Saturday, October 24, 2020

Quiet Days

We have quiet days at home.  I worked on Christmas Cards again...I am getting bored with them...but I don't have many left.  The card is complicated and uses three stamps...and then it has to be cut out and pass quality control before it is stuffed into a envelope.  I have not begun the cutting out part...but I made a template. 

Far Guy opened the garage doors and started up his new old car..the antifreeze was only good to ten below he drained some fluid out and replaced it with fresh antifreeze so he should be good to go into colder weather now.   He said he may have to replace some hoses.  I asked him why he didn't drive it out of the garage...his answer was it would get the tires snowy and then the snow would be carried into the garage.  

I watched a movie...fell asleep after a few minutes and woke up for the ending...I cannot even recall the name of it....oh well I am having two Fridays this week. 

I shoveled off the patio and walk...and created a spot under the bird feeder for the Juncos...hoping if I feed those snow birds well they will leave us it is they seem to have invited all their friends. 

Just heard that one of my Dad's cousins died of Covid he was 84 years old and a very nice man and Minister. His wife and son also have Covid and so far they are recovering.  The numbers in our area keep increasing. 

Far Side


  1. I'm so sad to hear the news however last night my neighbor texted me to say he drove his son to the hospital. His son has covid and lives with his folks. This is my hiking buddy who has been having some health issues. I keep wishing to say ... it should NOT happen here, we are too smart. But.
    I had to chuckle at the tires and snow. I would have thought the same thing. He doesn't want puddles under his new/old car!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. These are trying times.

  3. Our numbers are pretty stable here, because everybody seems to be using masks when in public. I discovered that when it's cold, the mask helps me keep my face warm, but those darn glasses still fog up. :-)

  4. I'm sorry to hear of your Dad's cousin's passing. Wishing his family well as they recover.

    We're heading into above zero temps next week, so hopefully that weather makes its way to you as well so the snow disappears.

    Take care, stay well.

  5. So sorry to hear about your dad's cousin. I hope his wife and son will be ok. Numbers are increasing everywhere. It's terrifying!

  6. Sorry about your dad's cousin. I hope the rest of his family will be okay.

    Your Christmas cards sound like they have a lot of steps this year. Leah and I do that a lot--come up with a plan that has several steps and seems easy enough...until you are working on step three for the 90th time--LOL! I bet they are beautiful! :)

  7. I'm so sorry. Our area had 8 deaths in a nursing home during the past week. Unfortunately that those lives don't seem to matter according to posts by the anti maskers on Facebook. Our schools are moving to full time instruction, sports seem to be a free for all. I am not sure what it will take for us to take this seriously.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's cousin. 84 isn't that old these days and I'm sure without covid he would have lived many more happy years. This whole thing is just horrible.

  9. I know your Christmas cards must be beautiful. It sounds like you are making great progress on them.

    I have a feeling Far Guy's new old car is having a very nice life and must be happy with it's new home.

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's cousin. We are all touched by covid in many ways, sadly.

  10. It's unfortunate that the number of cases of Covid is increasing in your area. Good to hear you and Far Guy are keeping safe.

  11. It does seem a little early to be "hunkering down". It's in the low 40's here today and yesterday it was in the 70's. So sorry about your Dad's cousin. My SIL's father got Covid and he never even got very ill and is fine now. He's in his 80's too. There seems to be spikes in COVID al over.
    Glad Far Guy is taking care of his "baby". Your cards are always so beautiful.

  12. Sorry for the loss. Our state keeps getting worse instead of better.

  13. Soon everyone will know someone connceted to Covid wose still someone who has died of Covid

  14. Numbers are rising here by double digits every day! Pastor sent an email yesterday that five members are COVID positive. I won’t be going to church for a couple of weeks. Stay safe.

  15. It's very disheartening to her about covid related deaths. It's so unnecessary. Healthy people can be taken down by this virus and it sounds like your DAd's cousin was a healthy man.

  16. Sorry to hear about the friend. Snow still coming down here in SD. I want to watch fall movies but this snow makes me want to watch Christmas movies.

  17. I have heard that Covid is on the rise in Minnesota and in many other states, especially where wearing masks was resisted. I am sorry to hear that it has touched your family.

  18. Well far side, your talking about working on your Christmas cards finally got me to order mine last night. Now I feel better, so thank you! And they're 50% off now good timing! So sad to hear about your dad's cousin dying. Hope the rest of his family can fend it off and get well. Take good care you 2.

  19. I'm sorry to hear about your dad's cousin. In Ohio the numbers of cases and deaths go up and up, even though the governor keeps telling us to follow the rules.. Mask, social distancing, washing hands. I worry about my daughter. She is a teacher. The last I heard she is teaching students in the classroom, sanitizing desks between classes. She also works part-time at Kroger. We must wear masks in any business, grocery store, etc. Haven't thought much about Christmas yet.

  20. So sorry to hear of the loss of your dad's cousin to COVID. Tragic! I hope his wife and son do fully recover. Such a difficult disease.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's cousin. I will be praying for the rest of the family. I'm trying to just stay in my isolated little bubble. Larry and Nita are pretty much the only other people I go around and they stay home most of the time too. I have to take the truck to get tires put on early next week and I'm terrified of the waiting area that is always packed.
    Wishing you and Far Guy a good Sunday full of blessings and quiet times together.
    We will all get through this somehow.

  22. I did NOT send you snow! LOL Wouldn't wish that on anyone this early. And as I shovel the 2 feet we just got I'm "over winter". I was thinking I need to start deciding what to do for Christmas cards as well. Still on the fence if I'll even bother....sad I know.

  23. Sorry about your Dad's cousin. Hope his wife and son continue to recover.


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