Sunday, February 21, 2021

No Internet

 We have no phone, t v or internet until

 At least Monday sometime 

We are okay



  1. Well it will be quiet in the house then. Hmmm, one week it is no furnace, next time no internet?
    Hopefully it all works out.

  2. It's always something isn't it? Hang in there!

  3. Eek!! Nothing like being cut off from the world we've come to know. Enjoy your unplugged time.

  4. Grateful you have water, heat and electricity. I hope you had some great books in your pile and plenty of yarn!

  5. Oh my goodness! I'm guessing you have all 3 of those bundled with one company & something went out somewhere. I hope you're back up & running soon. You folks have had more than your fair share this season! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Oh no! Bummer! Glad you're okay though and let us know.

  7. We'll be missing you and I'll be praying for you to be up and running again soon.

  8. I hope your power is restored soon! I'm over here from Sam's blog, new follower. Take care!

  9. How did you post your message? You're amazing! Glad you are fine.

  10. At least you have plenty of craft projects you can work on while you're without TV and internet.

  11. Snow? Cold? Global Cooling? Or did you move to Texas? Just kidding... be back soon! We miss you!

  12. Always something ~ at least the sun is shining!

  13. You really miss things when they’re gone. Hope they get it working soon.

  14. So sorry to hear.. Hopefully you have regular power in spite of those interruptions. What happened? Did somebody knock a line down? That happens to us once in awhile. Hope to see you back here soon!

  15. Oh, no! I hope it isn't due to the weather. When we had that wind storm last month, we lost all power for a day--right when I was supposed to take a week-long class online. At least we were able to access the Internet by using our cell phones as a hot spot, or we'd get no work done for the day at all. Glad to hear that you are okay, but what a crazy winter this has been for you!


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