Saturday, December 12, 2020


 I finally got the Nativity scene finished. 

It sits on the fireplace mantle.  Far Guy made me the creche years ago...and I used to go to ceramics once a week this Nativity set was done there. 

It wouldn't be Christmas without this piece being displayed.  

The days seem to be flying by... soon it will be Christmas! 

Far Side


  1. Perfect start to my day. Thanks for posting.

  2. Now it CAN be Christmas.... the manger scene is on the mantle! Beautiful! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Beautiful Nativity! I enjoy your blog!

  4. Never saw a nativity set at the two places I went to ceramics back in the day. I made a lot of flower pots--LOL! Very pretty! :)

  5. Nice to see this back, reminding me that we are indeed getting close to Christmas! :-)

  6. I did the exact same set at ceramics classes many years ago. I also have 3 wise men and the camels, but I never got the angel. I love my set too. Merry Christmas!

  7. Lovely. The creativity and talent you two were blessed with is amazing. Have a great day!💖

  8. So pretty! My nativity set was made by a dear family friend who also went to a ceramics class on a regular basis. I treasure it, but haven’t put it out the past couple of years. It is very big.

  9. You are so talented. I am so impressed.

  10. You were much wiser than me in the 1970's ceramics classes. I made ashtrays to give as Christms gifts! What a lovely keepsake.

  11. That is a beautiful Nativity and special that you made it. I agree, it's not Christmas until the Nativity is up. I'll be putting ours up this weekend. Yes the days are flying by and I'm not ready. This is going to be a busy week! You two enjoy your weekend!

  12. I finally got out the ceramic Christmas tree. So now it's officially Christmas! We owned a ceramic shop in the 70s and gave lessons, if you were from around here you'd probably have been there! :)

  13. That's a lovely Nativity made more precious by being made by the two of you.

  14. Things you've made yourself are so meaningful.

  15. Your creche is lovely. I wish i could find mine

  16. Such a lovely Nativity Scene, Connie. I love it. I also made mine at ceramics class, when my kids were 1 and 2 years old. I have great memories of those classes....figuring out what finish to put on the pieces and whether to paint some with colors or not. It is a cherished item in our family now and someday will be passed along. Enjoy your days now ....leading up to Christmas.

  17. So many Christmas displays that don't have a nativity. It's always the first thing that goes up here, usually on the first Sunday of Advent or shortly thereafter.
    Mine needs a stable, I only have the figures. But I put a string of LED lights around it to make it more special.

  18. It is beautiful. The angel has great detail in it too You had some detailed close paining with glaze.

  19. So many special memories in that set that was made by both of your hands. It will be a family heirloom passed down through the generations. It's so beautiful.
    Mandy has "dibs" on the Creche that I made 42 years ago. It's nice to know she wants it.

  20. This is BEAUTIFUL! And such amazing detail in each of those figurines! You both are blessed with great talent for working with your hands in so many ways! I give this a thousand thumbs up!!

  21. Does make it feel more like Christmas for sure! Love that nativity!

  22. That is a beautiful creshe and what a beautiful job you did on the ceramics!


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