Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Challenge

 What is the very worst spot to Spring Clean or Fall Clean or anytime clean?  

I will let you think about that a bit.  I got that worst job behind me and began to clean out kitchen drawers...I have 17 of them...5 are now done...progress is slow but sure. 

After a few very nice days ...yesterday was cloudy...and it started spitting snow in the afternoon. 

Far Guy had an appointment that HAD to be done in person at the nearest VA Clinic...a six minute walk so they could evaluate whether or not he still needs oxygen.  No surprise there.  We got to see Miss Paige for just a few minutes...we ordered out supper from the establishment she works at and she delivered our order to the car.   It was good to see her!  She is getting her first vaccination next week...she still works part time in a Nursing Home.  The next time we see her we might be able to give her a hug!

My cleaning challenge is the Oven...I clean the stove top on a regular basis...but that oven only gets my attention once a year.   I got every brown speck cleaned off the oven racks and then proceeded to stand on my head and scrub up the inside of the oven...I know you have a automatic cleaning too but the last time I turned it on to locked and it cost $200 to have the guy come out and unlock no more automatic clean for me.  It look me the better part of a morning to get it almost as good as new.  I have a feeling it might be on it's last legs...and I have probably jinxed it by cleaning it! 

No spring cleaning is grocery adventure day...which may be a winter adventure in new slushy snow. 

Far Side


  1. I am happy you got to visit with Paige even if just a short visit while ordering food. I have to agree about cleaning a stove. I recently sold our home and by far, the oven was the most difficult thing I cleaned and I did it the old fashioned way too! If you click on my name here it will take you to my blog which will be sporadic while we get moved,

  2. Hope your grocery adventure goes well. Glad you got to see Paige.

  3. I don't like oven cleaning, window washing, or sorting. But the worst? Hmmm, re-organizing the little basement and sorting down there.

  4. Oh my goodness, yes... that da*n stove cleaning. The absolute worst job in the kitchen... or anywhere else, for that matter. I don't use any sort of self-cleaning feature on my stove either (my current one doesn't have it). Worthless, if you ask me. "Standing on your head" to clean the inside of the stove though is a perfect way to describe it!! I'm glad your stove is done for another year. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. Ugh, I actually don't have a self cleaning oven. Years ago when our last oven died, I had my husband go get one by himself. Big mistake!

  6. The last time I used a self-cleaning oven, it got so hot, it scared me that it could burn the house down. However that was 25 years ago and I am sure ovens are safer now? Does your oven have a door that can be removed? The door on ours will pull straight up off the supports so you can reach directly inside of it - - still a hard chore.
    The oven is for sure a hard thing to clean - - as is getting behind toilets in a tight bathroom. Even if the bathroom is a bit spacious, it seems the toilet is always close to at least one wall and often both.
    I think the worst thing to clean in our area is outside during and after all the pine pollen. It is such horrible thick yellow stuff - - and if the humidity gets it - - then you have gunk rather than powder. It's horrid.

  7. What cleaning products do you use for cleaning your oven to get the brown spots off the rack? My oven is not self clean. We didn't get the snow folks were taking about we were supposed to get her yesterday. Karen

  8. My list of "worst" things to clean would be long. I hate cleaning! And those appliances - I firmly believe they share sympathy pains and die in pairs. We had to replace our washer and dryer, plus the oven, fridge and dishwasher all at the same time 2 years ago. My husband almost had a heart attack over the cost.

  9. I agree about ovens! Not just awkward but the cleaner is awful. I also dislike cleaning the top of cupboards. I wish my cabinets went all the way to the ceiling.

  10. I agree, cleaning the oven is a pain in just about every region of one's body. I've never tried it standing on my head though. :)

    Very nice that you got to see your granddaughter. Hopefully it won't be much longer before visiting with family and friends in person will be back to some sense of normalcy. Our province is now allowing up to 10 people in a private home. It's a little worrisome as we're seeing more cases of the variants and our immunization isn't going as quickly as other places but I guess we'll see.
    Good luck with your groceries today! Take care, stay well.

  11. My daughter's stove turned on the automatic clean cycle all by itself last year. She had just heated food and shut the oven off and walked by - the stove was so hot it was radiating! Repair would be replacement of every single wire, so it was cheaper, but not easier to get a new stove. This happened, of course, last April when appliances had vanished from the stores. She and her dad masked and gloved up and went to a neighboring city with big box hardware stores. She found a kind clerk that went the extra step to locate a stove that was actually in a nearby warehouse and could be shipped, not just one listed in inventory somewhere in the continental United States. It took a week to get to the store and her brothers retrieved it since home delivery was another 3-4 weeks out.

  12. Ugh! I remember cleaning the oven when we sold the house. Luckily it wasn't too bad because I had spring cleaned it just a few months ago and we had been at the lake most of the time. I still don't enjoy leaning all the way into them. It's not fun for my back issues. The new house has double wall ovens. Two to clean! Oh joy!

  13. How nice that you got to see Paige! I admire your energy in attacking the Spring cleaning. The worst things for me to clean are the oven and the outside of the toliet because they both get your body so twisted in trying to reach everything! I hope everything goes well for you while you are out today. Maybe you can enjoy a nap once you get in and take care of the groceries.

  14. Ya, cleaning ovens is pain. Yes, I've had to help when somebody is completely bent out of shape.

  15. I don’t have a self-cleaning oven. I have a clean-it-yourself oven and you have reminded me I need to do it soon. I never spill anything in there and yet it gets dirty. Not fair! Too nice of weather to even think about that today though.

  16. I don't know if our oven has a self cleaning feature or not, but I wouldn't use it if it did, despite how much fun it isn't to clean it manually. Although, thankfully in my case I'm not the one who has to do that job. My answer would be the same even if I did though.

    Glad you got to see Paige briefly. Hope the grocery adventure wasn't too much of an adventure,and the snow didn't make conditions seriously bad out there.

  17. All cleaning is now a challenge for me but the always been a challenge cleaning chore would be behind stuff, longe, toilet you stuff

  18. Yes, the worst job!
    Glad you got to see Paige, though.
    We got several inches of snow last night but it is already melted down to pudles and snowbanks today.

  19. Glad to hear you got to see Paige! And I've figured out a way to stop cleaning my oven: don't use it! :-)

  20. oven needs cleaning too! It has a cleaning cycle but it is over 4 0 years old I think so I wouldn't trust it! I'm going to see if the door come off like your friend recommended....that would be a big help! So glad you got to see Paige!

  21. My oven is an embarrassment right now, but I am waiting until I can have the doors and windows open, because I will be using the self cleaning feature and I expect lots of smoke. :-)

  22. Hope your grocery adventure turned out good today. So Far Guy is huffin' and puffin' down the hall for people huh? What a Trooper! And look at you, going crazy with cleaning everything in sight. Good for you! I dislike cleaning ovens...ugh. Just made a reservation for next Wed. to go out for corned beef and cabbage at a new restaurant just up the road. Jim is part Irish and I pretend!!!

  23. I try not to use the self-clean feature too often because it uses so much power
    ( 4 hours!) but I've never heard of a stove locking itself. I once had an oven go onto self-clean when we were in church. Came home to a cremated ham and a destroyed Pyrex casserole.

  24. Oh, that awful job of cleaning the oven! Something I really dislike doing LOL


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