Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 We had rain and no snow...but it has turned cold.  

I was busy yesterday catching up with some cleaning and laundry.  Over the weekend I stamped twenty more Christmas Cards...so I worked on them for a while in between times.. Then I got an earache so I had a nap with a hot pack on my ear.  (It was real windy on Sunday and just like a little kid I get earaches )

Over the weekend I tried a new recipe...yuck...I gave it a 3 out of 10 but Far Guy loved it.  It was ground beef and cream cheese stuffed pasta shells with green enchilada sauce and cheese.  It also made a sink full of dishes. So I won't make that again.  I kept the recipe in case Far Guy wants to make it for himself...as it was two servings went into the freezer.  I could re do the recipe someday IF I was real bored. 

Far Guy asked me what gourmet meal I was planning next.  I told him to go for it! 

Far Side



  1. Why don't you tell him that you'll do the gourmet cooking if he does the dishes after?

  2. You sound like me with recipes. I hate making anything that makes a lot of dishes. And I hate when I make something that only one of us likes and the other doesn't. I have planned so many meals that I am out of ideas. Guess we are getting the rain you had. We are expecting rain today.

  3. Sorry the new recipe was a dud. I hate that. Especially if I am left with a sink full of dishes.

  4. That bush is beautiful, what is it?
    Oh and dishes that make huge messes? Eh, not my thing either, but since I am the only cook, I get to control those meals.
    Simple for hubby. Some sort of meat, some sort of veggie, and then a dessert.
    I like making larger meals and having leftovers!

  5. Well at least you know what you like...and don't. Too bad it was such a messy thing to make. I think he will enjoy those two servings in the freezer but maybe after that he'll forget about it.

  6. We had lovely weather yesterday. Somehow it was mid 70's and sunny in Northern Ohio where my Facebook memories talked about a second snow fall. That was the only good news. My daughter with a baby and preschooler was sent home (along with 10 students) when her co teacher tests positive. The health department is not testing her, but calling her for 14 days asking for her temperature and symptoms. We will run groceries and diapers as needed. Then we got a call from our police officer son. He is positive with almost every symptom (he can taste). His wife is a virtual teacher so is moving to their home office to broadcast and his six and four year old are pulled out of school.

  7. I hope your ear feels better soon. Sorry you didn't like the new recipe you tried. I'm always so disappointed when I try a new recipe and then don't like it.

  8. I have reached a point in my life when I find cooking boring, hard to think of what to cook, and a drudge to clean up. You still seem to like to cook. Yay! For you!

  9. I love your "go for it" attitude. I tried a new recipe on Sunday for lunch - a ham and swiss slider with honey mustard butter poured over - then baked. My picky husband would not even taste them because of the mustard and because the cheese wasn't yellow. So he ate some leftovers from Saturday.

  10. It seems like at least half the time I try a new recipe it turns out bad. I have gotten tired of cooking over the years and its shows in what I make. At least Far Guy liked what you made and it will make a couple of freezer meals for him! That bush with the berries looks very cheerful!

  11. *haha* "What gourmet meal you're making next.."!! *LOL* This made me chuckle out loud when I read it!! :-D Indeed!!

    By the way, remember that video you watched on my blog, from Dr. Osterholm? I heard yesterday that President-elect Biden is making him the head of his COVID task force. What a brilliant pick, eh? I'm so glad.


  12. Sorry the recipe wasn't one you enjoyed... It's always worse having to do the cleanup when you didn't enjoy the food. Somehow you don't mind a sink full of dishes quite so much if the meal was tasty enough to seem worth it. At least, that's what I find. Glad Far Guy enjoyed it at least, and you have some leftovers in the freezer so he can have it again without you having to deal with the hastle of making it (and the dishes afterwards).

    Sorry about your earache too. Hope that's better now, or will be very soon.

  13. I hope your ear is better by now. We ended up with 5-6 inches of snow instead of the 1-2 that was forecast. I've been outside shoveling my car out even though I'm not planning to go anywhere today.
    I'm lucky in that Dennis likes most everything too, but I try not to make scads of dishes anymore since there is no dishwasher in the RV. I do enjoy washing dishes, just not piles and piles of them.

  14. I hate rain in the winter. Too much ice.

  15. Well, that recipe sounds pretty good to me but I suspect tom wouldn't like it. Funny how that works.

  16. No rain here for me another warm and sticky dday for me we are having a cool to cold November kinda strange but it is what it is.

  17. Sorry about your earache, hope it is feeling better now. I hate making a new recipe that we don't like. All that work seems like such a waste when we end up with something we don't like.

  18. Oh dear, I suppose now that far guy loved that recipe, you'll be making it again? At least you have some in the freezer, if he gets a hankering for it! Sorry to hear about your ear ache. I get those easily too. Hope you'll be feeling much better soon. Wow....more christmas cards! Good for you. I have started on mine and am about 2/3rds of the way done. Seems like Christmas is galloping towards us!!!

  19. I really dislike recipes that create a huge amount of dishes - unless someone else is going to take care of them!
    Hope your earache has come right. Cold wind used to give me earaches a lot when I was younger, so I nearly always wore a woolly hat when outside (knitted by my mother, and always with a pompom on top!!).

  20. It looks like we're all tired of figuring out what to make. And cleaning up afterwards.
    Sorry about your earache. I hope the hot pack worked.

  21. The colder weather has sure put me in a baking and cooking mood...but I'm sticking with old winter favorites for now. There will be plenty of time to risk the new recipe flops after we get through the holidays and the real dreary weather sets in.

  22. The recipe sounds good but lots of work. I specialize in crockpot soups in the winter. Minimal dishes, one pot to wash, and lots of leftovers for the freezer.

  23. So disappointing when you spend all that time and money and you don't even care for it.

  24. I've made meals I thought were awful . . . and yet Jerry scarfes them down. LOL! Hope your earache has gone away since yeaterday! Blessings!


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