Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter Weekend

 On Saturday we enjoyed Ice Cream with my parents...and I gave them each a hug.   They have completed their vaccinations and so have we.   Isolation has been hard for them...especially Mom who is a very social person. 

On Sunday we watched church online.  Far Guy and I cooked a nice meal...Roast beef...

On Easter Sunday I saw my first Robin and took a photo out the kitchen window.   Far Guy and I saw a Robin in our tree last Thursday...but before I could take a photo it took off...probably to she who sees robins first house. 

Here is the Robin record in our yard. 

April 19 2008, April 11 2009, April 5 2010, April 4 2011, March 23 2012, April 27 2013, April 9 2014, April 24 2015, April 21 2016, April 5 2017, April 29 2018, Late May 2019, March 31 2020 and now April 4 2021.

For us usually snowbound isolated people in Minnesota... the first Robin in our yard is a big thing! 

Far Side

“From the beginnings of history, people have searched for order and meaning in these events [phenological events], but only a few have discovered that keeping records enhances the pleasure of the search, and also the chance of finding order and meaning. These few are called phenologists.” – Aldo Leopold (1947)


  1. So glad you got to see your parents and give your Mom a hug. We have had Robins here for a couple of weeks now; but then I am further south than you are. Put out my bird feeders on Saturday.

  2. I didn't know there was a name for that...'phenologist'. I have observed 'Last Leaf Day' at my house since we moved there. Not scientific but more ceremonial, a large cottonwood behind our house would drop it's top most leaf between mid-October to early November. After it fell my dog and I would find it and keep it until Spring. Of course there would be no way of proving it was the actual 'Last Leaf' but somehow it felt important.

  3. Sounds like a nice Easter weekend. Ice cream, yum. I've not had some in a while. I was talking with Kevin the other day that we need to stock up on ice cream, watch for it to go on sale for 2.99 to have when the Grand's visit. Regular price is $6 to $7 at our little grocery store. Karen

  4. Hugs and a Robin are both fantastic news!

  5. Hooray for robins! How wonderful it must have felt to give and receive a hug from your mom.

    Take care, stay well.

  6. We saw two robins in our yard about two weeks ago! We didnt' get a photo, so I hope it counts. I can't wait for my second vaccination and two week waiting period. There are some people I need to hug too!

  7. Robins have been here for several weeks but I saw my first ones two days ago. I did not see any robins in the winter.

  8. Oh the normalcy of ice cream with parents! Such a simple joy. I'm so glad that portion of your lives is back to normal, Connie. It feels weird tho, I'll bet. ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Recording nature's events is so incredible and important. I've done that with many of the spring flowers.
    So GLAD you got to hug your mom.
    Got my vaccine appt finally.

  10. Seeing the first robin is an indication of Spring here, too. I haven’t seen one yet. Happy that you were able to give your parents a big hug!

  11. I haven't seen a robin yet, but know that others have. However, those pesky blackbirds are back and hogging my feeders. Between the blackbirds and the squirrels the feeder outside my office finally broke - most likely from the weight! So now I have a new one hanging there.

  12. I UNDERSTAND! I jump for joy the second I see a Robin, or Western Bluebirds, or any of the summer songbirds. YAY for YOU!

  13. I bet that {hug} felt extra special!! Funny to see your Aldo quote, when a few days ago starting a phenological journal came across my feed. I am looking into it :)

  14. How wonderful to get to hug your parents. Now that's an Easter gift! I always watch out for the first robin as well and it always gives me a smile. I didn't know what a phenologists was, now I do, thank you!

  15. Those first hugs are so special!! The vaccines are a blessing.
    Have a fantastic week! :)

  16. First hugs and first robins! It was a good weekend for you!

  17. As per your records, this is an Early Bird! Hurray for returning robins. When I was growing up my mom always made a pie to celebrate the first robin in our yard.

  18. Those Robins mean NOTHING here in Iowa. They Show up in FEBRUARY! ( Early birds! My goodness) They clean off all of the crabapples and hack berries left over from fall. Robins used to be a BIG deal when we lived in Michigan. They were "On Time" for Spring.. instead of FEBRUARY! Maybe Iowa is the Prime nesting area for them and they want to stake their territory claim before the flocks arrive. Happy to see you could visit family again... finally! It's sad to think your parents had to be shut in all that time. Here's to a brighter future!

  19. Hugs mean so much and vaccines are a blessing

  20. Yea you saw your first robin! I am waiting for our first Loon! I haven't seen a first robin yet either! I do like keeping track of those things, like you do! So nice that you enjoyed ice cream and hugs with your folks.

  21. I love seeing the robins! They've been going crazy for a few weeks now. I expect to see baby robins soon!

  22. I thought a phenologist was someone who could tell all kinds of things about a person by the shape of their skull. The jokes on me.

    I'm glad you could see your folks and actually give them big hugs. Things are getting better.

  23. Glad you were able to spend time with your parents! I get my 2nd shot in 10 days...and then there's the wait after. We have neighbors who have been vacinated since the end of February, who are eager for us to be fully vacinated so we can have dinner together, after more than a year apart. I'm looking forward to being a little more social too. Though I don't mind our own company much either.

  24. Well, that is a wonderful sight for sore eyes, the first robin. I never knew what phenology was before today. Thank you for this information, and Happy Spring!!

  25. I am eagerly awaiting the return of the hummers!

  26. Happy Spring! No robin sighting here yet.

  27. So glad you were able to get together with your parents--and give them hugs, finally! Yes, it will be good when we can all get together more with the people who mean the most to us.


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