Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cards, letters and a gift!

 Yesterday the mail box was full of mail...15 Christmas cards and many other misc pieces of mail. 

There was news of people in the Nursing Home and a spouse living by himself, some reports of covid, many reports of social distancing, trips cancelled and some trips taken.  There was a bit of history on the name Andrew...a most enjoyable read.

Two obituaries were included in the mail.  My Obituary Box is over flowing.  I plunked the two new obits in the box and it is mounding so the cover doesn't fit anymore....note to self...put this on your list of things to do.

I double check the Christmas card addresses and mark them received on my master list before the envelopes are shredded and the cards tucked inside the saddle bags that hang near the stairway. 

Thank you Sam for the cute Christmas Pillow...I have it in my tray on the dining room table. 

Jinx has a pillow! 

I shoveled, it wasn't a big deal. I like to keep the patio cleared of snow. 

 It was a fairly cool day with temps hovering just below and just above zero.  A little nippy. 

If the snow stays we shall have a white Christmas. 

I was busy with odds and ends all day long.  Seemed like there was one thing after another that required my attention...except when I was shoveling. 

Far Side


  1. You're colder up north than we are. It's in the teens here which isn't bad if there's no wind. What fun to get so many Christmas cards in one day!

  2. My Christmas "mail" has been slow this year. I am sure it will pick up real soon. Took a walk yesterday - it was cold with a strong westerly wind. This AM it was 15 degrees on my patio. That is a cute pillow you received.

  3. You are so blessed to have lovely and informative Christmas cards waiting in your mailbox. We get fewer and fewer each year but this year especially they are a welcome sight when I open the mailbox.💖

  4. Shoveling may be your thing to do to clear the mind and head for a bit. I know that simply deciding to check fences [it is code for...I'm taking a walk] or walking the dog is something I have to do each day to stop and reset my brain.
    Besides! That fresh air does wonders right? ")

  5. A little nippy? I can't even imagine!

  6. Seems we are not going to have a white Christmas in our area this year. Winter has been mild thus far.

  7. Glad you received it and glad Jinx has a pillow now!

  8. What a cute pillow! Those little jobs take me all day. Luckily, the snow went south of us, but I hear we might see some later this week

  9. We awoke to a very slight dusting of snow this morning - just a little white collecting on the street and in the low spots on the lawn. And a few snowflakes still drifting down. It isn't expected to be enough to turn the ground white however.

    Your Christmas card and letter were delightful!! But the best letter we've received this year was the tiny strip of paper that said "nothing happened at the Nelson's this year!". That was the whole letter in a half inch wide strip. Sure made us laugh! I have just a few cards to send out yet - hopefully by the end of the week.

  10. Our snow is a dry one so it won't leave any real moisture. But it is nice anyway.

  11. Wowww! That's a lot of cards for a whole season let alone for one day! I received a card from Betsy before Thanksgiving.. and that's the only one we've gotten in many years! All the people we know stopped sending cards long ago. Sam's pillow she sent is exactly what Jinx needed! A perfect match! Now maybe he can rest once in a while after all his runnings-around. 😉 😂

  12. I love Jinx's new pillow, what a nice gift! It looks like Christmas there with all the snow. We probably won't have a white Christmas but it has been cold with night time temps in the teens.

  13. That is a wonderful pillow Sam sent you and perfect for Jinx. We haven't had nearly as many cards this year as usual. Maybe people couldn't get out and buy them? I do the same with the ones we receive. I check them off the master list, after confirming I hae the right address I trash the envelopes. I have a string across our slide-out and have all of the cards hanging on the string. Except yours. Yours is all by itself in a place of honor, just as a work of art should be!
    It's snowing big fat, fluffy flakes here today. I've been shoveling periodically for the past three days but it's supposed to be so warm by the weekend that I think most of it will disappear long before Christmas.

  14. You have a white yard! I am so jealous. ;)

  15. Wow that's cold! We were above and below 32 yesterday, about 22 today. No snow here yet and I'm OK with that, though Katie's birthday walk would have been prettier with snow.

  16. At this time of year I have a heap of carmds hanging up on my wall

  17. It’s nice you have some snow and I hope it sticks around until Christmas. With 0 temps, there shouldn’t be any problem. Jinx looks quite happy with his new pillow.

  18. Sometimes that old mailbox can keep us busy.

  19. Things were a little crazy here when your lovely card arrived in our mail. Thank you so much for remembering us. Tom loved FG's letter, and so did I.

  20. I am happy to have been on your mailing list. I don't send out cards and would completely understand if I didn't get another one, but yours was delightful and only made me feel guilty for a little while! :-)

  21. Glad to hear that temps hovering around zero are just "a little nippy"! Yay for a white Christmas, if you have one.

  22. I am really getting tired of the cold. The pillow is a cool and and I can see Jinx sleeping on it when the lights go out.

  23. I think this year the actual MAIL seems more important than ever! I love the new pillow Jinx got too.


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