Saturday, May 15, 2021

Spring Blooms

 It has been a week. 

The Pin Cherries are blooming.  They make a wonderful jelly if you can pick enough of them. The fruits are small and the seeds will make you sick if they are crushed.   These are a perfect candidate for my juicer if enough berries can be found.  

The Wild Violets are so tiny...this patch needs rained about as much as I can spit yesterday. 

Far Side


  1. Love to see fruit trees and violets blooming!
    You should link this post to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens where we all share what's blooming where we live. Bloom Day is the 15th of each month.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Our violets look much the same as if they are struggling! Dull and tiny. I know farmers have planted early because they could get into fields but I wonder if the corn and soybeans will come up?
    We had enough of a drizzle this morning to settle the dust in the driveway a bit and to make dust spots on my car.
    Even our creek is looking pretty dry.

  3. Time to start doing your rain dance!

  4. The violets are tiny but with a bit of rain, they will be beautiful again!

  5. I don't think I've ever heard of pin cherries. We were supposed to get rain yesterday and the night before, ALL night. Well we ended up with about 10 miutes of rain in the entire day. BLEH.
    Your beautiful card arrived and I think it was so nice of you to think of me.
    BLessings and love,

  6. I'm not familiar with Pin Cherries. Do they taste similar to choke cherries?

  7. Mom took us pin cherry picking every year. She made the best jelly from the juice but I recall it was a lot of work...for her, of course, we just picked.

    Things are slow here, my hostas have yet to poke through the ground and the neighbour's apple tree isn't yet blooming. Enjoy the blooms!

  8. My wild violets are blooming their little heart out. I wish they bloomed all summer, but they don't.

  9. I have magically acquired some wild violets around my mailbox! I am in love with them.

    Yes, I started venturing out in the world. And now our governor has rescinded the mask mandate and is making our state a free-for-all. I am not sure how I feel about this yet.

  10. Those "wild violets" are considered weeds where I am. I've pulled so many of them I've lost count. They are sweet when they have flowers but when they don't they invade my flower beds like crazy.... so out they go. Maybe I'll think twice next time... at least when they're in bloom. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Poor thirsty little violets. They keep saying we might get rain but then we don't or get a tiny sprinkle that dries up in a few minutes. Soon, I hope.

  12. We sort of had a rain but it wasn't much. They keep predicting it and then it ends up being spotty to scarce. I remember my wife's cousin who had great memories ob the cherries.

  13. Well that's not much rain! I love seeing the blooms. You two have a great weekend!

  14. Very pretty! I've been thinking of all the flowering bushes I can plant at the new place, I'll have to add pin cherry to my list of possibles.

    I love the violets. They used to grow up the side of my old townhouse. I always asked the landlord to let them bloom at little before he mowed that side of the lawn!

  15. The pin cherry trees all along our road are full of tent caterpillers this spring. Not going to be a good year for them here.

  16. Our wild violets are light purple and very prolific. They seed freely in places they like in our garden. I like them until they try to take over.
    I don't think we have pin cherries here.

  17. I have violets that like to grow around my sassafras tree. They are so delicate and pretty. If the crushed seeds make you sick doesn't the juicer crush the seeds? I'll send you some of our rain. This is the coolest and wettest Spring I remember down here. I love it though. No "fire danger" that's for sure. That will come this Fall.

    1. The juicer just cooks the pin cherries and the juice runs into a pan at the seeds allowed:)

  18. We had a nice rain earlier this week. I have only heard of pin cherries from you. I was not familiar with them. I hope you both are feeling ok and have a good weekend.

  19. I remember how great pincherry syrup was. I also remember as a little kid picking pincherrys and you never seemed to get anything.

  20. Nice to see flowers starting to bloom at your place. Hope you and we get some rain soon!

  21. Usually when we have drought conditions out here, it is flooding somewhere back east, but I guess not this time. Hope you get some rain soon!


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