Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 Far Guy got his second Moderna Vaccination and I got my first one.   I have a bit of a stiff arm and so does Far big reactions so far.   We are thankful to finally begin the process together.  In about six weeks we should both be "somewhat protected." 

I have not been in a building with lots of other people for a long time...I was a bit uneasy and felt a little claustrophobic....but happy to finally be doing something to fight this terrible pandemic. 

We had clear skies for the trip.  It was -35 F at our home in the morning.  Relief from the severe cold weather always seems a few days away. 

We went through a drive through for lunch (a big date) and came home and had a nap. 

My baby brother in Oregon finally has electricity.  Apparently one of the cell phone towers  that serves the area was destroyed in the ice storm so cell phone communication is spotty at best. 

Far Side


  1. I am so happy you got your first shot and Far Guy got his second. Two more "protected" people. Praying this deep freeze ends soon as I am growing extremely weary of it.

  2. Glad you are on your way to being protected from Covid. I get my second shot tomorrow.

  3. Eeek gads on the temp! It got warm here. Also thank goodness on the shots! Whoot! I know I am looking forward to eventually getting my series. I hope by sometime this summer I can return to a limited gym work out. I know, sadly that is all of my big excitment.
    Warmer here today already. Zero!
    As for feeling uneasy, I feel that too now every time I go to the store.

  4. I'm glad you folks got your vaccines. They say even one shot provides a lot of protections, if not against getting the virus then at least not dying from it or landing in the hospital. Those drive-thru dates are priceless, aren't they? :) I'm glad your brother has power now. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I am so glad you got the vaccine and that soon you will both be, like you said, at least somewhat protected. Glad to hear your brother has electricity again too.

  6. Congrats on getting your first shot. I get mine on Tuesday of next week, hopefully! It looks beautiful in that picture, but that is so cold!!!

  7. Yay! I'm sure you are feeling a bit relieved to finally be able to get your vaccination too.

  8. I'm so glad you guys are getting the vaccines!

  9. I am so happy to hear that you both received your vaccinations! Yay that Far Guy is completed and that you are started. Wonderful news!

    I love that sky in your picture! I know we all still have the extreme cold but that beautiful blue is a gift despite it.

  10. Congratulations on your shots! Everyone I know over 65 is having a hard time finding them or even getting on a list here in Northern Ohio. Our local hospital stopped taking names at 1500. They are only getting 100 doses a week.

    I am wondering what it will be like to go into buildings with other people. Strange. You did have lovely weather for the outing.

  11. Excellent news for you and FG! I’m scheduled to receive the first dose tomorrow.

  12. Good news: covid shots, power for your brother, and blue skies and open roads!

  13. Great news on the injections and I'm really glad Far Guy hasn't had a big reaction to the second shot. My best friend got her second shot Monday and is still running a fever of 100.8 this morning. However, it is apparently not a bad thing to have a reaction as it means your immune system is fighting which is good.
    I think I'll feel the same being around people after all this time. Glad you're home safely in the crazy cold weather.

  14. Good news on many fronts, the vaccinations are happening and your brother has power.
    We're up to -17C (1F) so hopefully it reaches you in the next day or so.

    Take care, stay well!

  15. So glad you guys are going to be vaccine protected! I am going for my first shot on Friday. We still have to wear our masks and do all the things but it is a step in the right direction, for sure. Stay warm!! :)

  16. Good to hear you got your first jab and Far Guy has hhis as well

  17. Happy day! Glad you celebrated with a drive thru lunch. The latest down here is shots cancelled for the rest of the week at least because of storms at the distribution center in Memphis and somewhere else = no vaccine. Ack!

  18. Happy you are both getting your COVID shots! My parents have now gotten both doses too. Sorry to hear about your brother. We only got a quarter inch of ice where I live and no power outages, so feel like we lucked out. Hope things get back to normal for your brother soon.

  19. It is great that you two are getting shots. We did on Wednesday and will return the second week of March to get the second one. The shot giver kept telling us to relax our arms which I think was a way to distract from that very long needle. We both have the second day effects and are very tired.

  20. Glad neither of you are having any bad reactions, and that your baby brother has power again.

  21. That's wonderful that you got your shots! I go the 24th for my second shot. That's all I had was a sore arm. I was tired but not sure it was from the shot. I too felt nervous with all the people at the church where I went for the shot. I kept moving away from people! Most thought it was a big social hour....not me. I was there for one reason and one reason only! LOL! I am tempted when the weather clears to go to Sonic and get a bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate shake and fries! LOL!


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