Friday, April 30, 2021

Butter Butt and Bingo

 We have more Butter Butts (Yellow Rumped Warbler) all the time.  They are only here for a little while in the Spring then they move on...we must be a rest area.

Such a pretty little bird! 

Grocery pickup was okay...missing a few things, but I can work around them...they sent Skim Milk instead of 2 % ...Pretzel Buns are in short supply again along with Lime Outshine Bars.  Good thing I have some of each in the freezer.

I took my Dad to Bingo, we didn't win but we came real close to winning several times.  Dad was a little more unsteady on his feet...we take his walker along, and usually someone happens along to help me with the doors and the step he has to go down.   He was a little more confused than last week.  He is working up some ground in his old garden spot because he wants to plant some potatoes... he gets around pretty good for someone 94 years old.

Tomorrow is May Day...are you ready with May Baskets? 

Far Side


  1. I am not ready with the baskets, but I am ready to celebrate May Day. When I was a wee one, I recall doing the May pole dance? I had a ribbon and we went around and around. All I recall is that I was so excited to do it. I think I must have been a 1st grader.
    You are so great to take your dad out to Bingo.

  2. That is a very pretty little bird. don't think I have ever seen one around here. Have a good weekend.

  3. May Day again already! I look forward to seeing yours but don't have any myself.

  4. May baskets were such a fun little tradition! I vaguely remember making them with cupcake liners and pipe cleaners, and once with a woven paper heart. I'm glad your dad still enjoys going to bingo and planting tomatoes.

  5. That is one gorgeous little bird! Your dad amazes me, he does very well for his age.

  6. The warblers are definitely a pretty bird!

    Hope your dad was just having a less than great day. Good on him for continuing to work in the garden.

  7. I would love to look out my kitchen window and see a warbler! Your dad is amazing!❤️

  8. I wish we had a bird to watch for in the spring named Butter Butt! So happy that you and dad can enjoy bingo again.

  9. Funny thing, but this year only 1 or 2 yellow butts showed up at the suet feeders. I was very disappointed. In recent winters there have been quite a few of them and I missed seeing them. Oh well. In elementary school (in the 50s) we had a May 1 festival, maypole and activities on the playground. Haven't seen a May basket since then.

  10. Such pretty birds. Haven't seen any here.
    Glad you got out for bingo with your dad. Sounds like he still does get around pretty well. :)

  11. Is your Dad a regular doctor-goer, Connie? I ask because many levels in the blood can cause confusion if they're "off". Does your Dad take a good multivitamin everyday? That's so important. Anyway, I'm glad you two can still go to bingo. I'm sure getting out and having to concentrate on the numbers is good for him. 94yo and still planting potatoes... it doesn't get more wonderful than that!! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Hi Andrea, Yes he sees his Dr about every six week and has weekly visits from his Nurse. He takes his vitamins and what he calls "memory pills" :)

  12. Happy to hear the vaccine has allowed you to once more accompany your Dad to bingo. I bet he looks forward to the outing.

  13. Your Dad and your Mom are both amazing! It is wonderful that he can still enjoy his garden and bingo. I can hardly believe that tomorrow is May 1st. Every month goes faster than the one before. I'm looking forward to seeing your May Baskets!

  14. Hmm.. 'Butter Butt', I had to look that one up on Google. Sure enough that's another name for those little guys.

  15. The butter butts are all gone from our feeders and apparently have made it Up North for nesting time. You got a good shot of one. It’s wonderful your dad can still enjoy bingo night with his daughter. He and my mom are the same age.

  16. The butter butt is a new one for me. He’s pretty.

  17. We had some of those birds around too.

  18. We have Townsends Warblers here, also very pretty.
    I am counting on you to give us our visual share of May baskets. It's no longer a thing here but all of us old teachers remember them fondly.

  19. I had never heard of Butter Butts until I read about them on your blog. They are pretty little birds.
    I have notice at the store lately that there are a lot empty shelves. I wonder whats going on?
    Take care.

  20. such a cool bird! They look just as awesome from the front.

  21. I'm sure the recipients of your May baskets will be happy to receive them. It's a delightful old tradition.

  22. That is such a pretty bird. I don't think I've ever seen one like that! Glad you and your dad got to go to Bingo even if you didn't win this week. Wow you have great longevity in your family! I used to love giving and getting May Baskets. Such a wonderful tradition. I'm so glad you keep doing it!

  23. Those birds are beautiful. I am glad you and your dad can get out together, My sisters granddaughter is getting married today, May Day.

  24. Great pic! I have never seen a butter butt (such a great nickname). Your dad is fortunate. My mom has good and bad days too.

  25. Those are very pretty little birds. We don't have them here. I'm so glad you get this special time with your Dad.

  26. It is tough getting old. I know. I am glad he wants to plant potatoes.


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