Thursday, July 1, 2021

Summer Morning and Evening

 Yesterday we spent the morning in town.  Our car went to be washed and waxed.  We drove the new/old car around town.  Far Guy cruised Main and got on the webcam.  I had him stop by the Fire Hall in town they have red, white and blue flowers there. 

The light was not great on the flowers.  We went through a drive through for breakfast and then went to a park to watch people and dogs while we ate.  Then we decided to visit Far Guy's cousins...and take them for a ride. 

Cousin Wayne getting his first look at the new/old car.   They enjoyed the ride. 

Soon it was time to pick up the other vehicle, buy some gas...prices are $2.99 a gallon here now and head for home.  By 11 AM we were back home.  

We had an uneventful afternoon....after supper we went for a ride...and visited with neighbors and petted their dogs. 

Putz and Titus

Sadly Snoopy is no longer part of that pack...he went over the Rainbow Bridge all by himself one morning....Snoopy belonged to neighbor Dave and when he could no longer care for Snoopy he went to live with Steve and Jo. ( Snoopy used to come here to visit Chance)  Putz is mostly blind but Titus keeps him out of trouble herding him around.  Funny how dogs just know what other dogs need.   

Far Side


  1. Sure looks like Far Guy is enjoying his new/old car. Sorry to hear about Snoopy going over the Rainbow Bridge; I know you enjoyed his visits. Happy to hear Titus is helping out with Putz. Hoping to get my lawn mowed today.

  2. Sounds like you and Far Guy are trying to make up for lost time.

  3. You're having some great summer days. I like how the firehouse decorates the building. I imagine you create a lot of interest while driving around in the new/old car.
    My sympathies on the loss of Snoopy. Dogs know what other dogs need and usually do it. Wouldn't it be nice if people were the same? Our lake friends, Paul and Lori where we stayed when I went back to Spokane a few weeks ago, lost their sweet Mattie on Monday. Mattie and our Chloe were best of friends and it seems so unreal that we both lost our babies within a few months of each other. They're devastated. I'm so glad I got to see her one last time. She loved to sit in my lap. She was a spring spaniel and a little big for a lap dog, but I loved it.
    They take a LOT our our hearts with us when they leave.

  4. It sounds like another nice day in Far land. So sorry to hear about Snoopy.

  5. Connie, that sounds like a perfect day to me... from start to finish! Ahhhhh, the joys of summer! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  6. Dogs do seem to have that intuition to care for their people as well as the other dogs in their pack. It's a wonderful doggie trait.

  7. Sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon. Gas is now $3.49: it’s officially tourist season.

  8. Gas is $3.44 here. And they tell us it's only going to get worse. :(

  9. I like the reference to Far Land above.
    It sounds like a nearly perfect summer day.
    So sorry that Snoopy passed but we seem to outlive our fine friends...sigh.

  10. Sounds like a great day.
    Love that Titus heards Putz out of trouble! :)

  11. That's a pretty great day! Gas jumped from 2.88 to 3.15 this week. We are in the middle between a very popular amusement park and a very popular NHRA motor park. We will need to fill up maybe today, but are hoping prices go down a bit after the holiday. We have a lot of state taxes on gasoline now, so prices never go too low.

  12. Looks like a nice day to be out. Glad that you have some doggies to visit and to visit you tomorrow occasionally . Very sorry about snoopy.

  13. Sounds like a great way to spend the day. Our gas prices are $1.31/liter or about $4.95/US gallon, yikes!

  14. How fun it must be to cruise around town in the new/old car! You got a lot accomplished to be home by 11:00.

  15. Taking your food to the park and eating while people-watching sounds like fun. All in all a nice day!

  16. You have great dog neighbors. Sorry about the loss.

  17. Our gas is already more than $3.50 a gallon. I'm glad to see your weather looks pretty darn good and that FG is getting around better.

  18. Gotta love when the Neighbor dogs come over for a visit. I visit them because they are fenced in, but they call me for their treat whenever they see me.

  19. Glad you had a nice time out and about in the new/old car, while you waited for the newer car! You even got to enjoy a breakfast out and visit with relatives and friends and their dogs. Sorry to hear about Snoopy....gosh dogs just don't last that long do they? Neither do people, come to think of it! We better stay on the Good Lord's "good side!"

  20. Riding in that car must be like a good jolt back in time. It is fun to see the adventures of Tilly.

  21. Sounds like a great day! I love laid back days like that. I remember as a kid we used to take car rides just for something to do... we don't do that anymore.

  22. Sorry to hear about your friend Snoopy. Far Guys car is bringing so much joy to you and those you visit, two & four legged ~ love it!!!

  23. Seems like everyone is going the extra mile for red, white, and blue decorations this year. Sometimes, I wonder if it is a way people are trying to get everyone shifted from this focus on fireworks, since they are such a fire hazard, especially in this drought year. People all over the place are draping red, white, and blue banners on their fences. Looks very festive. But even with that, we've had nightly fireworks (llegal) for weeks now.


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