Monday, September 21, 2020

Birthday Report

 I had a great birthday!  

Jen stopped by with a card and some dies for May Baskets!  Someday I hope to make May Baskets again! 

 I opened the Dick Blick box from Far Guy.  Dick Blick sells art supplies of all kinds. 

Inside that box was a case for Tombow Dual Brush markers and a bunch of markers!   They are perfect for the cards I like to make. I have a real good start on a great collection! 

Jen brought her scissors and gave me a haircut and thinned the bulky was taking forever for my hair to dry...some days it would be wet from morning until night because it took a really long time to dry. What a relief to have some of the bulk gone! 

Later in the afternoon my parents brought out a cake, my Mom sewed me a new valance for the kitchen window and a runner for the table...when I get the valance up I will take a photo. 

My other baby brother and she who sees Robins first stopped by for cake and a visit....and nephew Josh stopped by with a Happy Birthday wish also! 

It was a good day...and now I am older.  Special cards were sent by a number of good friends! 

Many lovely messages appeared on facebook and here on the blog...thank you! 

Far Side


  1. Sounds like a delightful birthday! How fun to have all those new markers for the cards you make.

  2. Gosh darn it! I didn't stop by and wish you a happy birthday! Wow, what a great day you had. Love the art supplies. I was thinking about art and interesting projects for the winter months.
    I know I need to sit down and sort photos to make some cards! I'll have lots of time once the days grow short and cold...I think!
    Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday (a day late). I was thinking of you yesterday but never got around to wishing you a Happy Birthday. So happy you had a great day.

  4. I had never heard of Dick Blick until you posted it - - - and it's located in "our neck of the woods". I have learned some interesting things from blogs over the years.
    So thankful you had a wonderful birthday! You deserve it and have great people who celebrate you.
    We celebrated my husband's and son-in-law's birthday this weekend - - complete with a piñata! It was a fun weekend for many it seems.

  5. What a wonderful day and celebration of LOVE!

  6. Did you not get the notice - since nothing is happening this year no one gets a year older.

  7. So glad you had a good day. Sounds like a wonderful start to a new year for you.

  8. How wonderful! Happy birthday once more, dear friend. :-)

  9. Sounds like a perfect day. I am so glad you had a nice birthday! :)

  10. Very nice birthday happenings, glad for you and glad it was happy. Happy Birthday.

  11. Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a great one!

  12. What a great birthday present! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday with family visits and cake and more presents! Happy birthday!! :)

  13. Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had an awesome birthday.Here's to many more wonderful days ahead!

  14. What a nice day! Take care and stay well.

  15. You are just the best! I'm so glad you had a marvelous birthday!!!

  16. It sounds like you had a perfect birthday and Far Guy chose the perfect gift for you! I would imagine having the markers in a container like that would make it so much faster and easier to pick just the right one each time. Your cards are lovely too! And I know it was special to get to see you parents and some family members!

  17. Sound like you got lots of birthday love from your family. Far Guy did a great job of choosing something you love.

  18. Nice that you had a good birthday. I have a GD that would absolutely love the art supplies you received. Nice too that Jen cut your hair. Taking all day to dry is obviously a pain.

  19. Glad to hear you had a nice day and so many visitors!

  20. So yesterday was your birthday, the 20th. I need to remember that. I did remember that you are a Virgo. :) I'll just wish you a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you had a good one. You must have thick beautiful hair.

  21. What a great birthday. Your mom is a wonder, still bringing you cake and sewing things for you.

  22. Happy birthday. I hope you have a great day.

  23. Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like it was a wonderful day! I hope I remember to come see the valance your mom made.

  24. I'm glad you had such a perfect day!

  25. Sounds like you had a terrific Birthday. Jen's gift and Far Guy's Dick Blick box sounded just great. And you even got a birthday haircut, cake and ice cream and visits from people you love. What could beat that? Sounds like you had an all-around great day!

  26. It sounds like you had a really lovely birthday! Happy belated birthday!

  27. Thank you for the photograph of your art supplies. What a thoughtful birthday gift. I know you are already putting those supplies to good use!

  28. It sounds as though you had a wonderful birthday with lots of good treats and visits too. I got my hair cut on Saturday for the first time since January. I haven't been able to get in to get it cut because of that nasty virus. They were closed for 3 1/2 months and swamped ever since. I cut Dennis's hair so he hasn't had any issues. But...they measured it and knew how I get it cut and it grew 6 inches during those 9 months! I had no idea it grew that fast.

  29. Sounds like it was a perfect birthday.

  30. A lovely day! I have my first professional haircut since March on Saturday!

  31. You did have a great birthday! Love those Tombows and that holder is terrific.
    Wow, your Mother is so nice to you. I don't remember ever getting a birthday present from my parents nor did they ever celebrate it. I can't wait to see the valance and the table runner. You are loved as well you should be!!!

  32. Happy birthday to you. I am behind in many things and the comments are fun to do when I get to it. The colors are so inspiring.

  33. Ahh happy belated birthday my virtual friend!
    Sherry in MT


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