Sunday, October 18, 2020

First sNOw

 It snowed on Saturday morning.

We got well over three inches of sNOw. 

My baby brother and his bride came over for a visit...he wiped off the chairs with his gloves and then I gave him a towel to finish drying the chairs.  It was a cool visit.

On Friday Far Guy and I got a few more Fall Projects done...another window washed and the bedroom window well cleaned out...there was a family of frogs under the leaves...I could start a bait business.  I blew some leaves away and did a quick trip through the yard mulching the last of the leaves.   Good thing I did too as the coming days are forecast to be real cool.  I still have the West Wildflower gardens to mow...the East Wildflowers stay until Spring as they are over the septic system/drain field.  So I am not sure I will get that mowing done...or the mower washed up before storing it for the winter.

No snow stick yet.

Far Guy says Winter is here...I was hoping for a warm old fashioned Indian Summer. 

sNOwy day activities involved trying out a new recipe.  No Knead Crusty Bread...lesson are supposed to make two or three loaves at a time...and store the dough in the fridge...and mix it in a ice cream pail...well the pail I chose "There's a hole in your bucket dear Liza a hole" (you are welcome for that earworm) so I had water and yeast all over the counter....then due to an overestimation of olive oil spray the cast iron dutch oven nearly smoked us out of the house. BUT the bread was really good.  The house probably needed a good airing out anyways.  

Far Guy said "Wouldn't  that frozen bread dough be a lot easier sweetheart." 

Far Side


  1. WE weren't ready for heavier rain and a drop in Temps into the low 50's, but snow? No thanks.

  2. The photos are beautiful, can't believe you are already getting snow. It's still like mid summer here. Warn fresh bread sounds perfect for a cold day :)

  3. The thought of homemade bread brings the most delightful aromas to mind. All is well here. Maybe November is the month I get back to blogging.

  4. Hahahah! The frozen bread is something I do have. I like to make it on those dreary yucky days that we need the smell of fresh bread in our house.
    Snow! I do like snow you know.
    I think my mowing is done. The long spots that need cleaning up will be handled by the pony and the goat!
    Self mowers!
    Be well and be safe.

  5. Lol Far Guy.... where is your sense of adventure!
    Yeah it's too early for sNOw! It can go away and come back mid December, thank you very much. I don't like La Nina winters.

  6. I laughed too at Far Guy's comment. :) The bread recipe sounds interesting though.
    Oh, I hope the snow goes away - we're forecast for some today but thankfully not 3 inches!
    Take care and stay well!

  7. Sigh! There it is! The first snow of the season. You have two more to go before it sticks for the whole winter.

  8. Snow! Time to get out the snow stick! I am happy your bread was so tasty. Mildred

  9. Your snow is so pretty!
    We've had a cooler fall than normal, but I don't think we'll see snow until mid November at the earliest. You never know though - Mother Nature is fickle.

  10. Sioux Falls had a light snow yesterday morning, but we are about 70 miles west and didn't have any snow. However, I see that a chance of snow is in our forecast a couple of days this week. SIGH!!! I'm dreading winter this year - probably like everyone else.

  11. That is fun. It's good we can tease our spouses!
    Yes, I'd heard there was snow. So far, not here in SE Ontario.

  12. Snow here too - and I'm also not quite done with fall chores but I am hopeful we'll at least see a melt enough to wrap them up. One can hope. Share pics and recipe for your bread please....and yes Far Guy, frozen would probably be easier...haha.
    Sherry in MT

  13. Wow, look at all that sNOw you got! Hopefully Indian Summer is on the other side of it somewhere. :-)

  14. LOL LOL. First off I am sure you will get at least a few more days of warm fall weather before winter really comes for good. We always do. However, I agree, 3 inches of snow already is a major shock. Second, I have made the no kneed bread too, and I don't remember it being that much work! I think the recipe I have makes two loaves. It's pretty sticky, but not really too hard. It's good, so it's worth the work. I suppose that being no kneed it's supposed to be less work, but your experience sort of seems to prove that theory wrong! How many loaves did your recipe make?

    1. 2 big loaves:) The other dough is in the fridge I will bake it in a few days

  15. Our snow over here in Fargo melted away--two mornings in a row.
    The outdoor visits have to be getting downright cold!
    Glad your bread turned out despite the hassles. :)

  16. "Wouldn't that frozen bread dough be a lot easier sweetheart."

    Ooooh, now doesn't that sound like a man!! *haha*

    My goodness, that snow!! Hopefully it will melt away and you'll still have some lovely autumn days. ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Frozen dough might be easier but then what would inspire you to air out the house? We have often had October snow here in northern NY but I would just as soon wait until November or December!

  18. I am thinking of switching to the frozen dough. It turns out so good every time and so much easier.
    Hug Far Guy for me...he is a keeper.

  19. That is a beautiful snow and not enough to be too much of a problem. Winter is with us today too, although we do not have snow. Yesterday I worked outside and it was 70 degrees and very windy. Today is cloudy and the high is in the low 40's. I love home made bread but I have been known to get the frozen dough. In fact we get the Rhodes frozen rolls a lot because you can just take out a few when it's just the two of us. Stay warm you two!

  20. I'm glad the bread turned out delicious after the mess on the counter. I love Far Guy's comment!

  21. Snow already! I can't imagine. Poppy is hoping for a really big snow this winter. I'm afraid to wish for anything. That's so funny about the bread. Well, not about the mess you had to clean up. Poppy would have said, why would you want to try all that when you can buy frozen bread. Oh, Cee Cee is adorable. Your post with the booties. Hey Mikey is too.

  22. I noticed the weather radar in your area overnight Friday into Saturday, thought of you guys. We turned on our heater last night for the first time this season... it got a tad brrrr overnight. 🥶 I used to love snow so much that peole would blame me for ordering it each year. (Haha.) Now that I'm older... ugh. Not handling cold and snow and ice and chilly winds very well anymore. Ah, aging. Now... pardon me for wandering off to try to find a different song to stop the hole-in-the-bucket song. 😆 Blessings! Stay warm, Connie!

  23. We're supposed to get snow here this week too. It feels cold enough to snow now, but we just had rain last night. Temps predicted to be in the teens later this week. It sure seems early for all of this, but it's probably normal. I've just forgotten what. normal is.
    Dennis and Larry have been outside putting foam board insulation behind the RV skirting yesterday and this afternoon. Hopefully they will get it done today.
    Your bread sounds delicious, but I agree with Far Guy, frozen WOULD be easier. :-)

  24. The snow covered a wide area. We had 3 in of snow on Friday but it has got very cold.

  25. My mum used to freeze bread and so do I because it is what we do.

  26. I love your husband! The sNOw, not so much.

  27. Please say it isn't so - not already!

  28. Yep, winter has arrived here too..and we have another 3 to 5 inches in the forecast. Early huh? Seems like it. You have been getting alot done in and around your house. I remember the old Rhodes frozen bread dough we used to get when I was a kid. But you said yours turned out that's a victory! Stay warm you guys.

  29. Brrr! I hope you get the Indian Summer you desire.

  30. Oh, my, I can’t believe you already have snow.

  31. oh that bread but it does sound very good! The snow, I am also hoping it melts but I am sure glad we got done what we did on Friday.

  32. You had more snow than I did! I guess Indian Summer was Indian weekend. Phil

  33. I'm afraid that it's going to be a harsh winter. The birds here started forming V's in July. But I will be grateful for my cozy home and do what I can to help other's get through it too.

  34. What's the earliest date you've ever gotten snow in your area? October 17 does seem awfully early. Then again, it's Minnesota! Sorry to hear that--Indian Summer would be much nicer--but at least it made a lovely photo.

    1. September is what I recall. Although my Dad says one year it snowed every month of the year.

  35. Sorry about the bread mishap. But at least the bread you managed to make out of it was good. Hope it's less of an eventful experience if you try that recipe again.

    Snow already? WOW!

  36. How exciting!!! Snow! My grand emailed me as they had some flakes flying at their house but it didn't stick. We all get excited about snow. I do not spray anything in my dutch oven at all. The bread doesn't stick. I use Jenny Can Cook's recipe for one loaf...easy peasy. I make the dough, put a towel over it and let it sit overnight on top of the frig and bake it the next day when I feel like fuss, no muss!

  37. I bet you’ll get some Indian Summer yet. At least I hope so. Your bread looks yummy, nice and crusty. I found that King Arthur makes a flour that has no wheat in it but you can only make quick breads with it, won’t work with yeast. I’m thrilled to have banana bread and pumpkin bread, though, after years without any bread!

  38. It does sound like a fun bread to work with.

  39. I would have a cow if it snowed that early in the season. We are finally getting rain. The last few days it's been around 18 degrees celcius. Not sure what that is in Fahrenheit. But it's warmish.

    That's nice looking bread.


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