Monday, September 7, 2020

Projects on Sunday

 Far Guy worked on his new old car ...the horn doesn't work and the brake lights need some work.   I think he may have used the vacuum cleaner too!  He moved a bunch of tools over garage is being transformed into an auto repair shop.  The radio works...his project continues.

I carded dog fur for quite some time, my other baby brother and she who sees Robins first were our visitors along with my parents.  

I put my Christmas Card project away for a while...I am about half done.   I was getting bored with that project so I got out some different cards to work on...with an emphasis on Fall cards. 

I straightened out some of my yarn stash.  

The latest shawl project is Fall inspired...and it is almost finished.  After it has been blocked I will take a photo! 

Our summer type weather is leaving us for a few days...nights will be REAL cool with a possible frost and daytime highs in the 50's ...uffda.  I may have to move my carding dog hair project into the woodshop/greenhouse. 

School starts here in Minnesota this week.  They always start the day after Labor Day.  The kids will need jackets! 

Far Side


  1. I always like it when a school system starts school, in the fall, after Labor Day. That's how it used to be when I was a kid too. Now it seems that many places start the first couple weeks in August, which is absolutely ridiculous to me. It's still summer at that time. Poor kids! Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. Good Morning, I love those fall cards you created! The shawl is gorgeous, too. My morning walk has been much cooler this weekend.

  3. Sounds like the car is a perfect project for FG to tinker with right now. I'm still working on tomatoes and now making space in the freezer in the shed!

  4. I read about that cool down, after record heat. It seems weird to think of the possibility of frost possible, so early. Happy Labor Day to you and yours! :-)

  5. Enjoy all of your projects and try to enjoy the cool weather :)

  6. The smoke is heavy and thick here again today. We can't see to the other farm now. Terrible. Hard on my breathing and on Boomer. We are still trying to get the last field of hay in...maybe today something. That would be good!

  7. I remember being a kid and hating Labor Day weekend, for two reasons. One, my parents always took us to this reunion with a lot of their college friends that day (maybe Monday, maybe Sunday I can't remember) and they had a great time catching up with their friends but all of us kids were supposed to play together and we didn't know each other and had little in common. Not so fun for us most years. And the second reason I hated Labor Day was that the first day of school was the very next day!!! Now days it's just another weekend and I find it much less stressful that way. Your cards are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  8. Summer is definitely winding down. I’ll gladly trade your 50s with the predicted 30s for this area. I can’t wrap my head around a high of 30 this early in September. Sigh

  9. Sounds like a nice and productive day.

  10. When I went to school we always started the day after Labor Day. Since then our start date keeps inching into August because of football. Something about they can only start scrimmages so far before the start of school? I don't know. Our county fair is the second full week of August and there are times we would go back the day after we tore down the fair. That was tight! Lately there has been debate about going back during the fair! This year every school is starting differently, some back full time, some back hybrid (which is split the class in two groups so half attends at a time for distancing while the other half does virtual classes) and some totally virtual (although they still play football in person). Some of my grandchildren have been back for two weeks, some started this past week, and one starts next week. I have two teacher daughters and one teacher daughter in law and to say this has been challenging is an understatement.

  11. Do you make the envelopes for the lovely cards you make or buy them? Thank you! Thinking of trying my hand at making some cards.

    1. Yes I have made my own envelopes but I prefer to buy them with matching card stock! I still make an occasional envelope it is a real fussy project! Hobby Lobby has cards and envelopes...I am sure other stores do too:)

  12. That shawl is definitely a warm cozy fall color. I'm just glad we are not expecting snow like the western part of SD is tonight.

  13. Over here in Hawaii, the kids have online learning. Don't know if there ever will be in person learning. You never know.

  14. What a pretty fall yarn color for your shawl. We had 95F yesterday and today is supposed to be 51F with a low of 36F tonight! By Thursdays, the 90's again! What is happening? We're driving back ot Omaha for the funeral on Thursday and Friday and think we'll just miss the predicted snow in Rapid City. I'm NOT ready for this.

  15. I hear the temperature is supposed to drop 70 degrees in some parts of the "west". with freezing temps and snow predicted for Denver and the front range. Crazy.
    Here we are heating up again. Not good for the wild fires.

  16. I love the Fall cards! The shawl looks like something you might need soon if it keeps getting cooler. We are supposed to have some cooler weather here this week and I hope we do as this summer has been really hot. The kids here start school tomorrow which is new as they usually start in the middle of August here. (too early in my mind!) I guess I should say they start "hybrid school" tomorrow. They will alternate days at school and electronic learning at home in order to keep the number of students in school at one time lower. I sometimes wonder if we will ever get back to normal. Our state is currently one of the "red" states with still rising covid counts. We've become experienced hermits!

  17. Such nice cards, I wish I could make cards but I shake too much

  18. I love the colour of the latest shawl. It's perfect for Fall. It's hard to think of needing a shawl these days because the weather is more like summer, but Fall will surely come. Kids usually start school around here the day after Labour Day but apparently they ( teachers) need extra days to figure out how to organize their classrooms so students are far enough away from each other. I wonder how they'll manage that.

  19. Freeze warnings for a few nights--good grief! While other parts of the country have record highs. Going to be an interesting year on another level, too?
    Love the fall cards and the fall shawl, too. I'm sure FarGuy will work on the new toy until it gets too cold. Same with your carding outdoors. :)

  20. Sounds like Far Guy has a long term project.

  21. Sounds like you've been busy as always, and far guy too, with his new beautiful hobby. Yes we've got the cold weather too. Makes me feel like baking something! muffins.....madeleine cookies.....bread pudding?

  22. Sounds like the seasons are changing with a vengeance. Uffda was a new word to me - I had to Google it! (love the way we all use different words around the world).

  23. We've got frost in the forecast tonight, and I'm not the least bit happy about it.

    The car project sounds like fun and I can only imagine the memories it brings back. :)

    Take care and stay well.

  24. Your cards look beautiful ~ fall is coming! I look forward to the change, to start some different projects and let the yard and outdoors take a winter's nap.

  25. It's getting cooler here too. Love your cards!

  26. cold air moving in here in Iowa as well. Thankfully, it is bringing the rain we need. 50's tomorrow!

  27. The yarn on your latest Fall project looks wonderful--and so soft! What a great color.

  28. I think I'm ready for a good fall project too!

  29. Our neighbor across the street leaves his garage door open all of the time as he is running a repair shop there. I am going to wait and see if he gets shut down by the city. You have garage sound now at your place.

  30. Those are lovely cards! A great project.
    Our grandies don't start online learning until Sept. 18th. Labour Day is late this year. It's been quite a mess.


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