Sunday, March 21, 2021

Windy Day

 The wind howled through the trees most of the day, there were even some leaves in the air from the Oaks that retain their leaves all winter.  I have a bunch of sticks to pick up. 

The lawn has a hint of green.   My other baby brother and she who sees robins first stopped by to visit out on the patio.

Far Guy had some projects out in the woodshop/greenhouse.  He is working on an old wooden toolbox that his Dad built years will become a toolbox for his new old car.  We found a Restoration Shop that will take the car in the Fall and fix some rust spots and paint it....they will keep it a number of months. 

It took me nearly all day to clean the bathroom, do a couple of loads of laundry and cook supper...I am still tired....or maybe just old.

Far Guy just talked to Grand Miss Paige she was quite sick after her first vaccination, she is feeling better now but says she felt like she was hit by a truck.  Grand Noah had his first vaccination and has no side effects. 

Far Side


  1. It's nice not to see snow out there. I hope you'll be feeling back to yourself soon!

  2. Sorry to hear that Miss Paige felt sick after her shot! I'm still awaiting eligibility I'm stuck in a category that doesn't fit the parameters yet.
    We have so many plants poking up out of the ground!
    Windy here too.
    Maybe no more snow for you?

  3. Good Golly Miss Molly, we’re about to be blown into the sea with the winds the last three days, too! Enough already. Now that your bathroom is sparkling and the laundry caught up, you have earned the privilege of sitting and watching that green grass grow. Happy Sunday!

  4. The wooden toolbox sounds like a special project! Pictures please *^* Speaking of, hope your camera is on it's way back to you - or better yet already arrived.

  5. The toolbox project sounds great. What a treasure. Sorry Paige has felt so bad. It was very windy here the last two days also. Hope you regain your strength soon.

  6. Good to hear the grandchildren are beginning to get their vaccinations. I enjoy hearing about the progress Far Guy is making on his New Old Car. So far it looks like your snow is over. A little bit early to say it too loud. We have had snow in the last part of March in some years and we are quite a bit further south of your area. We are getting an occasional 60 degree day which is above normal.

  7. Spring is a time for some very strong winds.

  8. I wonder if Paige had the virus and didn't know it. They're saying here that if you feel bad after the first shot it's usually because you've had the virus already and the antibodies are working. Then, usually the second shot isn't bad at all. I hope that's the case for her.
    I'm sorry you're still tired. Maybe enjoy the day of rest today and do some crocheting with your feet up.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the new/old car all spruced up, although I thought it looked pretty good now. The toolbox sounds like the perfect accessory for it.

  9. Green can be seen in patches all around in our yard too. Yay, spring is here. Karen

  10. I am exhausted most of the time & have been so for years. I've always blamed it on my blood pressure pills as that's the complaint of most folks who take them. I wish I had the energy I used to have! I hope the wind dies down soon for you all. We had it a couple days ago & I feared for the trees. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. Lots of wind here today too, gusts to 70kpm (43mph). The only good thing I can say about it is it dries out puddles from melting snow and ice.

    I'm sorry your granddaughter had such a bad reaction to the vaccine. Hope she's feeling much better soon.

    Enjoy your day, take care, stay well!

  12. I love that Far Guy is fixing up a tool box that his Dad built. The personal connection will make it perfect for the new/old car.

    Sorry to hear that Paige had bad side effects from the shot. I read somewhere that women often have worse side effects from the vaccine than men. I don't know if that is medically accurate or not, but from what I hear from others it seems to be true. I hope you are feeling better.

  13. Your first hints of green are exciting for you. We are green here all winter, of course, but now that spring is here, it has been cold and wet. :-(
    Our daughter, who is 47, was hit hard by vaccination side effects. Tom and I just had mild symptoms.

  14. Yes it was a windy day ~ we had a constant howl over here through the trees. I am happy you found a place for the old car to get some extra TLC! We are looking forward to warmer weather and seeing you two out cruising!

  15. You're not old. I think this because if you're old I'm ancient. I'm not ready for that category just yet. I do hope you feel better soon and have more energy. Good thing there's not as much to do now as in a month or two.

  16. The toolbox sounds nice. I have several from my Dad who was a carpenter. That is also very cool about the restoration car place.
    As for the "old"...I thought it was that too but it was the shot! It takes awhile though as it lasted more than a day. Poor Miss Paige..she's so young..I was surprised to hear that she had such a reaction. But like you said...any of it is better than Covid! was windy here too. I always think it is mother nature doing her Spring cleaniing.

  17. I'm glad you're over the worst of it, but sorry to hear Paige was so sick from the shot. My hubby got his second shot and has only felt good afterwards, other than a sore arm. I get mine on Tuesday and can't wait! :-)

  18. The wind howled here all day yesterday and we have lots of twigs to pick up again. Had my first shot on Friday afternoon and must say I had very little side effects. The arm was only slightly sore yesterday and not at all today. I had a very mild headache in the afternoon for just a little while. So I am feeling relieved and hope the second one goes as well in April.

  19. Sorry to hear Paige was sick after her jab, but good onher for getting it.

  20. Windy Weekend here in Iowa as well. Hard to believe there was snow at the beginning of the week here. Now it is pushing 60 degrees! But the wind makes outside seem less fun, somehow. At least there is no mud to speak of. Happy to hear the Vaccine is survivable... Best if NO side effects had to be experienced. But any side effect that is not death or "disfigurement" seems a small price to pay.

  21. You're such a hard worker, even when you're not feeling your best. Hope things improve by the day. Very windy here too and many oak leaves flying thru the air. Moderate fire danger for the forest we live in. Somebody said it's supposed to be a pretty dry spring....hope not. Take care you two.

  22. Yep the wind was strong. Made a lot of noise blowing against the hose. I am anxious for more green but we still are too cold to get out there.

  23. Glad Paige is doing better, and Noah is fine after his vaccination. I know how Paige felt... Been dealing with issues from the vaccination myself. That plus damaging my hand by shutting it in a car door (which made typing tricky) are why I'm so late commenting on this. Trying to catch up on things, but can still only do a little at a time because I'm still not better from the jab.


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