Monday, December 28, 2020

Still Puzzling

 We are making slow progress on the puzzle.  

It snowed more than an inch maybe two...I shoveled. 

I found an old WIP (Work In Progress) and hope to finish it in the next couple of weeks. I have a number of unfinished projects that I should finish up.  If I feel really adventurous someday I will actually make a list.

We needed something besides the same old, same old for supper so I made Parmesan Chicken and Sweet Potatoes...raspberries for dessert.  This time for the coating for the chicken I did Parmesan, beaten egg and then cracker crumbs and then I sprinkled on more Parmesan.  Pretty good for the menu that said Chicken something.  I am still planning menus two weeks ahead of time. 

Photo of the Public Access at Straight Lake.  Looks like the lake flooded at bit.  I took this photo on Saturday. 
Far Side


  1. Belated Merry Christmas to you and Far Guy. I haven't been on the computer much this Holiday Season. Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow. Hope you both are healthy; and tell Far Guy I loved his Christmas letter.

  2. Snow, snow and more snow! Glad your chicken something came out good :)

  3. Ice Shanties on the lake! I used to recall my Grandpa pulling out his little shanty he built on what looked like wooden skis.
    Did he really just sit and fish? Or did he just want to escape the little house?
    I'll never know.

  4. I have worked on a list of WIP and UFOs - and it scared me. So many projects started and not completed. But I do keep a current list of the projects I'm prioritized for the year and that has helped me a lot.

  5. A list. I need to make a list of unfinished projects, too--LOL! ;)

  6. Glad the puzzle is coming along.

    Good luck with all your projects. A list might be a good idea... I could also probably do with making a list of projects I either started, or gathered supplies for intending to do but didn't get to yet. Although, that just makes another project to tackle... LOL!

  7. I'm down to just 3 UFO's and that's about all I can handle. I get really stressed when I have a lot of things started.
    Dennis loves parmesan chicken and used to order it a lot when we would go out to eat. Pre-Covid of course.
    We got lots of snow over the weekend with more on the way Wednesday. Yuck.

  8. I haven't started my puzzle yet. I'm saving it for January after Christmas is all packed away. I like having it to look forward to. Your Parmesan Chicken sounds good. We are having Chicken Alfredo tonight. I have more UFOs (unfinished objects) around than I'd like to admit to. Maybe that should be a New Year's goal! You two stay warm and take care!

  9. I like the cheese sprinkled into my breading recipes, too.

  10. I like that name: Chicken Something. I am impressed that you still have unfinished projects. :-)

  11. Many have unfinished projects mostly forgotten, not me but most people

  12. The cook here has run out of ideas.

  13. The lake looks col and desolate. Winter in Minnesota that all the lakes are frozen solid.

  14. Your chicken something sounds delicious! Love your snowy photo and looking forward to seeing your WIP list!!
    Found you whilst blog hopping, would be lovely to see you over at mine at

  15. My 10-year-old granddaughter wanted 1000 piece puzzles for Christmas. She's more puzzle-ambitious than me. Your Parmesan Chicken sounds wonderful. I'll have to try it.

  16. Our lakes look like that too. It will look frozen, then the next day there will be wet spots. The winter weather has been strange. We are still eating leftovers. At least I finished washing and stashed away the last of the roast pans and big pots today.

  17. My unfinished project is me. More work on Monday.

  18. What a picture perfect photo of the depths of winter!!!! With your mention of shopping it reminded me I'd better make a curbside order for tomorrow, as we're expecting nearly a week of ice storms coming up. I'd rather have snow, to be honest. Keep warm. ~Andrea xoxo

  19. My 15 Year Old Grandchild we're Raising thought it would be Fun to have Puzzle Palooza during Pandemic Lockdown extended stay to bide time, but she had several splayed out everywhere and never finished anything but the borders, so finally we put them away. *LOL* She realizes she isn't long on the patience to do a Puzzle and perhaps Gramma should have picked out easier ones? *Ha ha ha*

  20. Great picture of the lake and the fish houses out there!


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