Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Second sNOw

 I could say it isn't so...but one look out the window tells a different story. 

The Juncos are still here...they bring the snow ya know?

They flit around under the feeders kicking up snow hoping for a seed to become airborne...silly birds.

There were five inches at the snowstick just before dark last night and it was still snowing.

Far Guy and I got the odd left over Fall jobs done yesterday morning as it began to snow.  Far Guy pounded the snow stick into place for me.  The water hose was found under some crusty snow, the patio table was rolled to the garage even though it was covered in ice.  The lawn mower was moved into the Desoto garage along with the three wheeler.  I doubt that I will need the mower anymore but I would like to clean it up before storing it for the winter.  I rescued the rain gauge and the trail cams will have to go on "winter trees vs summer trees"...because neither of us is climbing through a snowbank to get to them.   Snow shovels made there way to the front door and to the garage.  I got out my winter boots and will have to find my parka very soon. I washed up my red mowing boots and put away my sun hat. 

This morning I will shovel. Because more snow is forecast.  Seems like I barely got the leaves done and now I have snow to keep me occupied and out of trouble.

Far Side


  1. Oh. My. Goodness!!!! It seems like I remember you folks being the last ones to take your snow stick out of the ground earlier this year. You did NOT get enough of a break from the white stuff, if you ask me. A gentle virtual hug & "sympathy card" from me, my friend. Lordy!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Nooooo, say it isn't so. It is too early for all that white stuff. Guss all I can say is stay healthy and safe.

  3. Five inches already at the snow stick? Good grief! It just seems awfully early to me. Do you think it will stay all winter or will you have a warm spell get rid of it? It seems you never run out of projects.

  4. Brrr. Reading your post this morning have me the shivers! Rainy day here. Yesterday's temps in the 70's.💖

  5. Well if the snow stays, you will absolutely be so tired of it come April that it will be a downer! Ugh!
    I've got all but the 4 wheeler put away. This year will be a very lonely winter.

  6. Is this much snow this early normal for you guys? It seems way too early.

    1. It is Minnesota anything is possible. it is a bit early usually we can count on snow the second week of November:)

  7. Snow is forecasted for us starting today though the weekend. Hope it falls way more south than near.

  8. I remember when I was a kid, we called Juncos 'Snow Birds' - it was only years later I learned their real name.
    Be careful out there! Hope you have a great day!

  9. Geez, it seems early although I know November will be here soon. Yes, you did just get the leaves done! I see a lot more progress on your many hobbies coming! Stay warm!

  10. Wow, that a lot of snow! Is it always like this or is it really early this year?

  11. I'm watching it snow here this morning, but it is melting quickly. Stay warm!

  12. Sorry you're getting so much snow already, but glad you were able to quickly finish up those Fall chores before too much of the white stuff showed up.

  13. We haven't seen any Juncos here yet, but the nuthatches and grackles are back. I suspect the Juncos aren't far behind.

  14. We are supposed to have snow coming in Sunday....and we still have corn to harvest. Sigh

  15. A snowstorm is headed this way tonight and into the weekend - just in time for the first UW football game- brrrrr!

  16. It's supposed to snow here Friday and Saturday with temps down to 11F. It started out as only a dusting and now we have a winter snow advisory so who knows what we'll end up with. I went to the storage garage yesterday and got our snow shovels, boots, winter coats and hats. It really does seem too early for this but last year it snowed in September. I think it's because none of us have really "done" anything all summer and it went away before we were ready.

  17. Definitely a quick shift from leaves to snow. :)

  18. Juncos used to be snow birds here too but now we have them year round and they nest on our garden.
    You certainly didn't have much of a break between mowing/mulching and snow shoveling!

  19. Gosh, that was a quick channel change!

  20. We don't have snow in our forecast... yet. But I know it's coming. I can't tell you how many Halloween costumes were covered with snowsuits when the kids were little! I hope you get a little break so that you can stop shoveling and "hunker down"! Stay safe and warm.

  21. Oh gosh, it's too early! We had snow yesterday but the street is clear today. I should probably get out and clear the driveway but it's less than a 1/2 inch and we're forecast for nicer weather in a few days so I think I'll let Mother Nature take care of it.

    Take care, stay well!

  22. We've juncos! But no snow. I'm not quite ready!

  23. We love our yards but sometime they take a lot of work.

  24. Sure glad you have something to keep you occupied and out of trouble! Sounds like you've got things pretty well in hand...all set for winter now. I kinda wish it was April, ya know? Or at least a winter that wouldn't start until December!!! Take care and don't slip on any ice or snow.

  25. They showed on the map that you were getting more. I think we will have some later on but tomorrow we have a great high temp.

  26. It does seem a bit early for that amount of snow. Glad you were able to unearth your things to put away.

  27. Sorry the snow is early. I always get a kick out of the snow stick,


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