Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Making a list

 I started a Fall list in my head...not such a great idea as I have no way to cross it off or scratch it out.

The sauna has not been used all summer...it is  not a summer activity!  I took a broom and swept the walls inside and outside...can you say cobwebs?  Then I gathered all the rugs to wash...and vacuumed up the floor.  I enlisted Far Guy to get the light fixtures down and washed them up.   Today I will return the rugs to the inside and on the bench outside.  Next summer the sauna needs to be painted...but that is a different list...anyways the sauna is ready to use! 

 Far Guy worked on his new old car.

He took the back seat out and was cleaning up the vinyl. 

So far the smoke from the wildfires seems to be staying high in the air...I could not smell smoke at all. 

I took care of some weeds in the rocks and some that were coming up on the patio then I carded dog hair until it was movie time and then I had a nap....I slept right on through some comedy.  

I really must make that Fall list on paper and not just in my head! Half the month is over and it will officially be Fall soon.

Far Side


  1. If I put projects in my head they would never get done as I would surely forget them.

  2. It sounds like to me that you are awaiting Fall with open arms. Me, too. I am tired of Covid, I am tired of being cooped up, I am tired of hot weather. Gee whiz.. maybe I'm just tired. hehe. Anyway, have a great day, Connie.

  3. I guess you're right, sauna use is best in fall and winter when it gets cold. :-)

  4. Far Guy sure seems to be staying busy with the old new car, that's a good thing. Better get started on your list :)

  5. I am thinking about thinking about fall. My problem is that I am still waiting for summer. . .

  6. I'm normally a list maker too. But I haven't gotten that far yet this fall.

  7. Well at least you HAVE a list! I lived in the UP for 6 years. Sauna was a wonderful thing!

  8. My Fall list is made, but I can't seem to even get started on anything on the list. Geez.

  9. Yup--I always need lists on paper--LOL! But it is nice to let them simmer in the brain for a while first. ;)

  10. Pretty soon that sauna is going to feel really good! If I don't make a list on my computer or on paper it won't get done!

  11. Most of my Fall outdoor tasks are completed. I do need to clean out the small flower bed. I hope the smoke plume stays high in the sky so Far Guy can breathe easier.

  12. Lists. I make lists every day. On paper. If I kept them in my head I would never remember which is why I have to make lists.
    We will soon need to put away all of the summer things here at the trailer and get it ready for winter. We have a company coming out today to do a second set of measurements for a skirt for the trailer to keep out the cold from underneath. That is supposed to help a lot. I am NOT ready for winter at all.
    The smoke is a bit better this morning although it's still in the hazardous to breathe range and the news guy said it will be bad again by tomorrow. Yuck!

  13. I have no long term lists yet. I am still trying to make it through each day. PT exercises - check, walk - can't because of smoke, blogs read - in process, dinner planned - check, Shopping for emergency kit replacement items - next. Not sure what's next. Read the paper, read my book, watch TV.

  14. We arent smelling smoke here in Eastern Ontario, but it is coloring our sky. Its pinkish yellow with some pretty vibrant red sunsets over the lakes.

  15. I have a fall list, all written down nice & neat in a notebook. I have indeed crossed-off a few things but... well... let's just say that it will probably be snowing & Christmas carols will be playing and everything on that list will NOT be crossed-off. So I believe lists are simply things to make us feel guilt. You have the right idea... don't make one. :-D ~Andrea xoxo

  16. There is never a shortage of items to be placed on a list, are there? I have a few lists, mostly in my head, but I also use my Google Mini to keep track of these and then there is the Christmas spreadsheet, and the daily calendar.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. I love lists and love checking things off. Homemakers get very little feedback so one has to provide the sense of accomplishment oneself.

  18. I haven't started a fall list yet... maybe tomorrow, or the next day...

  19. Someone's car is going to be sparkling clean.

  20. I had friends in northern MI when I was in my 20's. They had a sauna. It makes you feel good to get a chore like cleaning the sauna completed and ready to use. I'm thankful you are not smelling the smoke from the fires. We have had cooler temps and lots of wind today. I always look forward to fall.

  21. I am a list maker just saying
    I don't have a sauna but would love one

  22. You are so good at getting projects accomplished. I always get tired just reading of all the things you're accomplishing! Good for you....both of you! Now you can get in that sauna and relax! I have to renew my driver's license soon....good grief...so many forms you have to take with you now...I have to order a certified copy of our marriage certificate to prove how I changed names a zillion years ago. What fun!

  23. Oh, dear, not that I'm wishing you fires in Minnesota, but I hope it's not a plume of smoke all the way from the fires out by us that you're dealing with!!! I hope you and Far Guy have appropriate particle masks if you need to go outdoors. The smoke is just incredibly thick...and incessant.

  24. I love lists but have to write them down - I have even been known to get up at night when something comes to mind and add it to my list!

  25. Sounds like you made a great start on that list. Definitely a good plan to put it on paper and not just in your head though.

  26. I was wondering if the smoke from the fires had reached as far a western Minnesota. Glad to hear it’s not affecting you. I like a written list, too, because I get a weird satisfaction with checking things off!

  27. So far it has remained high in the air, making a haze, it is supposed to move out today with the cold front. Far Guy said he could smell smoke:(

  28. We had some bad pollution from the smoke yesterday but today is clear and sunny with blue skies. We never have pollution here so I know that is what it was from. I need to check my list for Fall maintenance. I have it written on my pc but I am a list maker from way back! The car is looking good and I'm sure the sauna is too!


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