Friday, November 20, 2020

Grocery Day

 Well what do you know we got almost everything on our grocery list. They are still out of green enchilada sauce but daughter Jen found some for us....and I have one can in the pantry shelf. Ah yes hoarding big time.  Usually when I use something it goes right back on the list.  

It was a nice day around 40 F or 4 C eh!  So I disinfected the first grocery order right there in the parking lot...I get lots of stares but I just don't care. I didn't disinfect at the next curbside pickup ( I disinfected at home)...and then went by the Post Office drop box and the drive through at the bank and just about that time Far Guy was done with his infusion. 

Far Guy noticed some construction going on at his old house in town...he lived in that house for 19 years. 

Looks like it is getting an enclosed porch.   It is used as a meeting place for disabled folks. 

Town was not real busy...the deer hunters are gone. 

The Governor of the Great State of Minnesota has ordered a "Dial Back" for the Covid outbreak.   Closing bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters etc...but schools can remain open along with stores, barbers, beauty shops and churches.  Restaurants can do take out business only.  This Dial Back is in effect from Friday night November 20 until December 18.  I notice lots of bars were advertising specials to empty their taps before Friday night on facebook. Where ever will the bar flies go for a month?  Home??  Imagine that.

Far Side


  1. Glad you got pretty much everything you ordered, and were able to get the sauce some other way.

    When they closed the bars and such here one of them got creative and installed a phone so people could stand just outside and use that phone to order their drinks, and then he gave them as take-away drink orders. That way he could stay open and still obey the law at the same time. I saw about it in one of the newspapers (well, on the Facebook page for the paper).

  2. I will be so glad when this Covid stuff is gone. Heard there might be a T.P. shortage again so I stocked up on it. I really think I am suffering from Covid fatigue. We are living in some strange times. Have a great weekend.

  3. Ohio is on a lock down, too. Hope we can finally get past this pandemic.

  4. Everything is closed down here, too, except I think schools are still operating in some fashion. Everyone is tired of it all, but the number of people who have died is really shocking.

  5. It is bizarre some of the lockdowns. Our school cases are rising.

  6. Glad you got all of your groceries this time. Glad to hear your state is dialing back, the virus is so out of control!

  7. Isn't it funny how each state... and sometimes each county & even city... has different rules regarding what's open and what isn't? I think that's probably been the whole problem all along = no federal mandates. We live out in the county but the city which constitutes our address has re-closed all the schools to in-person learning and did that 2 weeks ago. I believe our governor has said that all bar have to be closed by 10pm (what good that's going to do I have no idea!) and my daughter just told me last evening that our local Meijers store is back to having someone stationed at the door and only allowing one person in at a time. I'm sure our Walmart will follow suit. I read an article online yesterday that said the most common way people are picking up the virus is in the grocery store. I don't know how they know that but... that's what the article said. I do curbside pick-up at our local Walmart. Course, I did that before the virus started. I love it! Take good care~ Andrea xoxo

  8. I am trying to figure out the difference between the "opens" and the "closings."

  9. Our SD governor has double down on her resistance to masks. I feel that if she would "recommend" mask wearing, put it back into the public service announcements, and be an example herself by wearing one in places requiring it - then she would get a whole additional segment of our SD population to take that precaution. She might not even need a mandate if she just showed some intelligent leadership. OK - I'll get off my soapbox now. :-)

  10. I am just trying to stay home. I don't know what's open or not any more, doesn't matter, I have found that the grocery store is the only place I really have to go. That and a good park once in awhile. It's sunny and warm today, guess Katie and I will go to the park! Glad you got most all of your groceries. Stay safe!!

  11. I think pretty much every where is dialing back in the hopes that Christmas will be a little easier. We've had announced restrictions on bars and restaurants, but they're not closing them. Home gatherings are limited to 5 people, and our idiot Premier suggested if families wanted to get together in groups over the limitation they should go out to a restaurant. Seriously, the man can't do simple math!

    Glad your grocery order went well. I did curbside last week, but had to go to a store to get birdseed as it wasn't available for my order. Take care and stay well!

  12. Arkansas has a good governor. He dialed back this week. Goes til Jan. 3.

  13. Our area is already under similar restrictions, and they are announcing more later today. It's definitely turned our world right upside down

  14. We are moved to Yellow and Mesa County to Red with conditions. Scary times.

  15. Our lockdown sounds very similar to yours and ends about the same time...if it isn't extended which I fully expect it will be. Glad you got your sauce. It's strange the things that the stores are out of.
    I do think it would be easier with a federal mandate but the President was told early on in the virus that he didn't have that authority over the states. In my humble opinion, (which matters to no one else, people just need to use good old common sense and stay away from other people! Okay, off my soapbox.

  16. Every place seems to have different rules as to what can stay open and what must close, and often there seems to be little logic behind it. But I am glad you managed to get some sauce!

  17. Once in a while we get all or almost all our grocery order from Cashwise pickup, too. That's a good day. :)

  18. How nice that your shopping went well! We are still wiping down all of our groceries but we do it at home because I'm going in the stores to shop and I'm just too tired to do it in the parking lot. Tom helps me wipe things down when I get home.

    I am so glad for you that you have a governor that cares and will set some covid precautions. Missouri's governor follows Trumps lead and refuses to call a mask order or much of anything else. Bars and restaurants have to close at ten now and public places have to maintain a reduced occupancy limit. Otherwise he leaves it up to the counties and most do nothing. We are fortunate that our county does have a mask order but when surrounding counties don't I wonder how well it works. I am shocked everyday by the number of people that still don't think covid is a real problem. I just don't get it.

  19. I just caught up with you! Those noodles look yummy! I'll be making some this winter but right now it is 70 out and I still have yard work and watering and Santa's Workshop is in overdrive! I have had RA since about 94. I took Enbrel for years and though it worked great it just about bankrupted me. Now, I've been in remission for quite a few years so I don't take it anymore but I take another medicine which is much cheaper! Glad you were able to get everything at the store. What are you having for Thanksgiving?

  20. We've closed down an lot more again too. I really feel sorry for the small, independent restaurants. It has been so hard to keep going, they just got to open up at 50%, and now there is no dine-in again. So many are having to go out of business.

  21. In our state of WI, the legislature has not met or passed anything in over 211 days, they fight our governor and so WI is like the wild west. Some schools are closed, some are open but no teachers.
    I spent the summer stocking everything but fresh items and have made arrangements for farm eggs with no contact. I even found the co-op in town will do curbside groceries. I am happy.
    And not going anywhere.

  22. The city of Toronto and it's neighbour Peel are going into more lockdowns too. The numbers are crazy there. I'm so glad our town had ZERO cases right now. Hope it stays that way.

  23. Pretty scary when more than dial back is needed and it won't be enough to stop covid. And then we have people who want things left wide open.

  24. Good to hear you got almost everything in your grocery order.

  25. Glad you got almost all of your groceries this week! Interesting to see the changes being made at far guy's old place. So hard on businesses, all these closings....have to hope it all comes out for the best! Go away Covid!!!

  26. Yay for getting the groceries on your list! Woot! Our governor is trying to enforce a stricter time into mid-December also. Ugh winter hasn't even begun yet and look what's going on already. Youbguys stay safe and well! Prayers and blessings!

  27. We have done the same in our province, only this time they closed the churches. Again. Apparently some place of worship in the greater Vancouver area had an outbreak so now all the churches like ours which were religiously (pun intended) following all the guidelines and restrictions now have to suffer for it. Very sad. They took away Easter and I bet they take away Christmas too.

  28. My husband and I cancelled the family Thanksgiving dinner. I've been going to church because it's a small-town church with about 20 people attending, and the church was built to hold 150 or so. Socially distancing is easy there. However, I decided to stay away from Church now until sometime after Christmas.


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