Sunday, March 7, 2021

That yarn

 That yarn that showed up the other day is working up quite nicely.   I work on it in late afternoons and evenings.  

I had a few glitches with the repeating mosaic pattern but those seem to be behind me.  Knock on wood! 

It will eventually be a cover for the front seat of Far Guy's new/old car.   The browns and cream match his interior, the green is a nod to his previous Desoto color and the turquoise just because we though it needed a pop of color.   It is a work in progress.   There is no set pattern to the repeat of the colors...I know kind of crazy for me:)

The yarn is Scheepjes Sport Weight Yarn a blend of Cotton and Acrylic.

Far Guy worked on his new /old car.  Our weather is nice enough to be out in the garage and not freeze to death.  Something about a heat riser that is either stuck open or closed.  We took out the back seat and put a new seat cover on the bottom part of the seat.

   I began spring cleaning the bathroom...I took all the drawer liners out of the drawers and washed them... the rest of the room is deep cleaned...just the linen closet and drawers left to do...and I should wash the shower curtain.  It will take me a few days to complete that room...I may have missed that room last Spring Cleaning. 

By afternoon I was tired so I went to my office (the couch) and watched The Dig on Netflix...I give it a 7 out of 10 stars is based on a true story that takes place in 1939. 

Far Side


  1. I've been cleaning here also. But get sidetracked by picking up sticks in the yard and taking them to the burn pile and then something else catches my eye.
    Love those colors of your yarn project.

  2. I watched The Dig a while back. I liked it. I would like to know more about the people it was about but I don't know if I am curious enough to go looking on the computer. Right now I am eagerly looking for returning birds and sprouts of flowers.

  3. Those are very pretty colours together.
    I detest spring cleaning but I love the results. I haven't started yet.

  4. What a neat idea for the car seat cover.
    Don't know if that'll make it more or less of a chick magnet though.

  5. I love the seat cover you are working on, it will be beautiful!

  6. I love those colors and the design. I can see how it would look great in the new old car. Thanks for your rating on The Dig as I have been wondering if it was good. You are moving great with your Spring cleaning!

  7. *haha* I laughed out loud about your description of "your office". :-D Indeed! I think we all have one of those. I wonder if we can describe it as such in a real estate listing? ~Andrea xoxo

  8. That's going to make pretty seat covers--fancy!
    You are going to be done with spring cleaning soon sounds like. Goodness! We do have the perfect weather for motivation lately, that's for sure.
    I have The Dig in my queue but hadn't gotten to it yet. So many things to watch. :)

  9. I enjoyed The Dig, too. Your yarn configuration sure looks good to me! It will be perfect for the new/old car. :-)

  10. You're very determined to get that Spring cleaning done! Good for you. I wish I would feel so inclined. So far I've done a good job of convincing myself that it probably isn't necessary.

  11. Those colors work well together. The green I can remember on the cars back then. I wonder how many different colors that they had. I remember the pink on for sure.

  12. That pattern is lovely and makes my head hurt to think how it is achieved. :)

    Your energy level is also amazing to me. I'm not even thinking about spring cleaning just yet. Take care, stay well!

  13. Those colors are really nice together.

  14. I still really like the colors of that yarn and especially like the pattern you're making. It should look great in the car!

  15. Your stitching is just beautiful! I love to see your projects. I did try to organize my "junk room" today. Spring cleaning will need to wait around here.

  16. Is there anything you can't do? I am amazed at your many talents. I had to work at learning to make aprons and bonnets because I was determined to know how to do something! :) I've got to start spring cleaning. The dirty windows drive me crazy so I think I'll start there.

  17. I just bought a shawl pattern that is going to be my first attempt at mosaic knitting. That style of knitting seems to be the latest trend now that we no loner need to be knitting Alaska hats for everyone. I spring cleaned the upstairs bathroom yesterday. After washing the walls I'm thinking it's going to need a painting. I got sick of all the cedar walls a few years ago and laid on a white stain. I'm thinking a good semi gloss white paint.

  18. Gorgeous crochet and it will be so perfect in the new/old car. Mandy says our new house looks like they had a professional cleaner in so I won't have to do much when we get there. She said the cabinets have even all been washed out. They left soap and tissues by each sink and waste paper baskets and new toilet cleaners too. I can't believe how generous they were to us when we had already had such a great price on the house. We know they could have sold it for much, much more than we paid.
    Now that it's almost here, I'm eager to go, especially with Mom sick.
    Take care Connie. My first injection is tomorrow. Think of me! :-)

  19. What a pleasing blend of colors. I think the turquoise is the perfect addition.

  20. Sounds like a very productive day. Glad the yarn is working well for the project... I bet Far Guy will love having those covers on his seats once they're done.

  21. So nice to be outside! Here too. I have been burning but there is too much so I will take it to the ditch and call the city to pick it all up when I'm done. You are motivating me to get cleaning inside before I get too involved outside.
    Those yarn colors are great and it will look fabulous in the new/old car!

  22. I have never seen a crochet car seat cover, bet it will look amazing! I am suppose to clean in the Spring?? Guess I better get started, too hard to be inside when it is nice out.

  23. We enjoyed The Dig. I think it was our Valentines date movie.


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