Saturday, April 10, 2021

Rain day three

 The rain is wonderful!  Our soil and trees were thirsty! It is a gentle rain the ground soaks up almost immediately. 

We have a bright spot in our yard...a whirly gig in pink.   I love the things that move in the wind...I have learned that all the individual wires that attach to the spokes must be reinforced with glue...or the petals fly off...and  that upsets the whirly factor and me.

Yesterday we went for a drive up North to get Far Guy fitted for his new glasses ( trifocals).   It rained the whole way.  

Far Side 


  1. Good that FG got his new glasses not great that it rained the whole way there and back though. We had some nice rain and I even went hiking in it.
    Things will get green pretty darned quick won't it?

  2. Yay for rain! I just finished Season 2 of Anne with an E and am loving every minute!

  3. Very cute whirlygig! I usually have something spinning in a flower pot on our back deck. It helps keep the birds from dive bombing our deck. It does seem to discourage them from using our deck as a potty.

  4. We sure could use some rain here too.

  5. Soon you will have green grass to go with the pretty bright spot! Happy days to you!🌸

  6. One certainly can't have one's petals flying off. :-)

  7. We're in our 3rd day of rain too, Connie. I wish the sun was shining but I know the earth needs the moisture. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Nice, everything will green up soon. Love the spot of color!

  9. The days of gentle soaking rain are turning the grass green! We needed this. :)

  10. we are not getting a lot of rain but it is good we are getting some moisture. It will cause the grass to grow for sure. I am waiting to plant my tomatoes until after the 15th.

  11. We have had rain overnight and sunny days. I keep having to remind myself that I am in Ohio. This is not a normal April, but we'll take it!!!

  12. We are enjoying rain too. I love the whirligig. We have one we bought at a yard sale. I hope the new glasses will be just right for FG.

  13. Gentle rains are the best!! Enjoy the awakening of Spring!

  14. That green'll be popping in no time!

  15. You've solved the secret of the whirly gig! Now if only they would make them a bit stronger. We've had a lot of rain too and it is really bringing out the green. I hope FG likes his new glasses. If he has not worn trifocals before it can take some adjusting at first. I wear them only they call them progressives because there are no lines. It took me a bit to adjust but they do help!

  16. We get so sick of endless rain but I can see why you'd be happy to have 3 days of it and more. Maybe now the drought will end.

  17. Send some of your rain here. We're dry.

  18. Glad you're getting some good rains. We have had a little here but still need more. Love your pink pretty in the yard. Yea Spring!

  19. I like whirlygigs too and always had one at the lake. Love the color of yours.

  20. How wonderful that you are getting just the right amount of rain--and that the ground has a good chance to soak it up. Glad your rainy-weather trip was safely made, as well. I've actually heard that some people prefer driving in a gentle rain, because it is easier on the eyes without the glare of sunshine...something I would never have thought of!

  21. That is a bright spot of color! I love rain and glad you got your eyes checked. I need to make appointments, I guess, now that I am fully vaccinated.


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