Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Snowy Day

 We got about two inches of snow. 

So now it is colder too.  Far Guy shoveled the walk and I shoveled the patio...two inches is a piece of cake to shovel.

We have Pine Siskins at the feeders now, they came with the snow....no doubt they are just scouts and more relatives will follow.  They fought with the Chickadees and Assups for space at the feeder.  Why they wanted the black sunflower seeds instead of the thistle seed is beyond me. 

I finished up the Christmas Cards they are packed away for now...one day soon I will do the address labels...I have time.  Far Guy has not begun to work on his letter. 

We prepared supper together...smoked pork chops, corn and apricot sauce.  Yummy! 

Brother in law Ron had bypass surgery yesterday he had five bypasses.  We heard he came through the surgery just fine. Son In Law Andy's Father was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

Stay safe out there!  Covid is everywhere! 

Far Side


  1. Pretty photo of the birds. It does look cold. Your supper sounds so good. I have never had apricot sauce, congrats on finishing the cards. When will you decorate your Christmas trees? God bless Ron and also Andy’s dad. Have a blessed day. Mildred

  2. Holy cow! More snow? We only had one day of it in October which we never get. So far it's been mild here. Mostly rain which have needed. Usually around 10 degrees Celcius. No eh. I honestly don't know of anyone that says eh. Now a lot of Nova Scotians are known to say some. As in...that's some good pizza. Or that's some big tree. But never eh.


    1. The Canadians just North of Minnesota say eh or A at the end of every sentence:)

  3. Sure hope we don't get your snow. Not on my favorites list. I have an over abundance of Pine Siskins at my bird feeder. Thanks for sending them my way. Both my neighbors have Covid 19 - the husband is in his second week being in the hospital - trouble breathing. The wife just has a mild case. This is just crazy. Glad Ron's surgery went well. Stay healthy you two.

  4. I used to have pine siskins at my feeders, back when I fed them. I learned they come in irruptions, some years they are everywhere, and others not.

    1. That must be the reason we haven't seen any for 2 or maybe 3 years. We used to have quite a few at our feeders then they disappeared.

  5. The snow is a perfect background for the red feeder. Got me in the mood to wanting to put up a feeder again.

  6. Beautiful photos! Your dinner sounds delicious. Glad your brother in law came through the surgery ok. Covid gets more scary by the moment. You two stay in and stay safe!

  7. Covid is on everyone's minds now I think. I read an article about how some nurses were dealing with patients who were yelling at them telling them that Covid is not real and they didn't have it as...they were dying and getting put on ventilators.
    I'm not even sure what to think of that.
    But sounds like you guys are doing well and taking precautions.

  8. We got a little snow here, it started about 4 a.m. It's just a dusting and mostly is only on the cars, the deck and the oak leaves on the ground. I made Katie go out and sit in a pile of snow covered oak leaves with the morning sun on her for her November page of her calendar. She didn't have to be convinced, this is her kind of weather. I expect if the sun comes out the snow will melt pretty quick and since I don't have to go anywhere I'm not even brushing off the car. I might regret that later, we'll see.

  9. Glad your snows have been light so far at least, and that your brother-in-law's surgery went well.

  10. As I write this there is a sprinkling of snow falling. Not enough to stick but enough to make it cold and remind you that winter is on its way. Your dinner sounds yummy. Glad your BIL came through his surgery okay. RA is no fun, hope Andy's dad can get medication that helps with the pain. We are being very cautious these days... I wish everyone was. Stay safe and well.

  11. Gosh, five bypasses! Prayers for all the sick. My best friends husband went in for a stress test and had open heart surgery yesterday. No suprises in surgery and everything went fine. Today recovery begins . . . Our hospitals are full, the staff including nurses are contracting covid. My friend's daughter who is a patient advocate in the cancer center was pressed into service doing a second shift as an orderly.

  12. There was a time in our history that 5 bypasses were nearly impossible. Now they treat it like it's an appendectomy. I don't like progress much but that one I *do* like! ~Andrea xoxo

  13. I'm glad your brother-in-law did well in surgery. Prayers for a swift recovery. Your bird feeder photo looks like it should be in a magazine. We've been having daily rain but that's just fine. Much better than snow in my opinion. It doesn't have to be shoveled!
    I worked on Christmas cards too. I think I may mail them next week. Since our address changed I'm hoping to get mine to people soon so they have the new address. The post office has NOT been good about forwarding it and the people who bought our house are just throwing away our mail instead of returning it. I even left her a note with my phone number and said I would pick it up at their convenience. No word from her.
    So, I'm just hoping to get mine out early. We could all use a little early Christmas this year couldn't we?

  14. You guys got a lot more snow than we did. We just had a dusting.
    I don't know the various little birds by name--they're all about the same size and I just call them sparrows--LOL! But I think I learned from you which ones are the juncos...who look more dressed up to go someplace special. ;)
    Glad your BIL did well through such a big surgery. Stay safe! :)

  15. It does look cold there! I know the birds are happy to have the food to warm them up. Congratulations on finishing up the Christmas cards! Knowing you there are lots of other things to do!

  16. "Out there" is a good term.Too many people are still "out there" and they don't have to be.

  17. Good news for your BIL and Andy's dad.

    We're looking at snow on Thursday but I don't believe we'll see more than inch or so here either. Like you say, it's easy to shovel that amount and I'd be happy if all of our snow falls this winter were that light.

    Well done on the Christmas cards. Take care and stay well!

  18. Covid is everywhere just not in th is house.
    I need to start my Christmas cards

  19. I got my first Christmas card in the mail yesterday! Way too early, but it was from my brother, who had moved last June from Washington to Idaho and wanted everyone to have his new address. I guess he wants to get cards and letters. I guess I'll send them again this year.

  20. Your supper sounded yummy! Love seeing the birds at the feeders too. Two inches of snow huh? We haven't gotten just enough to cover the ground each night and then it has been melting during the day. I'm waiting for 50 degrees this Thursday! Glad your BIL came thru his bypass surgery OK. Sorry to hear about the RA diagnosis for Andy's dad. My hubby's brother has that and it's not fun. Take care you two.

  21. Oh, my! Quintuple bypass! So glad we have the know-how to provide that kind of help to those who need it...but that is still a big surgery. Best wishes for Ron's recovery.

  22. My little birds have not come back yet but that makes the woodpecker happy as all seed is his. Our snow is gone (as of Saturday) and back to brown. I’ve already used the shovel more than all of last year.


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