Thursday, May 27, 2021


 It has turned cool here after the dust storm. 

I have mowed our front lawn twice, the side yard I left for the bees.  I tell ya what I looked like a survivor of the dust bowl from the Dirty Thirties when I came back in.  I washed my boots off outside and stripped at the door.  What wasn't covered in dirt was covered in pollen.  Uffda...we need rain. 

It may freeze here 34 and 36 F is too close for comfort.  Far Guy brought his Strawberry Basket inside. 

Yesterday we got soil for the Sheep Tank...and my baby brother helped me unload it.   Nothing will be planted until the weekend.  Carrots and lettuce...we will purchase a couple of tomato plants because we didn't get our seeds planted this year. 

Far Side


  1. Very cold here this morning 45 degrees. Supposed to start raining this afternoon and tonight. We really need rain around here also.

  2. We sure need some rain here too! I hope it doesn't free again there, enough of that already!

  3. We are to have a freeze Friday night. I usually don't plant anything outside for veggies until after my birthday just for this reason. Eeks.

  4. Do you remember Woody Guthrie? He had an album called Dust Bowl Ballads about the dust storms in the Thirties.
    I hope you get your rain. We had about 3 days of rain here finally but we are about to head back into clear skies and hot days.

  5. Sounds like you are ready for spring. Now if the weather would only cooperate.

  6. We are in for a couple cool days too, but in the 40's (forecasted rain). Feels great to me!! I melt in the muggy heat. We just planted our veggie beds yesterday. SO happy to not have to water & carry around tiny pots. I stopped growing tomato & peppers from seed, altho start a few different flowers. I like having fewer veggie plants and more variety. Hope you get some much needed rain!!

  7. Wish I could send you some of ours. It hasn't been flood type rains but enough to keep us out of farm and garden for several weeks now. The only thing that is really thriving in it is the grass seed I sewed a month and a half ago.

  8. We are hot and dry and water every day. Best wishes with the planting after the cold temps. We did not plant any veg, plants this year.

  9. We had thunderstorms most of the night last night. Lots of rain here so far this spring. The ground is actually mud under the grass. I wish I could send you some.
    Mandy has been mowing twice a week because it grows 5-6 inches every couple of days.

  10. Oh gosh. After a week where we have gotten up to 90, the storms are headed this way and tomorrow our high might be 60. We really needed the rain, our ground was like concrete. Just trying to water and keep my annuals alive.

  11. It is raining here this morning - thankfully. We need it so much! And it's only about 50 degrees and actually getting colder all day.

  12. Dust and cold is bad. We are colder but wetter too. My person didn't come to mow yesterday and we are getting really tall grass.

  13. I am only planting two tomatoes. It's just for Terry and I so I don't need the masses I used to plant.

  14. Cold and in need of rain... the spring from h*ll, I'd say. You poor soul! May you folks feel the warm rain and heat soon, Connie. It's 61*F here, at 10:30am, with a forecast of a high tomorrow in the 50s! I don't know if it's going to get down to the 30s at night or not. I think I'd rather not look at the forecast about that. Ugghhhh!! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. All the dust from Fall and Winter is loosened by the first Spring mowing. I remember being covered head to foot when I mowed, too. I’d welcome a full day (or two) drizzle.

  16. A little is more pleasing than nothing being planted.
    Hope you are able to get some flowers to brighten your day.

  17. Freeze warning tonight in Fargo. End of May. Geez! I hope that is the end of the cold weather...even though I actually like cold weather, it is time to plant!

  18. The weather is continuing to act up most everywhere it seems. It got hot and humid here yesterday after nearly two weeks of non-stop rain. Now tonight they say we will be in the low 40s which is crazy for us this close to June. I hope you get some rain there soon. I've done that dusty mowing in the past and it's no fun getting a mouthful of it!

  19. Looking like freezing nights for a couple of nights our way. Any plants that can be moved are indoors. Anything that is fragile outdoors is wrapped in heavy towels.

  20. We are having tons of rain after a short break from any precipitation. It's cold here, not as cold as you are having, but cold nonetheless. I just read a novel that was set in the Dust Bowl and your description seems very apt.

  21. Wishing you successful gardening, once the weather allows. We are experiencing heavy winds today, knocking many of our lovely spring flowers flat.

  22. I sure hope you get that much-needed rain soon. We keep having cloudy days with showers but in reality not much rain falls. It's just annoying.

  23. The pollen this year is just awful as is the lack of rain. Your temperatures are crazy low... may all your plants survive it!

  24. yes we have brought our flowering plants in for tonight and I think for tomorrow night too. Just too cold to take a chance on leaving them outside. The pollen is flying off the trees but at least we didn't get the dust like you did. Looks like a cold memorial day weekend this year. We will have company for about a day and a half of it. Hope far guy is feeling ok and you too after your waltz with the dust and pollen!

  25. Yuck, mowing in the dust and pollen doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun. We had two nights of near freezing temps but it warmed up today and no frost in the forecast so I put in most of my annuals. Hopefully I won't be kicking myself. The tomatoes and pepper plants won't be put out until June 1st.


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