Friday, November 27, 2020

After Thanksgiving Day

 We visited via zoom with daughter Jen and her husband Andy and all of our Grands and our two Great was wonderful to see them all. We had a good visit. 

Far Guy and I roasted that 8 pound Turkey Breast...we have turkey coming out our ears...enough to have sandwiches, biscuits and gravy and who knows what for a number of meals.   I like turkey... but once a year works for me. 

For fun I joined Jigsaw Planet and made some puzzles.  Some I made are more difficult than others.  I will get the hang of it sooner or later.  I like puzzles and with the online ones there are no pieces to lose.

Here is a link to this puzzle.

I hope you all are staying safe out there! 

Far Side


  1. Happy late thanksgiving to you. I have several puzzles that I added to that sight. Check them out. If you go on Facebook and type in Lisa's puzzles. It'll bring the puzzles up. Lovely photos I've taken from around here.

  2. Sounds like fun. I have heard of the on line puzzles and thought about it. I may have to check it out.
    Doing Christmas cards for nursing home residents today so I can drop them off on Monday.

  3. Jigsaw Planet sounds like fun, I'll have to check it out. I posted a bunch of leftover ideas and recipe links today if you are looking up ways to use up that turkey :)

  4. What fun! I'll have to see if I can do a puzzle like this one. Thanks!

  5. The puzzle site sounds like fun. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving Day. That's a lot of turkey!

  6. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was perfect. At least for this day & age we find ourselves in, eh? Hubby dropped off some food to our son & daughter-in-law in town, handing it through the door. Otherwise it was a quiet day yesterday... other than me cooking like a fool. *lol* I slept good last night though. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Thanks for the link to the puzzles! Beautiful photo of Chance!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  8. The Grands worked puzzles online when toddlers learning to use the computer, guess I didn't think about there being puzzles for all ages online. I saved the puzzle to favorites so I can go back & work it & perhaps make some more of different things.

  9. How cool that you can make puzzles from any pictures you want!
    Turkey is good once a year, for sure. :)

  10. I love that idea of creating puzzles online from photos.

    We ended up eating at our younger daughter's house yesterday - unplanned. When we stopped at their house to deliver their box of goodies, our son-in-law convinced us to stay and eat with them. It had ended up being just their little family, without any extra people. So we decided to stay and it was great to spend a couple of hours together. Plus he is a wonderful cook and I brought home just enough turkey leftovers for lunch today.

  11. Every morning I work on a puzzle (an app on my iPad) before starting my day. It’s fun and challenges my sleepy brain to wake up.

  12. Sounds like you had a very nice Thanksgiving, given the circumstances. We didn't zoom or even call anyone, but we had a great meal. I did a turkey breast in the slow cooker that came out great. Still have enough leftovers for at least one more meal and then probably a sandwich or two. Puzzles are cool, though I don't have the patience to actually put any together, or take them apart for that matter. I'm happy to see you used Chance! He was a very photogenic boy.

  13. I'm glad you were able to visit with some of your family, even if it was via ZOOM. What a beautiful photo of Chance. He was one in a million and it's really cool you make make puzzles from his pictures.
    Enjoy your day.

  14. We get just a turkey breast as well and it does quite a few days.

  15. Jigsaw Planet sounds interesting. This is the first I've heard of it.

  16. That is so nice that you got to visit. I need to get a cell phone I guess so I can do Skype or something. I only have the regular old phone. What do you use to Zoom or whatever?
    What a great site and what wonderful pictures of Chance and friends! I just got a 3 lb turkey breast. Just getting ready to eat now. I could get addicted to that puzzle site! LOL!

    1. You can use Zoom on a computer that has a camera. If you get an I phone or I Pad you can facetime with your family! :)

  17. I love that picture of Chance! Thanks for the link, I'll have to try the puzzles. They are more fun if you know the star of the puzzle!

  18. I have never had the patience for jigsaw puzzles

  19. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and zoomed with family too. I'll have to figure out how to do that one of these days. Glad your turkey turned out good too, even though you'll be eating it forever! Love the puzzle you made of Chance and the flowers.... what a neat concept...who would have guessed you could put together a puzzle online! Take care!

  20. I love jigsaw planet! Us Canadians have our Thanksgiving in early October so we are over our first deluge of turkey by the time Christmas rolls around, hahaha.

  21. What a wonderful idea! Just tried one of Chance! He is such a beautiful pooch!! So much fun. Thank you.

  22. A photo of Chance loving life in the yard.

  23. I love that photo of Chance. Perfect subject for a puzzle. Going to check out Jigsaw Planet as I haven’t heard of it before.

  24. I need to find some turkey, now I am actually hungry for some! I love turkey breast though as I too then have more than enough for a long long time. Glad you are enjoying the online puzzles, I just can't get into them and my Mom is old fashioned and LOVES the real ones. So I've been scouring to find her some. I was shocked to find the thrift store had ZERO so she's getting all brand new ones. Those too are hard to find as apparently there are more pandemic puzzlers than I thought.

  25. In cases like this, isn't technology great! Happy that you had a nice visit with family!

  26. This is the first I have heard of on-line jigsaw puzzles. So much is available on line. I like the idea of not having to worry about lost pieces.

  27. So, funny, I worked the puzzle and got down to the last two missing pieces, edge pieces no less, and they weren't there and my first thought was "how the heck did she do that to us as a joke" and then thought to look behind the puzzle and found them. I've never had that happen before ;-D.


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