Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 Mama deer and her twin fawns.

I took the photo through the window...if I opened the door they would run off.  Although Far Guy had a close encounter with them one day ...they looked at him and started walking toward him...he reached for his phone to take a photo ...and off they went.

Deer Butts

I am not sure what they are eating...there is some longer grass where they are eating. 

Something ate the new growth that was coming up from the wild rose bush that we cut down last month.  Not sure if it is these guys or bunnies.

I mowed and noticed little hoof tracks through and around a mud puddle on the back road...the fawns must have been playing in the rain.

I have been water coloring Christmas Cards in my spare time...I watched a movie on Netflix  called The Zookeeper...totally my kind of movie I laughed and laughed...I give it 9 out of 10 stars. 

Far Side



  1. Those are some great pictures of the deer. They sure do love your yard.

  2. They are so pretty. I'll have to check out that movie. I've been looking for something funny to watch. Have a great day :)

  3. Cute deer butts! I will have to watch that movie. Thanks! :-)

  4. Zookeeper? That may be worth checking out, we need laughs!
    I walked up on 2 doe yesterday while checking fences. Now I also know why they knocked the top hot wire down!

  5. Look that those white tails ready to flash! Mostly mule deer in this area.

  6. Deer are so destructive, but I love them and I love seeing them.

  7. It's fun to watch those fawns grow up over the summer. We have seen the usual deer families in our yard, and now the turkey broods have been passing through too. It's nice that our yards feel like safe places for them, but I do wish they would quit nibbling certain plants.

  8. I love the pictures of the deer! Those two little fawns are adorable. I hope they stay safe with the bear in the neighborhood! I've heard about The Zookeeper and would like to see it. Thanks for the rating. Enjoy working on the cards!

  9. If Far Guy hadn't reached for his phone I wonder how close the deer would have come.
    I took note of the movie that you enjoyed. Come rainy weather and long dark evenings I'll be more inclined to sit and watch Netflix.

  10. Beautiful photos of the deer. I do love to see them although I know they can also do a LOT of damage to a garden.
    Take care.

  11. I hope they are not eating your beautiful wild flowers.

  12. The flowers, and the deer, look beautiful in your pictures!

  13. Deer and fawns are always a favorite.

  14. You do get a lot of wildlife in your yard. Better than people traipsing through!

  15. Wonderful pictures of the deer and your lovely wild flower garden. My wonderful deer ate my beans!

  16. My bunny is now tame. He doesn't run from me while out there. He will eventually by shot by my neighbor. He does it on the sly whatever weapons behind a screen. He doesn't know we can see him when he walks behind the screen.


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