Friday, June 18, 2021

Grocery Day

 Grocery Day was partially a success.  No one had fresh pineapple, pretzel buns are scarce as are Lime Outshine Bars and Fritos.   Good thing I hoarded Far Guys Fritos the past few weeks.   Fruit or Fritos are his go to snack.  He is losing takes lots of calories to breathe. 

We are still ordering groceries online and disinfecting.   I looked at the stats for our County in Minnesota and only 42 % of people are vaccinated. 

Far Guy was sitting outside after supper and had company.  We are both a little tired today.

The deer in our area are not afraid of us...they must be used to our voices. 

My baby brother took our Dad to Bingo...hope they won!  

We still need rain! 

Far Side


  1. We finally had some rain last night. We really need it - lawn is very crunchy. It is funny how shortages differ from area to area. Doesn't make any sense to me. Have a great weekend.

  2. Well at least I'm not contributing to the scarcity. I eat the occasional pineapple in dessert form and the occasional Frito is it comes with massive quantities of French Onion dip. But since we often don't have either of those around, it has been a year since I had either.

  3. I'm glad you hoarded Far Guys Fritos too, he needs to keep his weight up!

  4. Nice to have deer so close by, a lovely view!

  5. Interesting shortages. I wonder why. Supper & a show, nature is entertaining!

  6. Wish I could give FG a few of my extra pounds. After our 106 day, the temps are finally going to be bearable this weekend. It feels down right cool this morning, so I'm taking my coffee and paper to the porch. But rain is desperately needed around here too.

  7. My family here all laugh at my panty but I say you can't be too prepared. The stores seem to be out of the strangest things these days. I stopped disinfecting months ago. There was not enough room in the RV to do it..
    Take care and I hope Far Guy enjoys his fritos.

  8. I’m still ordering groceries online, too. I like the convenience and the fact I don’t have to stand in line to checkout.

  9. My prayers, and hopes, and healing thoughts are with you. Love you!

  10. Seems like there are shortages still/again here and there.
    Brave deer! :)

  11. We are working towards 40%. The hospital is having an all day walk in clinic on Saturday because we have so many doses that are expiring. It makes me crazy.

    I think Far Guy should be on top of the Frito list! We need to keep his strength up! You just wonder when this grocery situation will ever straighten out.

  12. I went to the grocery store yesterday. At 2 in the afternoon on a Thursday, only one cashier. I was 5 shopping carts back in line. Every cart was full to overflowing. The cashier was new. I think it's time to go back to ordering groceries.

    I'm sorry Far Guy is tired...I imagine it's hard to be worried about your health so much. Wish I could send you some cookies or something to fatten him up!

  13. Strange what kind of things end up unavailable sometimes. Glad Far Guy still has supplies of his favourite snack for now. Hope you can get more before he runs out.

    Cool that the deer aren't afraid of you.

  14. I'm glad you had laid up some provisions for Far Guy and his snacking, Connie. I know how important snacking is, when the appetite just isn't quite right and extra calories are needed. What a beautiful view you have there, with your deer-friend. The best remedy for tiredness is rest... and I'm glad you got some. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  15. A slim possibility of showers here tomorrow, so I suspect I can't send any your way. Far Guy is fortunate to have you looking out for him.

    Hope your dad and brother won. :)

  16. The deer around here don't seem to bother about people at all, either. Strange what is in low supply up there. And I do hope FG is able to keep his weight up, whatever he has to eat for that to happen. I suggest ice cream. :-)

  17. Wow. That is hard I know. Funny about the Fritos. Have you tried ordering these items from another source at all? Groceries from Amazon perhaps? Just an idea.
    I'm still avoiding crowded areas with kids and people running around.
    May be I am just a touch paranoid, but there it goes.

  18. I bet you are tired today after that long trip and then grocery day. Thursday is my grocery day too and it's gotten to where that really wears me out. By the time I shop and then get all the groceries in and put away I don't feel like doing much of anything.

    I love Far Guy's visitor! It looks so relaxing there. I wish I could sit out there and visit with you two!

  19. It's hard to keep a routine when stuff we want isn't available. With 42 % vaccination you have to be very careful.

  20. We must be getting all the pineapple down here. Lovely big ones for $1.49 and so good they are gone in two days. Beautiful visitor you had and right out in the clearing for a good view.

  21. You both need a lot of rest. I hope it cooled down some today. The deer does have a calming effect from a hectic visit to get groceries. I went by myself today and it was a workout to get it all. I hope Far Guy can breathe better with the fresh air.

  22. Losing weight by breathing sounds like a good thing until you realize just what that means. Keep those Fritos coming!

  23. Good job stocking up on Far Guy's favourite snacks whenever they're available. I was going to suggest ice cream but I see DJan beat me to it.

  24. I just reread my comment! :-) My family doesn't laugh at my "panty"...they laugh at my PANTRY! Freudian slip! Ha!
    Anyway, I came back here to comment after I took Mom to the grocery store today. I wanted to buy some beef. NOPE. A tiny, little, bitty "cheap" sirloin steak was $17.00! A few months ago it would have been around $7.00. Needless to say, I came home with no beef at all. I guess I need to learn to cook meatless.
    All over the store I'm noticing big increases in prices. This move was shocking to us. Our house insurance quadrupled because of storms in the midwest. Our car insurance went up and we have a much, much larger deductible. All with the same company.
    Property taxes are well over twice as much. And the HUGE one is car licensing. My car was $36/yr, now it's $496. The truck was $89/yr, now it's $1,026! Every. Single. Year. Who said it's less expensive to live in the middle of the country?
    Egads! Dennis will never retire!
    Take care and love to you both.

    1. I saw that but knew what you meant! Wow that is some price for beef. Minnesota is like Nebraska with license fees.

  25. Grocery day here too thankfully the only thing they don't have was my banana bread.

  26. I think the whole country needs rain! I hope some comes your way soon.

  27. I hope you both can rest this weekend. I had to laugh about the Fritos, as we try to keep a bag for a snack. Praying for you both and sending wishes for a blessed Father’s Day.

  28. I have read that the lack of supplies will hit harder this year as the supply chain was so stymied last year the shipping is not back to normal. I guess we will have to go back to basics for a while.
    I hope you get that break in the weather that you need.

  29. We are often on the hunt for Lime Outshine bars, those and pineapple!


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