Saturday, September 26, 2020

40 hours

 I was away for 40 hours.  Granddaughter Paige and I took a flight from Bemidji Minnesota to Louisville Kentucky.  Travel not wear a shirt with sparklies on it or you will alarm the system and have to have a wand search and then a pat down and residue swab on your hands.  Who knew?  They took Paige's toothpaste because it was too large. 

We had a lay over for a couple of hours in Minneapolis /St Paul.  The plane from there was a hunk of junk and kept making noises and you could feel vibrations and hear clunking noises under my feet.  As we landed in Louisville several streets were blocked off with cop cars...the lights were quite visible late at night we had no idea that riots were happening there and there was a 9 PM curfew as we traveled out of the city with Far Guy's sister and brother in law amongst very little traffic on the freeway. 

Thursday morning our oldest daughter was released from a hospital there and Paige and I drove 13 hours and delivered her safely back to the town where she is living.

Far Guy drove 3 1/2 hours in the early morning hours to pick up Paige and I.  Paige kept her grandpa busy talking and helped him watch for deer while I slept and reportedly snored in the back seat...only awakened with a charlie horse behind my knee.   After Paige was delivered safely to her apartment I completed the drive home. 

It was a quick trip...however it was nice to see Far Guy's sister and brother in law and our niece who lives in the area. 

Everyone wore masks in the airports and on the plane we were all spread out inside the aircraft with spaces all over...capacity was about 25% of normal.  They seated everyone in the back of the plane first row by row so no one had to walk by anyone else.   I believe that exposure was least we hope so. 

On our way back through Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin everyone wore masks except a couple of people in a McDonalds in Indiana. 

Far Guy and I are both tired of driving and missing sleep.  Far Guy could not travel on the airplane due to his oxygen requirements and his weekly infusion. 

I came home to a carpet of newly fallen leaves so the second mulch of the season was completed...I would rather drive the lawn mower around for hours versus a car any day of the week.  Far Guy estimates that 1/3 of our leaves fell out of the trees while I was gone. 

Sunrise on Brazil Lake near Georgetown Indiana September 24 2020

It is good to be home.

Far Side


  1. Glad you made it home safe and sound and hopefully virus free. I haven't even considered a plane flight during this pandemic, missing my yearly trip to Florida.

  2. You were in MY state of Indiana! I thought I "felt" your presence!!! :-) So glad you had a safe trip. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Oh my. I'm glad your trip was safe. And I hope your daughter is doing well.
    We are doing our best with masks, but still have some in our area that just don't get it.
    Stay well.

  4. Glad you were able to have a little visit and glad you are back home now!

  5. Thankful you had a safe trip though long & tiring I am sure. Fingers crossed that all stay well.

  6. Make sure that charlie horse isn't a blood clot from flying.
    We live 50 miles from Louisville. Yeah, not a pretty sight.

  7. I think you are very brave to travel. I’m sure your granddaughter appreciated your help and glad you are home safe and sound.

  8. That's a nice view in the pictures. We are getting a little dab of rain. It was getting so dry the leaves were curling up & falling off the trees without any color.

  9. Welcome home! Sending my best wishes for your daughter as she recovers at home.

  10. Glad you are safe and happy your oldest daughter was released from the hospital. I hope she is recovering comfortably at home. And thankful for your travel partner and co-driver Paige; granddaughters are the best. And glad that you are home and can rest and mow. Altogether a very productive 40 hours and you deserve a rest!

  11. That's quite a trip! I think the only thing I'd like about flying right now is the less people on the plane!
    Glad everything went well and you are home safe.

  12. That was a quick trip! I'm glad all went well with the flights, barring the sparklies, and the drive too. I have no desire to travel as our numbers are way up here again.

  13. So glad your daughter is out of the hospital and that you made it there and back safely. I am with you about driving the lawn mower as opposed to a car on the highway. Every morning walk shows more and more color happening here. My driveway is full of leaves and teeny tiny acorns. I think the hummers have left. Enjoy some rest and your own bed!

  14. Glad your trip went smoothly (despite the clunking of the plane). Hope your daughter is recovering well.

  15. I'm so glad you got there and got back safely!

  16. That was exhausting just reading about it all! Glad the trip went well, you got in some quick visiting, and your daughter is home recovering. :)

  17. Oh my, what a lot of traveling in a short amount of time! The plane ride did not sound too pleasant but then they usually are not these days. I hope your daughter is doing okay and all is well with her. It is certainly good that she is out of the hospital. It's nice that you got to see some family and spend time with Paige.

    So the leaves were just waiting for you to leave home to fall! Figures. I wouldn't worry about it and just get yourself rested up from such a whirl-wind trip! I'm glad everyone is home safe!

  18. Sometimes travel can be very stressful even with out covid.

  19. If you told us about your daughter's medical condition earlier, I guess I missed it, but I do hope she is doing well at home.
    I have not flown anywhere in a long time. I miss traveling but it is more than COVID that is keeping me grounded. Sparkles, huh. Good to know, although I am not much of a sparkle person.

  20. What an exhausting 40 hours you had, although it must have been nice to see family and your daughter again. Flying at the moment sounds like an adventure in itself. I'm glad you all got home safely again.

  21. Glad you were able to help drive your daughter home, and to visit - however brief - with other family too. I love to travel, but coming home is always the best.

  22. How lovely that you had a good howbeit full and eventful time away. Hopefully your daughter is on the mend and will soon be completely well.
    Interesting about the effect of sparklies on your shirt on security. Who'd of thought about that beforehand!!

  23. I'm glad your trip was a safe one, and I hope you're getting your rest - What a full and what I know was a memorable trip in so many ways!

    Louisville is near where I'm from in Kentucky, I'm originally from around Elizabethtown/Ft. Knox, which is west....I think... :-)

  24. Good to hear that your travels went well ~ it is all interesting during these covid times that is for sure. I am sure you and Paige enjoyed each other for travel companions. Now get some rest.

  25. I noticed the leaves really starting to fall today. But it's 80 degrees for goodness sake. Summer is back!

  26. Wow, what an adventure. The last time we landed in Minnesota the landing was horrible. If we had not had seat belts on we would have all been on the floor or in the aisles. I hope everything is good with your daughter.

  27. Whew what a trip. Glad you're home safe and sound. Praying that your daughter is doing all right too.

  28. I'm with you on the lawn tractor!
    I hope you were safe during your trip.
    I thought out little day trip was tiring! whew

  29. I like to go visiting but I'm always glad to get back home.

  30. Whew. Hope everyone is doing well. Whew.

  31. That is quite an adventure; even though it went fine, the stress of it must have been exhausting. I was in Louisville in March with my daughter and her boyfriend. She lives near Cincinnati. How the world has changed since then! :(

  32. Glad your daughter is safely back home now. Air travel is certainly different this year. When my husband had to fly to Florida earlier this month, he took a picture of the airport--it was empty, such an eerie sight! I think you will be much more relieved after that trip, once the next two weeks pass with no symptoms!


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