Saturday, December 5, 2020

He is baaack!

 Jinx escaped out of the Christmas decoration box...

He was lounging in the empty wreath next to the door...soaking in some sunshine and wondering if he should chop something down. 

I am certain he had nothing to do with the tree in town that sadly is too damaged to be raised from the street.  

Our mild December weather continued one more day...the shady spots still have snow. 

I did some laundry and then we both worked on Christmas cards...writing a few notes in some of them.   I delivered a Christmas card and an ornament to one of the neighbors....they were not home but will find a bag attached to their door knob when they return.  Then I headed over to the nearby cemetery and got a few is at 96 % photographed right now.  There are still 13 graves there that are difficult to find.  I am going to have to give up and phone a friend who might have a map of the cemetery. 

Far Side


  1. Jinx is cute! Sorry to hear the tree isn't able to be saved :(

  2. I'm sad about the 2020'ed tree. Surely not THAT damaged :-/.

  3. Does Jinx move around to different places thoughout the Christmas season? Too bad about the town Christmas tree. Will another one take it's place? Ours town tree goes up Thursday, I think.

  4. Jinx looks a little lonely on that wreath. I'm sure you'll find something to keep him company soon. ;) Sorry about the city tree!

  5. I guess it's time to start mailing the Christmas cards I made. I don't know how many I made but I need to photograph them before mailing. Today would be a good day for that.

    I'm sorry about your town tree, that is very sad. I'm glad no one was hurt though.

  6. Welcome back Jinx! Looks like we have a few days of nice weather coming up. I would enjoy browsing around the cemetery if you want me to look for some? :) Enjoy your day!

  7. Too bad about the tree! Jinx is the cutest! I am ahead of the game as I got all the present sent off to Iowa this morning! Let the festivities begin!

  8. I love Jinx. I am about to find myself a Jinx and move him around my house to tell myself a story and make the husband smile a bit.

  9. I love the photo of Jinx lounging on the wreath. I'm really sorry about the tree. Surely it would be better than no tree at all.

  10. That's a darn shame about the tree not being able to be saved. Are you 100% SURE Jinx didn't have something to do with it? :-)

  11. I think I need a Jinx or an Elf on the Shelf. Thought about a Barbie... what would I call her? Bellringing Barbie? Bungling Barbie? Christmas Box Barbie? But, my brain got tired of thinking bout it so I guess I'll pass.

  12. This is great weather but I didn't make it outside. I will go get the mail. I like your little wood chopper.

  13. Having some mild days in December sure makes the transition to winter easier. Too bad it has to end.

  14. Sad about the town tree.
    Is Jinx staying put on the wreath?

  15. What a lovely surprise for your neighbour when they returned home :)
    Sad to hear the town tree cannot be rescued - and I am sure you are right, and Jinx had nothing to do with it!

  16. I remember Jinx! Now there's a little bit of Christmas fun! Sorry to hear the town tree can't be repaired. Good luck finding a cemetery map.

  17. Love that Jinx. I'm sure he can find something to keep him busy during the Holidays. He sure is cute lounging on your wreath. I found two shiny brite bulbs on etsy last night, that reminded me of bulbs from the 50's that we had when I was growing up. I'm so sad that all of our old Christmas ornaments were sold at auction years ago when my folks sold their house that they've been in for over 50 years. I would love to have those decorations now. Sad about your town tree. Glad you're keeping busy as always!

  18. Our town hasn't put a tree up yet and I'm wondering if they are going to skip it this year. I hope not. I'm not sending cards out again this year... I just can't afford the postage anymore.

  19. We have a little scalliwag in our family circle too. We never know where he is going to turn up! Last we heard he was at my brother in laws house, but as they have recently moved up our way, Little Mikey could be anywhere.

  20. Here's to that mild December weather! We actually made it up to 70 degrees yesterday. It hardly seems like winter.


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