Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Seven Year Someday Project

 Believe it or not  I started the Join As You Go Afghan Project in November of 2013.  That is one advantage of a blog, you can search for just about anything!  I couldn't believe I started it that long ago!

The simple border is finally done and is on the blocking mats upstairs on my work table. . 

It is not perfect as scraps of yarn were used and 4 ply is not always 4 ply.   After it is dry I will put it away to donate someday. 

It is bright and colorful and will make a colorful addition to the foot of a twin bed or a lapghan for a wheelchair.

We had a quiet Monday...laundry and a bit of dusting for me, Far Guy ran his robot vacuum.  I took part of the Christmas Decorations down. I watched a subtitled movie based on a true story...The Intouchables.  I usually do not like subtitled movies but I enjoyed this one...I give it 8 out of 10 stars. 

Far Side


  1. That is one of the prettiest afghans I have ever seen, so colorful. Snowing like a banshee today; I may have to cancel my appointments due to the snow plow leaving deposits in my driveway.

  2. I saw a lot of these being used in the Bethel Home, not as pretty, but the blankets were well loved for their color and warmth.
    I'm still slowly working on my 'someday' project! It is definitely ugly and not very straight. I am such a failure at crocheting!

  3. Your lapghan is absolutely gorgeous!

  4. It certainly gives us a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a long term project like this, doesn't it? So cozy looking and a lovely mix of colors. Someone will LOVE receiving this one.

  5. I do find it scary when I do the math on some of my unfinished projects!!!

  6. Very pretty! I pulled out an old project before Christmas and discovered I've lost the pattern. So I'll pull what has been done apart and find a new pattern to make something similar. It was a reindeer that stood about 18 inches tall - I'm sure I'll find something on Pinterest. :)

    Take care, stay well!

  7. That afghan is gorgeous and SO happy, love the color you chose for the border,really snapped it together.

  8. Very pretty!
    Have a blessed day!

  9. So colorful! Someone will cherish it.

    I have that movie in my queue. I'll have to bump it up. ;)

  10. Such a pretty afghan and I know it would be loved in a nursing home. I have made lots like this and they were always appreciated.
    More snow here this morning. I took Chloe for her walk and crawled back into bed to catch up on blogs and emails. I figure why not? It's not like anyone is going to show up for a visit is it? It's only 58F in the RV because we keep the furnace turned down at night so it's nice and cozy in the bed! I'm think it's time to get up though and accomplish something.

  11. I saw that movie and enjoyed it tremendously, too. And your beautiful and colorful project brings a huge smile to my face. :-)

  12. Congratulations on finishing a past project! I think we all have UFOs put back that we intended to get done and somehow time just gets away from us. It is such a cheerful afghan with those bright colors.

  13. It certainly is colorful!
    I am getting desperate enough to start digging through my fabric scrap box to see if there is a project I can invent. I need sedentary things to do.

  14. I'm surprised you were able to check on this project and find out what it is.

  15. You're right....that afghan will be a real beauty for somebody someday! We finished taking down our Christmas decorations today. A good project now totally done. Flurries flurried thru the air all day today looking quite pretty. Thinking of you two ...stay well and warm inside.

  16. Yeah a finished project ~ it is nice to cross things off the list! I bet I could find some very dated projects put away somewhere :)

  17. It is done. That is a good sound. The afghan looks great.

  18. WOW! Bet it feels great to have that project finished. I'm sure someone will love it some day, and be glad of its warmth.

  19. Now that's my kind of afghan -- colorful!! I absolutely love it! SOmeone is going to treasure that someday, for sure. Lately I've wanted to lie down and take naps, but I don't dare or I won't sleep what little I do sleep at night! Be blessed, my friend!

  20. That is a very pretty afghan. Someone will surely appreciaate it! I got my 2nd robotic vac/mop but haven't tried it yet. I'm so afraid it won't work!


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