Thursday, October 15, 2020

Little Smiles

 The package arrived in Michigan for the Great Grands.   Maddie put photos on facebook.

So serious...

And they fit!  Success! And a smile!  She is sitting on her brothers blankie that I crocheted for him when he was born.

Since I was sending something for Cee Cee I had to send something for Hey Mikey! 

He likes ice cream and his Mom will buy a gallon of ice cream and he can have ice cream many times. 

I wish these Great Grands didn't live so far away.

Far Side


  1. What cute pictures! i know what you mean about family living so far away. Sure do miss mine.

  2. Happy smiling faces!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Hey Mikey is sure growing up fast. I love those pictures of his sister, too.

  4. Ahhh such cuties! I bet those smiles made you feel warm inside.

  5. Awwwwh, the boots look so cute on her. Ohhhhh yes, ice cream is always a good treat to get the little older ones.

  6. How old is 'Hey, Mikey' now? He is so tall! My mom used to send wonderful packages to our girls, too when we lived in GA and she lived in NY.

  7. Hey Mikey has really grown up! Cee Cee really likes her little shoes....good job GG! I'd spend that money on ice cream too.

  8. They are adorable! I wish they lived close to you too.

  9. They are so darned cute! Hopefully you'll get to see them in person one day soon.

  10. Awwww... those beautiful smiles!! Where abouts in Michigan do they live? My oldest & her family are in the St. Joe area. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. How sweet she is with those adorable boots you made her! You can tell she loves them. And ice cream money for Mikey! Now that is a perfect gift for a growing young man. You are such a good great-grandma. I know you must miss them so much. Can you see them on something like Face Time on your computer?

  12. So sweet! Grandies are wonderful. It is tough if they are far away. Mine are in Vancouver and Ottawa. Two far, two an hour away!

  13. Oh my goodness! Look at those beautiful smiles. I bet that made your Great-Grandma heart so happy. Hey Mikey is getting so big. $$ is a great idea. Our grands love to get even a dollar or two just for them.
    I'm glad the boots fit and will keep little Cee Cee's feet snuggly warm for a few months anyway. They grow SO fast. Ask me how I know. I keep making Piper sweaters! Ha!

  14. Gosh! Can't believe they are both this big already!
    Booties fit. Ice cream money is the best! :)

  15. What precious great grands! They are just adorable. Their parents must be raising them right if Hey Mikey is that thrilled with ice cream money!! Those boots are so cute. I bet you can't let go of those photos.

  16. Your wish is the same as mine when comes to grandkids living a long way away.

  17. They are darling little ones. They have their moms eyes.

  18. My Grands lived far away when they were that age. It was hard. Then they moved back to Seattle. Yay.
    Sweet pic of CeeCee in her new boots.

  19. Oh so sweet. I love that the boots fit little Cee Cee and that Hey Mikey is ready for some ice cream thanks to great grandma and grandpa. What sweet little people. What a shame they don't live closer. Enjoy their smiles by long distance!

  20. Just look at those cute faces! Hard to believe Cece is already sitting.
    I'm sure Mikey will enjoy his ice cream.

  21. Our two youngest (6 and 2) grandsons live far away too. It's sad... we only get to see them three or four times a year and it takes us 10 hours to get there. But we are lucky that five of our grands only live 10 miles away! Counting my blessings....

  22. Those 2 sweet faces just demand a smile from whoever sees them!!

  23. Adorable! I don't have grands or great grands of my own as my only daughter couldn't have babies. Ted has grandchildren though but it isn't the same.

  24. Sweet kids. He really knows the money will buy him ice cream. We did get to see all there grand kids on facebook a day ago. I sort of figured we would be around much for them. The boys did remember and they decided to do show and tell. The little girl doesn't know us at all but she is young. Your boy has really grown up quickly.

  25. Ice cream money is a big thing for the littles! (It was for me and my brother way back when too lol.) Such sweet little grands faces, such beautiful blessings you have!

  26. Yay! They fit! Adorable. And a very happy Mikey, too!


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