Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Oh Deer!

 This deer must like our yard as he/she visits daily. 

Sure is a pretty little thing.  Firearm Deer Hunting Season starts this weekend here in Minnesota.

So who knows if he will be around next week. 

Far Guy thinks it is a Doe Fawn I think it is a Buck Fawn...it gives us something to argue about.

We can both talk to this deer and he just moves his ears in different directions. This fawn was most likely born in our woods and throughout the summer got used to our voices. 

In other news...my baby brother and his bride and good old Stiney stopped by to visit since we had a nice day to visit outside on the patio.  It should be a good week of above normal temperatures and all the snow should melt by the end of the week. 

Far Side


  1. I surely hope your snow is gone-gone-gone this week! But I hope your deer remains. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. What a handsome deer "it" is. You are so lucky to have such a nice visitor. We also are expecting above normal temps this week. Yay, for me as I really don't like snow and cold - it plays havoc on my joints. Have a lovely day.

  3. I nearly walked right into a fawn the other day. Last night we watched them in the pasture above us. They were silhouetted in the evening sky to the north. It was pretty neat.

  4. Yes, she/he is a very pretty deer. Hope he makes it through hunting season. We've got three days of lots of rain but pretty mild temps.

  5. We are having a return of warmer temperatures this week, too. Sure feels good to see the sunshine.

  6. I agree with Far Guy, just saying.😉

  7. It makes me sad to think he/she won't make it through this hunting season, but I guess some have to be culled to ensure there aren't too many. Fingers crossed, this one sticks around for awhile.

    We're in a warm place for the next few days but snow is on its way this weekend. Not looking forward to that!

  8. We had a pair in front, and one in the back at the same time this morning!!!

  9. Your deer is really pretty. We saw Pronghorn close to our farm last night. They didn't stay long.

  10. Similar weather here, and I love it! I hope your young deer is able to hide from the hunters this year.

  11. What a beautiful deer! I think he likes you. I'm happy to hear you have nice weather. We have beautiful weather this week. I'm going to try and enjoy it while it's here!

  12. The deer seem to know something we don't when they hang around our places.

  13. I hope your deer manages to survive hunting season and gets to hang out in your garden for a while longer.

  14. What a beautiful buck/doe, whichever it is. I have such mixed views about hunting. I know many people depend on the meat for their food. Also, at least out here, there are so MANY deer that they would just plain take over the land. But they are so pretty.
    We have friends that have gotten 3 bucks this week on their own property and still have one more tag. They depend on the meat just to survive the year.

  15. I don't like the thought of someone shooting a beautiful creature like that.
    The rain has returned to the PNW so we are indoors, cleaning house. I hope the house cleaning extends to the White House.

  16. She looks so healthy. I hope she is wise and makes herself scarce for a while.

  17. Don't the bucks have antlers? Plus, that deer looks too pretty to be a guy. We're not supposed to shoot in the city limits but they do! I'm wearing my bright orange jacket when I go for my walks just in case! It would be terrible to avoid Covid and then die of a gunshot wound although it would make for a more ineresting obituary!

    1. At the first Fall of their lives the males have buttons on the top of their heads...the second Fall they will have antlers but small ones and are called a spike buck...the third Fall of their lives they have a rack of antlers and add more every year if they are lucky enough to live that long. If I could see the area between his or her ears I could tell if there were buttons there. :)

  18. Lovely deer.
    Supposed to be in the 60s this coming week now! Wow! In fact, I think we hit 70 today! Your snow should melt away. :)

  19. Your doe/buck is sure a beauty. Hope s/he will still be around next week. Yes, this is a beautiful week for weather. I'm thinking your hunters will be wishing it was cold and snowing for tracking. Our snow is almost all melted already! I'm going to enjoy this weather while it lasts...it won't be around for long. Take good care you 2.

  20. Nice that the weather was such that you could visit outside!

  21. How fun to have your very own deer entertainment! Nice that you can visit with your brother and his bride.

  22. Really beautiful photos of the deer. I always feel sad thinking that as hunting season starts maybe we've seen the last of the deer who frequent our back yard daily. But then, we don't hunt and neither of us cares for the taste of venison, so . . .

  23. It is hunting season here too. I always dread it and worry about the deer. Some of the idiots around this area will shoot anything that moves. That sure is a pretty deer.

  24. We have some young deer around here too - I enjoy seeing them on the game camera. A good discussion is always good :)

  25. Your snow is almost gone!
    I love to watch the whitetails jump fences, they are so graceful. We get quite a few here.


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