Thursday, January 14, 2021


 In pre covid times Far Guy and I liked to attend Auction Sales...and garage/rummage sales.  

I am sorting through some old photos on my Simple Save...oh it is slow going but a good trip down memory lane.  I am working in 2009 right now. In 11 years many things have changed.

This is a fun puzzle.

I  had many a jello made in those crystal bowls... my Aunt Marie like to serve jello over a lettuce leaf and topped with cottage cheese...uffda.  ( For the record Cottage Cheese will make me barf.)  I tried to graciously scoop it off to one side.   I like just plain jello...with some whipped cream on top...and Lemon,  Lime or Blue Raspberry are not my favorite flavors.... give me Orange, Black Cherry or regular Raspberry any day of the week.  My Grandmother put all kinds of fruit in her jello....sometimes more fruit than jello...I hated the grapes.  If Grandma made plain jello it was kept in a crystal refrigerator dish that had a pretty crystal lid.  

Far Side


  1. I have rabbit shaped jelly moulds. Always fun.
    But blue raspberry? We don’t have such exotic flavours here. Sounds a bit too weird.

  2. My mom's favorite was to make orange jello with shredded carrots and diced celery in it. I go for plain jello with marshmallows or whipped cream.

  3. I think when you and I were growing up Jello (in any shape form ,etc) was a staple on the table. I remember the jello with cottage cheese on top. Ah memory lane

  4. Pretty dishes! My husband and I both like jello. Just about any flavor except that blue colored one. I have a stack of boxes in my cabinet. I just reach in without looking to see which flavor to make next.
    Have a blessed day!

  5. That is the very first time I've seen the on line jigsaw puzzles!
    My grandma seemed to put shredded carrots in almost all the jello dishes she made. Yuck.
    We don't eat jello now unless someone is on a soft diet. Pudding is okay though.
    And yes, I adore the old jello dishes!
    And I love collecting the odd tea cup or little dish to add to my still life items.

  6. I hear you on the grapes, but I love cottage cheese. Strawberry is my favorite jello flavor. The only time I make/eat jello these days is if someone in my household is ill. Very grateful to say it has been a while. I really need some of your sorting mojo!!

  7. Cottage cheese will make me barf too - yuck!

  8. My mom made the yellow or green jello with chopped veggies - carrots and celery. I hated the texture of those veggies in the jello. And I really don't like either yellow or green jello. But give me red or orange with whipped cream - Yum!!

  9. I recall when Jello fruit salads and even one with peas and carrots were the rage. My mom didn't make them but they were a feature of church suppers. Then we were invited to dinner at a neighbour's and she made an aspic salad...I thought it would be sweet. Talk about trying to put it aside discreetly. I don't think I did very well.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. This is the first time ever that our friends did not serve jello at Christmas. Finally!! Food should not wiggle.

  11. My grandmother did the same thing. I'm a plain jello sorta person.

  12. Cottage cheese is my least favorite food. I have trouble even looking at it without barfing. My husband absolutely loves it, as do my children. My mother-in-law always made those jello salads with cottage cheese as an ingredient inside. I can barely type this LOL. I do have lots of jello molds left by my mother and grandmother. I do not mind eating plain jello, but it is not in my list of favorites unless it is consumed following surgery of some sort.

  13. One of my families "delicacies" is something they call "Marshmallow salad". It's canned fruit, mini marshmallows, and jello, all mixed up with some cool whip... still makes me want to barf. I'll take my jello plain, thanks!

  14. Oh my, how this takes me back! Jello used to really be a thing didn't it? I never cared for jello with vegetables in it but I'm okay with fruit and marshmallows. In recent years we have mainly gotten it when someone was sick but now you've got me hungry for it!

    You are right - that picture makes a great puzzle! All that glasswork can be a challenge. I hope your Thursday trip out goes well. I'm heading out to buy groceries myself.

  15. We use Jello when we make fresh strawberry pie. We haven't used Jello for anything else in years.

  16. Ya know, I was just thinking about this the other day! Great minds think alike. I was thinking about how my mother & all her siblings (& siblings-in-law) used to use their best dishes when bringing something to a potluck or picnic. Everyone had a specialty or two they used to make for every function we'd have and those things were always served in the best dishes the person had. I don't think dishes are the only thing that has gone by the wayside tho.... as lots of folks stop at their local deli or bakery, before they go to a picnic or potluck, grabbing whatever the store has made. ICK! I miss those days of table upon table of homemade food. In my growing up days, the only thing to be bought at the grocery store were ingredients to make food.... not food already made. ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Great post - yes I remember farther back than last year, used to go to many auction sales! I tried that puzzle (just a easy one, that is very cool)! I will have to check it out! I don't play any of the games online or on my phone but this has possibility!

  18. Those are beautiful dishes. As I read through all of the comments I could relate to many of them. The potlucks and picnics with so many good things to eat. Although my Grandma made her own homemade cottage cheese and it was amazing. So delicious. Not like the store bought stuff. I remember "helping" her when I was really small. How I wish she had written recipes down, but they were all in her head and died when she did. She was a very jealous woman of her cooking and NEVER shared recipes. I loved her dearly, but now that she's gone it's hard to know we'll never eat any of those foods again.
    I love jello. I would eat it every day, but not the green or blue stuff. My favorites are cherry, strawberry and raspberry.
    Thanks for the memories today.

  19. I remember being served peas in green jello as s guest in Canada. Oh dear.
    One way jello can be sort of palatable to this non Jello person is by substituting tomato juice for water in a lemon Jello. That's quite a good combo.
    I think the dishes were an important part of dessert, cut glass especially.

  20. My mother used to slice bananas into hers, I like to keep mine plain and eat with a little bit of cream on the side.

  21. I love jelly just saying, jelly in pretty bowls yep like the sound of that

  22. I love cello to and have advanced my culinary skills to be able to make it without burning a house down like I've done several times learning about brownies. My next step up will involve learning how to add fruit to the Jell-O without it all sinking to the bottom :-)

  23. Totally agree with plain jello and the reaction to cottage cheese--LOL! Any red jello I can eat, but not something I ever make once I had my own kitchen. All the family and church functions seem to invent things to throw into jello! LOL!

  24. My mother-in-law used to make a jellied salad. I can't remember for sure but probably had carrots and celery in it. Before that I remembered my mum mixing it with a can of fruit cocktail and pieces of cake and dumping it in a bowl to set, as a trifle. Haven't made jello in 30 years probably. I've been using the big punchbowls (maybe one of those in the photo?) to make garden cloches. Drilled a hole to fasten some sort of handle on the top. Don't have to worry about them blowing away, lol!.

  25. Yep I have sugar free jello in a big crystal bowl that we got as a wedding gift 36 years ago sitting in the fridge

  26. My kids make endless fun of the jello 'salad' that had grated carrots in it (Karen mentions it in her comment). I also would put fruit cocktail in. The kids must have been okay with that because they don't poke fun about it. Never peas in jello, green or otherwise.
    I had some neat Tupperware molds too. Gave those away many years ago.
    I still make Jello from time to time for my youngest grandson if the rest of us are having something he doesn't care for. Like pumpkin pie.

  27. Minnesotans do love their Jello, or so I've heard. :-)
    Actually, I think most of us have had our Jello years. I remember Sunshine Salad, lemon Jello with grated carrots and pineapple. I actually liked it.

  28. I enjoyed this post and reading all the comments. I've never heard of putting vegetables in jello. Growing up we had jello a lot. Mama always put sliced bananas or fruit cocktail. We loved the grapes and cherries in fruit cocktail, but they never were enough cherries.

  29. I like cherry, strawberry or raspberry jello the best. I like cottage cheese too. There are alot of good jello recipes that I enjoy. Haven't made any for quite some time. Thanks for the memories!

  30. I have some of those dishes. They belonged to my grandmother.❤️

  31. Several of those are in my cupboard! I remember you don't like cottage cheese. I do but I'm supposed to stay away from dairy but I don't always. I miss going to the thrift store and shopping in person. It used to be my one social I just sit in my car.


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