Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Minnesota Twist

I made a new to us recipe...yes I know we are living on the edge!  

Long time blogger friend Martha had it over on her weekly menus.  She is much more creative than I am! 

She had a photo of what it looked like.   Mine is similar but different. We are not nearly as fancy as people in Florida! 

I made just 1/2 of the original recipe as there are just two of us and who knows if we would like it or not!

Minnesota Twist on Korean Beef Rice Bowls

1/2 pound of lean ground beef browned add some black pepper

In a separate bowl whisk together;

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup soy sauce

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1/2 teaspoon sriracha sauce

Add to browned ground beef and simmer to reduce liquids.

I served it over Brown and Wild Rice 

You can add garlic to the ground beef as it is cooking if you wish...I did not as we don't like garlic.  You can also add sliced green onions, red pepper flakes or sesame seeds for garnish...I did not.


Far Guy said "Boy it is hot! What is in there?"  Perhaps I put in too much sriracha.

Me...It was tasty and hot.  But a good flavor.  Next time I will serve it with a side salad or coleslaw to cut the heat.  I had to stop eating when I started to have hot flashes...uffda.  It sure warms you up!  Frosty frozen Margaritas might be just the ticket....I have not had a Margarita in a year...I must be over due.

Here is a photo of my half eaten plate.  Far Guy mixed his all up...I kept mine as separate as possible on my plate.  Rice on the outside hamburger mixture in the center! 

Will I make it again ...sure for us it is probably a once every six weeks meal.

Have you cooked something new to you lately? 

Far Side


  1. Fun to try new recipes!
    Just found a quick and easy fruit dessert recipe using canned pears. Have not tried it yet, but it sounds good. You heat raisins in a bit of the pear juice to re-hydrate them, add cinnamon and the sliced pears, heat enough to warm up the pears, then serve with vanilla ice cream! If we like it, I will post it, giving exact measurements.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. That sounds like something my hubby and I would like. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. I would have been a happy eater at your table!

  4. Sounds like a yummy dish. One of my daughters has been making a lot of poke bowls (similar) lately. I've tried a couple of new recipes this summer, but my husband is such a picky eater it usually does not end well. Sometimes he won't even try new recipes.

  5. I'm so glad you liked it and sorry it was a bit too hot for you, just cut down the sriracha a bit next time or have that margarita with it :)
    When I made it last week, I cooked a half of a London broil in the slow cooker in a cup of beef broth, shredded and then put it in the frying pan with all the ingredients and served it over Asian rice noodles. I liked it even better than with the ground beef. It's good with chicken too!

  6. That sounds good for an occasional change of pace. I need some new meals to add to my list. I'm always looking for healthy and quick to fix meals. Have a good day!

  7. I'd have to leave out the sriracha sauce--LOL! But looks good. :)

  8. I know something is a bit spicy when it hits my sinuses and makes my nose run!
    That looks delicious though - - - with a little less spice for us.

  9. Yum! Fancy enough for me . . . set another plate, I'll be over, LOL
    Wish it was that easy :)

  10. I think I'll make this but substitute farmer sausage for the ground beef. I must remember to go easy on the the hot sauce.

  11. I almost never cook anything new or cook from a recipe, except for baking. Our meals generally consist of a protein ( beef, pork, fish, chicken, shrimp, lamb) broiled or grilled, a starch, cooked fresh vegetables, and a salad. We don't "mix it up" much.

  12. Ah! Yes! I dislike cooking with a vengeance. However I took a fresh ham we had in the freezer and I looked up pulled pork and did the soy sauce and ground pepper, sea salt, ...did a rub thingy and then plopped it in the crockpot per the directions I wrote down from a recipe on the internet.
    IT was so good! We ate it too! And I froze enough to have to rapid heat and eat meals.
    I can add that I've done homemade bread and homemade pasta sauce. Extra time, but worth it.
    After all.
    Where do I have to go these days?

  13. That looks good, and something I know what my son would enjoy. I'll have to buy a bit of siracha though as that's not something I have in my pantry.

    Take care and stay well!

  14. I made homemade fajitas for the first time a few weeks ago. We love them but don't go out to eat anymore so I figured if we were going to have them I better figure it out. I got the recipe for the seasoning online but I can't remember where from. A blogger, a website? We love it so I need to figure it out. Dennis likes hot and spicy but I don't.

  15. Looks good, especially if you like beef. I might try it with seitan or other meat substitute. :-)

  16. Sounds interesting better then anything I could make

  17. I'm not big on hot, but that's something my Dave would like. I'll have to make it for him one night.

  18. I think it looks good, except we don't much like spicy stuff. I was thinking of getting out my crockpot cookbook and making one of our favorite recipes from years ago. Cool weather gets me thinking that way, I guess.

  19. It looks good but I would go light on the hot sauce and a salad does sound good with it.


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