Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Do your job

 We had to travel 96 miles to straighten out something because someone was not doing their job correctly.   When we got there we asked them "Why"  they said "We have no idea and this is the first time this has ever happened." We got it straightened out and drove 96 miles back home again.  Of course they made many apologies.  


The first part of the drive was very frosty.   We saw Bald Eagles and Vultures on a deer carcass.  We saw someones prize bull had been hit by a car...we wondered what the car looked like.  I took a photo of the big old bull but shall spare you. 

As you can see we have hardly any snow.  On the way back there were some interesting clouds. 

We enjoyed the warm afternoon...I think it broke some records. 

I managed to make it to the Post Office before we left so all the Christmas cards and packages have been mailed.  I think the gal that works in the Post Office had a partial lobotomy.... as I handed over the bag with 130 Christmas cards she asked "Are any of them overweight?"  I smiled and replied "Weigh them all if you wish." She threw the bag on the floor and sighed. At least this time she was wearing a mask...however people that came in to check their mail boxes were not.  I almost asked one guy what his problem was with masks...but I decided to keep my big mouth shut...and that was really REALLY hard for I just bit the inside of my cheek (I am certain my lip quivered) and glared at him. 

A bit of lip quivers if I am really really angry.  I am going to practice my evil eye look in the mirror until I get it perfected.

Far Side


  1. Definitely practice the "Evil Eye" look. It works for me. Sorry you had to drive 96 miles just to straighten out some persons lack of doing their job correctly. I would have asked them to pay for the gas you had to use getting there and home again.

  2. The NP at the fragility clinic said I needed a DEXA scan to see if the expensive drug I take for osteoporosis is working. I asked her to set up the appointment at a local hospital. By the time we drove the 90 miles to get back home, the hospital had left a message on the answering machine setting up the appointment. Late on the afternoon on the day of the scan, the NP already had the results and telephoned me with good news. What was most amazing about this experience was that everybody involved did their job! Sorry to hear that you had to make that long trip.

  3. It looks like a beautiful drive and the clouds are so pretty! I think the weather is upside down, warm there and cold here for a switch. When you talked about your lip quivering when you are angry reminded me of my oldest son, his eyes tear when he's angry and of course he really hates that. He avoids arguments at all costs because people think he's crying lol!

  4. How sad about that bull. Some farmer has lost a LOT of money.

    It's so dry here were don't even get frost on the trees lately. I would welcome some snow but it sounds like we are likely to have a brown Christmas this year.

    I went to the post office the other day to mail a package and there was a line - all stretched out socially distanced and with masks. But a couple was at one window. She wore a mask but he did not. There is a sign requiring masks in there. When they turned around I could see her red mask with Trump across it - right before she tore it off and marched along the line of waiting people. Both glared at everyone as if they were hoping someone would say something. No one did which is probably the safest thing to do these days.

  5. I'm sorry you had to drive almost 200 miles to fix someone's error, but it sure was pretty! I try to avoid the post office at all costs. They seem so unhappy there. But at least at mine everyone wears a mask, even the patrons.

  6. My evil eye is almost popping out of my head. I am over the top frustrated with the non mask wearers. I do try to stay home, I try so hard to curbside everything. But there are times you must go in (example: the post office). I want to yell "Why do you feel it necessary to try to infect as many people as possible! I want to support small business, but when my husband walked into the parts store to get a small bulb for our car, NO ONE had a mask. Next time we will order from Amazon. And the drive? JEEESH...
    My best friend's husband went in for a stress test. The doctor ordered him into ICU for the weekend and he had open heart surgery on Monday morning. Now their insurance doesn't want to cover the pre surgery in ICU - do they think it was a spa getaway? ICU in a pandemic? They sent him home in 2 days because of the virus. I am frustrated with the world today.

    1. Have your friend fight the insurance company and get the doctor's review notes and orders. Pester the insurance company on everything. I used to do that for a living and the biggest loudest voice generally gets attention. Even threaten to take it to the state Insurance Inspector with a formal review and complaint.
      Fighting with hospitals and billing departments has been a long time hobby of mine [not really] just had to do it.

  7. So sorry you had to travel all that way to get resolution to your problem. It's nice that they apologized and acknowledged their fault but that doesn't give you back your time or your gas. Hope the rest of the week is uneventful for you!

  8. I appreciate your anger at the maskless. As someone recovering from COVID-19 slowly but surely we all need to protect each other. I did everything I was supposed to do and I still caught it. I think it was at the lab for a blood draw. Looking forward to a cozy winter on the 7th floor at senior housing. I can't have a bird feeder but enjoying Cornell Labs on YouTube Live from Sapsucker Woods in Ithaca

  9. At least it was a good day for the drive, and hopefully there won't be a repeat of the issue you ran into. Thanks for sparing us the bull photo - that's a horrid thing to happen and I'm sure the farmer is very unhappy.

    130 cards, oh my! I haven't done my paltry dozen or so this year. Just haven't any idea what to say in them. It's going to be such an unusual Christmas.

    As for the non-masking wearers, I haven't yet mastered that evil eye either. Sometimes I just mutter Covidiot under my breath as I walk by.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. The Post Office...Geeesh! You have more patience than I do. I don't go anymore, primarily for reasons of COVID, but never liked going before. Definitely work on that evil eye thing...with the mask, your quivering lip is of limited use!

  11. I've had something like that happen. We drove to the MAD city VA and left at 6am to make an 8am appt. They called our house at 8am to tell us it was cancelled. We'd just walked in the door.

  12. Despite the frustration of the long drive, I’m glad the roads were clear and the temperatures were pleasant. It’s been gorgeous here, but supposedly, it will snow this weekend.

  13. Mom had an evil eye look that would send shivers down my spine. Keep practicing evil eyes work!

  14. I actually laughed at the thought of you making "evil eyes" at people. It's so frustrating when people aren't taking things seriously and others are rude on top of it.
    That poor farmer. Bulls are so expensive, I'm guessing he's just beside himself about it. Of course, most farmers have learned to take life in stride haven't they?

  15. I hope you gave the full evil eye to the people who weren't doing their job and caused you to drive 96 miles! And I really don't understand the people who treat the virus like it is insignificant to them or a joke.
    Too bad about the bull. Makes you wonder how he got out to get hit in the first place.
    At least you had a beautiful day for an unexpected trip. :)

  16. I think we are all getting edgy after so many months of Covid. I get upset with those who don't wear masks. I've heard that some of them are so sure there is nothing to the Pandemic that even when they are dying of Covid, they refuse to believe there is such a thing. I shake my head.

  17. Interesting comment on lip quivering. I saw that in many kids over the years. It was a good signal to look for.

  18. How frustrating to have to make such a long drive due to someone's mistake! It looks like you at least had a pretty drive. I love those frosty trees. I understand about people and masks. Our grocery store requires masks and most people are pretty good about it when I go during a non-busy time. However, I had to drop in during a busy time once and I was shocked at how many people were stubbornly wearing masks incorrectly! Half of them didn't even try to cover their nose, a few wore them on their chin only and one lady was wearing a sheer scarf! You are right - we need our evil eyes!

  19. Love those frosty trees and the interesting clouds.
    52F. in December is amazing.

  20. Was that 96 miles one way? Either way I'd make them pay for my gas and time....the Hell with the apologies....they need to put their money where their mouth is! That's terrible. My children say I have a "look" and you don't want to get "the look". LOL! You could carry a spray bottle around that has a label that says "Live Covid Virus" and spray all those who aren't wearing a mask...they're probably too stupid to get the jist of it though. I can't believe my one wears a mask and all their customers are elderly and sick! They all think it's a hoax or fake news I guess. Walmart employees wear masks because Walmart requires it but local businesses here....not so much. I just stay home as much as possible. I need to get my oil changed by "the good ole boys" and you can bet they are not wearing masks! Stay safe and stay well!

    1. Yes 96 miles one way:) Up here they arrested someone for saying they had Covid when they coughed on someone:(

  21. Well, at least your long drive provided some pretty scenery and some entertainment along the way.
    Mask deniers make me mad too.

  22. I'm so sorry that you couldn't straighten out the problem on the telephone, rather than having to drive all that way. I would have been madder than a wet hen by the time I got there. I'm glad you at least got it straightened out. I'm glad you got all your Christmas cards mailed too. I normally have a basket that I keep my Christmas cards in that I receive...this year I am hanging them up on a door so I can look at them all the time.

  23. Ugh, how frustrating to have to make that trip that shouldn't have been necessary. A gift card of some sort should have come with those apologies. We have mandatory masks, and in my shopping, have only seen one not wearing one, although a few wearing them incorrectly. We have our share of Covidiots here too.

  24. So sad about that bull. And that you had to drive almost 200 miles because of someone's incompetence. At least you had good weather for the drive.

  25. That's awful about your 96 mile trip--each way!--but that photo of the trees along the way is wonderful!

  26. Yep got our card today. I enjoys writing style. If we sen anything I will have to do it, My wife stays passive when it comes to Christmas cards and I have to do the letter. I am not sure if it will happen this year. When people screw me over am not so nice anymore.

  27. Ahh the mailing drama - I had that this week and finally got the two packages to my family out the door. It was a circus and more miles than I care to do again. Don't be offended if you don't get a card from me this year - no one is, I'm just not in that place after all the health crap got me too far behind. ;(


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