Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Snowfolks and other stuff

 What says winter like snowfolks.

I left the red lights on the wreath...I may turn them on a time or two. 

We are supposed to get an Arctic Blast soon.  Fun...not so much.  I suppose we are overdue as our weather has been mild.  

My Mom is signed up to get her first vaccination on Friday...she is 91...Dad (94) got his at the VA and gets his second shot on Friday. 

There were some vaccines available in the area however we live in the wrong county...even though we go to that clinic and hospital....picky ..picky...picky.  The hospital in our county is only doing health care workers and nursing homes right now. 

I am crocheting wasp nests....I have two done.  They worked real good for us last summer. Each one I crochet is a bit different...and I have no pattern....perhaps I should write one! 

My paper projects... I grabbed all the loose recipes that I had printed off and shoved behind the recipe boxes...ditched the ones we didn't like and copied some to recipe cards...a few we have not tried yet so they were folded and put in the recipe box....I cringed when I did that...but I was still able to shut the box!

Made Tater Tot Hotdish for supper minus the tater tots.   I layered frozen hash browns, frozen mixed vegetables, browned hamburger and added diluted cream of chicken soup...bake for awhile ( about an hour) covered and then uncovered and  top with cheese.  I made enough so we have some freezer meals. 

Far Side


  1. I have my own recipe tin, as well as my mother's few, and mine can hardly close too. You said it perfectly... all those little folded pieces of paper. I've often thought to myself that I should specifically make one of those saved recipes every single week, without fail. What a nice variety we would have, in our meals, if I did. Hurray for vaccine shots! I'm glad your parents are getting theirs but I wish you could too. Our county has the Moderna vaccine but we're not up to bat yet. I think they're on 70+ right now. I've heard that research says even one shot helps to keep the severity at bay, if you get the virus. So getting that first one under our belt will be a big plus. We have a frigid snap coming too. Uggghhhhhh!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. You sound like us around here with being able to get the vaccine. They say anyone 65 snd older but i still can't find any place to get the shot. My County says soon - we'll see. TaterTot Hot Dish sounds good.

  3. It's good to stay on top of paper projects. I hadn't done that in quite a while and spent hours yesterday sorting, organizing, shredding and filing all kinds of paper work. I let it go way too long!

  4. Every morning I go look to see if I can sign up yet for a vaccination. No luck so far. Glad to hear your parents are getting theirs! :-)

  5. I still like the idea of crocheted wasp nests. We have a tree that they build in every year. Might try that. I figure any big old grey bulbous shape will do. Good luck with the cold front. We have sunshine down here in AL again, 2 days in a row!!! Whooohooo!

  6. I like the sounds of the recipe. I am looking for recipes like that now that I am only feeding myself. It would be a good one when my granddaughter eats with me. She is gluten intolerant.

  7. I keep wondering when we are going to get cold weather here. Temps hover around freezing, but not much below. We usually have -20 Celcius by now, but not this winter.... so far.
    I swear the grass is growing.

  8. Your casserole variation sounds yummy and a great dish for a cold day. The whole vaccination thing is so crazy. My best friend is 74 and has a fragile immune system due to spleen removal. She has been unable to get an appointment here, but leaves for Florida on Monday for 2 months. And had no trouble getting an appointment there.

  9. I have tons of recipes that I have saved over the years, and now I am bookmarking recipes on the Internet! I really do need to use those recipes to cook something something different now and then.
    Have a blessed day!

  10. Great news about your parents vaccination. That means they'll be protected and, most likely, people around to help them, too. Nothing around here yet. I'm hopeful about the rollout to drugstores, where other vaccines have been done for years and years, they're qualified, local, and they have parking!

  11. Slow progress on vaccinations here, too. The hospital is offering appointments to those over 75.

  12. I did the tater tot casserole with chicken broccoli cheese tater tots and cream of chicken soup. Made two extra for my nephew and his family baby coming soon.

  13. Hey those freezer meals? What would we do without them?

  14. I know that you know how to stay safe as you wait for your vaccine. It will come, just maybe not as fast as we were led to believe.

  15. The snow people on your wreath are cute, especially the snow couple. We are supposed to have a big cold wave and more snow moving in this weekend, I wonder if it's the same system. I'm glad to hear your parents are getting their shots. I hope you get yours soon. They were supposed to start doing our age group here a couple of weeks ago but there hasn't been much vaccine available. It's just crazy that we are almost to the one year mark with this pandemic.

  16. Glad the crochet and recipe sorting projects are coming along nicely. Yes, you should write that pattern down. I'm sure plenty of people would want it.

  17. That is a job I need to do! I have a box full of recipes that I have saved over the years. Another one for The Big List! We are in Stage 2 of the vaccines....teachers and 70+. I got my first on 1/27 and go back and get my 2nd on 2/24. I'm not sure what stage 3 is...65+ maybe? Are the stages the same for all the states? The tator tot hotdish sounds good. I wrote down your other recipes...Moon over My Hammie and the Chicken that makes it's own gravy. I got the ingredients Sunday. Yes, it must be the Arctic blast because we are supposed to be below zero next week!

  18. I now want to find and sort out my recipes

  19. We have another gorgeous day of sunshine and 40+ degrees. I'll take it because we're told it will change by the weekend. I wanted to wash our comforter from the bed but my little RV washer won't handle it. I walked to the laundromat and used it for the first time. It was nice and clean-a pleasant surprise. A bonus, I was the only one there. It is now in the dryer. I walk back and forth in my flip-flops and a light sweater. Unbelievable for February! We're having a chicken/cheddar/broccoli soup I had frozen and some biscuits for dinner. Your hotdish sounds delicious.

  20. Tater Tot Hot Dish with frozen hash browns instead of tater tots and minus the hamburger sounds a lot like something I make. Covered with lots of cheese it's delicious.

  21. Happy to hear that mom and dad got their shots! I know we can't wait (however I think our turn will be early summer). I think I would like the tater tot casserole better with hashbrowns. I don't know why I never thought of that!

  22. The vaccination situation is hurry up and wait...and then wait. Our county and the local clinics had to shut down registrations because they were overwhelmed. I think that was for 65 and older of which I am shy by 3 months.
    I am glad your folks got their first ones.
    I'm learning to try and be very patient.
    That hotdish sounds great.
    Oh. Cold is coming here too!

  23. Glad your dad and mom got their shots. Now, what about you? Hope there is a way provided for you, too.

  24. Your Hashbrowns hot dish sounds delish....I haven't made one of those in a long time! Love your snow people too. We're due to get big snow tomorrow, followed by very cold weather for a week. Ugh. Hope the power stays on and the pipes don't freeze! Take care!


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