  Nice to have a bit of room in the closet again. All the hangers are facing the right way...all the shirts are lined up in colors....and face the same way.   Don't laugh was something I could control.

Far Side


  1. You could sew some patches on those holes to make them last longer. I hate throwing worn, loved, comfy cozy clothes away.

  2. Oh....I cleaned my closet when I retired, in 2015. Do you think it's time to do that again already?? :)

  3. I'm not laughing, I did the very same thing not too long ago when we remodeled. I too have some favorite shirts with holes in them for exploring in the woods. I won't give them up until I move away from the forest.
    I like my hangers just so and I like my closet organized too.

    I just heard that the Boundary Waters area was closed too. Wow. Just crazy. Hopefully more rain will head your way and not the bad kind like flooding...

  4. I am so proud of you for "parting" with some old clothes. I also need to clean out my closet of old clothes that haven't been worn in years. I have one old flannel shirt that is thread bare but I still wear it around the house. Getting rid of things is hard.

  5. Amen! To both the old favorites and the organized closet :-).

  6. I have my hangers facing a certain way, too. I've got lot of stuff I could donate but that would mean actually going through my clothes, as you have. Good on you! It's hard to get rid of favorite clothes, even if they are worn out. :-)

  7. I keep a few comfy shirts I should have let go too. One fav in particular, was Brads flannel from 35-ish years ago that he didn't want. He stopped wearing flannels. I love them!! I wear flannels year round, don't care what "fashion" dictates. Super thin and starting to tear :( more like a cotton shirt now. No laughing from me on color grouped hanging clothes either. I do the same, makes me happy. Kinda sad watching flowers fade in the Fall. Time to start squirreling away acorns!

  8. I organize one step further...not only by color, but by season!!

  9. A little OCD here, I even bought matching hangers. I have to separate by color. It's too hard for me to figure out black vs navy unless I am in a really good light. And because if I like a shirt, I get it in multiple colors (like black and navy and black and navy) - style doesn't help.

  10. I like to have my dresses hanging in the closet by colour!

    Love the sunflowers - there will defnitely be sunflowers in the garden next year!!!

  11. We must all have a couple of those comfy, well worn things we hate to get rid of.

    Isn't it funny how different people organize their closets? I organize by long sleeve vs short sleeve, with sleeveless at the very end of the pole. And the fronts of shirts always have to face the same direction. It drives me nuts when my husband unpacks a suitcase after a work trip and hangs a (not worn yet) shirt back on a hanger - the wrong direction. LOL

  12. Having something to control is a good thing, when life feels out of control.

  13. Hangers are supposed to be facing the same direction — at least mine are! It’s difficult to part with comfortable clothing.

  14. It feels wonderful to be able to control something. Absolutely.

  15. I won't laugh, I have the same need. I also sort them by sleeve length and then by color, though having it all by color is supposed to attractive to buyers. Seriously, I can't recall ever looking in a closet and judging the house I was looking at by how the clothes were hung.

    Reading through the comments it seems that you're in the majority.

  16. My wardrobe has a wall down the middle. So the hangers on this side point this way, and the hangers on that side point that way. And I definitely colour code my clothes.

  17. I agree, the sunflowers did not last nearly as long this year as in previous years... I thought I was imagining things, but apparently this is happeneing all over. I really hoped they would continue for at least another month so my son could enter one in the state fair. Ah, well, maybe next year. // I totally understand and agree with everything you said about the clothing!! My hangers all face one way, also, although my clotes are by what I wear most often being closest to where the closet door on my side opens. Right there with ya -- I say clothing and hanger control is everything! And doggone, I reeeeally hate throwing away such great, comfortable, frayed, hole-y clothes that have last so many years and given me such happiness to wear -- some of them in recent years I'd had since high school! My dad grew up in a time when poverty meant your wore it til it was in shreds... and I picked that up from him. // Blessings to you, friend!

  18. Congratulations on the closet work, not an easy thing for most of us! Maybe you will inspire me. Well, maybe. ; )

  19. I took you recommendation about the movie flipped. I loved it. You have great taste. Do you have any other recommendations?

    1. I watched My Girl 2 yesterday, I give that a 9 very enjoyable:)

  20. That first picture of the flowers is gorgeous! So you're cleaning out some things from your closet. I have a few favorites like that too, that I don't want to part with, like the gym pants I'm wearing right now, with holes on both sides near the pockets! Oh well!

  21. I have a threadbare old sweater that I just can't part with. It's what I reach for when I'm on my way to the back yard and it's a tad cool out. One day I'll have to chuck it out but not yet.

  22. Oh those favorite worn thing pieces of clothing! They are the best! Ha - several people said it should be thrown away! Not laughing about your closest, no I am laughing. I have a certain thing with our closet too not by color but by type of clothing. It works!

  23. I finally had to throw away my old gardening jeans when the patches over the holes in the knees had too many big holes in them.
    No, my closet is not color sorted, but there is a system only I know.😀

  24. I finally had to throw away my old gardening jeans when the patches over the holes in the knees had too many big holes in them.
    No, my closet is not color sorted, but there is a system only I know.😀

  25. My closet definitely needs a cleaning out. Maybe when we are confined to the house this winter. I have a hard time parting with comfortable clothes too.

  26. I like things put in my closets in a certain way too, including wanting the hangers to all face the same way, and also only part with clothes I wear regularly that are comfy when they get so full of holes I have no choice.

  27. You sound like me...I am no clothes horse and I hate to shop for clothes. I have some favorite shirts etc. and I hate to throw them out but I have found the strength to replace a few items this year but it's a slow process! LOL!


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