Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Snow in the air

 The horrid wind kept blowing to nowhere all day yesterday.  Twigs came out of the trees like daggers landing on the ground. 

I walked to the mail box for more squishy mail and the mail box was empty.  I waited on Far Guy's bench for a bit, finally got cold and walked back home.  There were snowflakes going sideways.  The sun was shining and it was still snowing.

Later in the day I drove to the mailbox.  I can resume work on the new/old car seat cover now. 

I finished watching Anne with a E  I give it a 9 out of 10 stars.  When Jen was here we watched Movie 43, I thought some parts were very funny and other parts a bit cruel. I give it a 7 out of 10....who knew that balls on a neck could be so funny.

Since I am now two weeks past my second vaccination I made Dental appointments and Eye appointments for both of us.  It has been 13 months since our last teeth cleaning and I am about two years overdue to see the eye doctor.  A haircut is on my list of things to do soon and a trip to Menards.

I had a long nap in the afternoon, smoked pork chops and salad was supper. 

Goodbye March...I think it is going out like a lion.  It was 23 F yesterday morning...that is 56 degrees cooler than the day before.

Far Side


  1. There are just some things a person can't do online. I am also ready for April.

  2. I'm just glad the March lion isn't 20 inches of new snow this year. And it was sure good to get up this morning and NOT hear the wind howling.

  3. Ugh, enough with the cold weather there!

  4. Yes, March was backward here, too. In like a lamb and out like a lion.

  5. March is the most fickle month. Bipolar even.
    Yay for getting out and doing things again!

  6. I, too, am 2nd week out after my 2nd shot and am now scheduling missed tests and screenings. Blood draw today, teeth cleaned next Monday, wellness check with family Dr. next Thur and eye doctor a week after that. Double masked and social distancing at all times. Hope your fatigue goes away soon. Take care...

  7. We had 17C on Sunday, it was -17C this morning when I woke up. I'll be glad to see the end of March!

    I'm looking forward to a hair cut as well. It hasn't been this long in 25 years! Take care, stay well.

  8. I cut my pony tail shorter, does that count as a hair cut? LOL! Snow here too this morning, but just like dust. Cold and chilly and breeeeeezy! But I'm good with April coming. I saw cherry trees starting to bud in the woods.
    I watch a few really fine programs on Acorn TV. The most thought provoking one I've seen recently was The Circuit. Just wow.

    Have a fine day.

  9. Don't forget to still wear a mask while out and about, Connie. The masks are still being recommended even though you yourself are vaccinated. The vaccinations are not 100% effective and you can still transmit the virus, without coming down with it yourself. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. March is leaving us like a Lion three days we are supposed to be in the 70s YAY

  11. I think you got the wind we had on Sunday evening and night. 70 mph gusts and a bit frightening in an RV but we barely rocked. Dennis has it set pretty well.
    I'm all better and back to normal today after a so/so day yesterday. Even my arm is fine! It was so cold here yesterday and this morning, but a warm-up is supposed to begin now. I sure hope so!

  12. Glad to hear your yarn order arrived, so you can continue working on the project. A warming trend is starting today with temperatures in the 60s by Saturday. It will be good to sit in the sunshine this weekend.

  13. From 70s to 30s--yup. Spring is tempermental.
    Dentist in my future, too...and then eye doctor.

  14. I'm happy you finally received your squishy mail! Our weather has been crazy and all over the place too. We have had such strong wind that it's impossible to get any work done outside. I need to start working on our lawn again - maybe soon. Enjoy that new yarn!

  15. We have another week to wait after our shots but then the list of things we have to do is a mile long, beginning with more physical therapy. I wonder — someday will we miss these days of endlessly staying home?!?

  16. I hear that they are forecasting snow for tomorrow here in Northern Ohio. Last week we had two days that reached 70 degrees! I can't wait to have a professional try to fix my hair trimmings over the past year. I think I am aiming for the first part of May. I have a little issue with my bangs that may require some growth before it can be fixed LOL

  17. I hope that's the last of your crazy spring weather. We have very pleasant seven day forecast.

  18. I have been catching up on your posts and just have to say that Far Guys sunflower carving made my day! I must admit that I was having a rather difficult one but his flower was so pretty I couldn't help but smile.💖

  19. Online is great most of the time but not always

  20. Yes, I think for you March is going out like a lion. Crazy weather.
    Good news that you can get haircuts, dental appts. etc. at last. Maybe life can go back to normal again. Here we're now back to 3 weeks of restrictions that had been eased but idiots took advantage and now everyone suffers.

  21. We are in like a lamb, out like a lamb, but plenty of cold rain in between.
    Happy crocheting!

  22. Hi Connie....yep....we're having that weird weather too. And lots of wind. I'm starting to get weird twinges of pain in my back. that scares could mean more serious back surgery. Can't seem to win lately. But will keep smiling and pressing onward! Hope you have a great Easter!

  23. Our March came in and went out in a very mild way. But today it's cloudy and windy, nothing much really, but it's now a new month! Wish I had a joke for today, but I'm coming up blank.

  24. Good riddance to windy March. It was too much cold and wind for me. I see I have a flower garden with peonies that I have to rake and clear. I will wait for warm weather. Our pbs carried Anne of Greengables for years, every year. I had it memorized but I don't think we have seen Anne with a E.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie