Friday, August 6, 2021

Book Club

We read The Book Lovers Cookbook.   I wasn't thrilled with it...and I like reading cookbooks.   We had our first in person meet...some of us brought a prepared recipe from the book.  

I chose Carrot - Raisin Pineapple Salad; 4 cups shredded carrots, 1 cup of raisins, a can of crushed pineapple, a dash of lemon juice and a bit of cinnamon.  It was okay...I give it a 7 out of 10.  It is from Midwives.   I also made punch...well I took small bottles of Welches Grape Juice and small cans of 7-UP and slices of lime.  You  mix it equal is called Merry Punch  ...I give it a is from the book Pride and Prejudice.

Onto the next book.  We also had a book swap...that was fun....I came home with three new to me books. 

Infusion Day and grocery pickup went just fine.   I wore a mask in the one grocery store I went into to purchase cherries and peaches.  Far Guy napped all the while I was gone to book club. Cases of Covid are exploding in this area.  I skipped Bingo.  We still have wildfire is supposed to clear out on Friday and then come back.  We had 1/4 inch of rain in our rain gauge.

Far Side


  1. I have never heard of that punch,but it sounds good. I made carrot salad this week too! Haven't made it in years. How coincidental is that! I used pre grated carrots that I bought. Don't do that, they aren't fine enough. But it tastes ok. Didn't know to put cinnamon in it though.

  2. Howell County, MO, has made the national news in recent weeks for the spike in COVID cases, mostly among unvaccinated people; not surprising: the vaccination rate was a dismal 17%. My next door neighbor (47 years old) died of COVID earlier in the week, a friend's son-in-law (young man) died yesterday. Very scary.

  3. Many of our local stores are putting out signs for customers to use masks whether they are vaccinated or not. I'm masking too. It is just good health practice for not spreading any kind of colds or any kinds of flu or virus.
    I saw a lot of masking the other day. Moms shopping with kids and all had masks.

  4. It's tragic that covid is on it's way back.

  5. Glad your book club could finally get together. The book club I was part of gradually shrunk as ladies moved away, and 1 passed away. We eventually gave up. I think there are only 4 of us left here in town, and we still get together socially anyway as often as possible. One of my favorite things about the group was our book swap. We had a small Rubbermaid tub that traveled each month to the hostess' house. We all added and "borrowed" books to the tub. It was such a fun. laid back group of ladies. I do miss them all.

  6. It was interesting to read about your book club and also the bookclubs of your blogger friends. Our Library's book club have started in person again. I have read the books but haven't been to the meetings.

  7. Our cases are up here. We went from 5 cases all of last week to 19 just on Wednesday. And two of those are my unvaccinated next door neighbors who thought covid was a big joke. Now they have symptoms and this morning she dm-ed me and said "this cough is no joke". Both are just 60 and she has pre existing lung problems. It is hard to be sympathetic.

    My teacher daughter is sending her new kindergartener in a mask. She said she doubts she will keep it over her nose, but figures it will stay over the mouth and prevent her from putting fingers inside after she touches everything.

  8. Glad you were able to re-join your book club in person. With the cases rising again, it may not last but hopefully more people will get vaccinated and it will settle down. So far things have stayed pretty stable here but I suspect it won't last - we've got a big football game on tonight and the stadium is sold out.

    I'm still masking, and will continue to do so, for the foreseeable future. It's like defensive driving, I'm cautious because I don't always trust others to do so.

  9. Daughter-in-law brought the year old baby to our house for the first time this week and the next day he tested positive for Covid! Unbelievable. Of course we carried the baby around and played with him and exposed ourselves thoroughly. Guess we will see how well those shots protect us (or not) in the next few days ….
    Bet it was fun to see your book club members in person for a change.

    1. Oh no, I hope both you and the Writer will escape:)

  10. With cases of Covid going up everywhere, we are being a bit more cautious, but we still went to the stadium for a soccer match, with a crowd of 32,000. We wear masks on the light rail and to and from, as well as in the grocery store again.
    It rained! We got a whole .1 of an inch. The drought is officially broken, but practically speaking, not so much.

  11. Cases are up here, too. Glad you all got a chance to meet. I think we are going to go back to the isolation bubble here shortly.

  12. How nice of you to take a couple of recipes with you to book club! And you guys still have the wildfire smoke in your area...that's awful. And what a horrible year for the people fighting those fires and living right near them too. So sad. Glad far guy got a nap in and that all went well on your excursion into town. Take good care.

  13. I hope the smoke clears there soon. We are supposed to be getting it by the middle of next week, so hopefully that means it will be gone from your area. I hope.

  14. Nice you were able to meet in person for book club. Personally I prefer the distance meeting though. Not just because of Covid still being an issue (despite restrictions mostly being thrown out of the window here now) but because I never was big on being around several people at once, and all this time not being allowed to be has made my enthusiasm for groups of people even less than it already was.


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