Monday, August 24, 2020

Quiet Sunday

 We had a quiet Sunday...we listened to church and then carried on with everyday normal stuff.   Laundry and some  housework...Far Guy worked on his woodcarving  he is making great progress.  

My brothers and their wives stopped by to visit.  My other baby brother called me from the grocery store to see what we needed...he dropped off some Outshine Lime Fruit Bars...just like a margarita with out the ta kill ya.  The ta kill ya just makes me sleepy anyways.  My baby brother stopped by when he was putting up No Trespassing Signs...he will pick some up for us too....many of our old boards are rotten and need to be replaced.  It has been on my list of things to do.  We had nice visits with them all. 

I worked on Christmas Cards...every few days I switch supplies just to keep it interesting and less like an assembly line.  I do six cards at a time.  First the inside then the outside since it is a tri fold card. 

I will not be attending the craft retreat this year in wouldn't be a good thing for me to bring something back to Far Guy.  I always look forward to the retreat..maybe next can always hope.  I was pretty bummed out about it...but I made the correct decision...I can check in with all the gals on facetime and I hope to schedule something fun to do here at home that weekend.  I usually work on my Christmas Cards at the retreat. 

It is hot and humid here...more like July weather than August.  Leaves are starting to fall out of the trees and make the patio and lawn look messy. 

Echinacea, Liatris and Obedient Plant in the wildgardens August 2020

Far Side


  1. Wonderful to see so much of your family!
    I'm working on Christmas cards, too. You inspired me. :)

  2. Sorry about the craft retreat. Hope all this will be over and you can go to it next year.

  3. I like the picture of your wildgardens.

  4. Sounds like it was a nice Sunday. I'm sorry you won't be able to go to the retreat this year. I hope you and far guy have a great week :)

  5. Sorry to hear you won't be attending your retreat this year, but it's a good call, considering our pandemic situation. Hopefully there will be one next year. Nice wildflower picture. :-)

  6. It's a shame you can't attend the retreat, though I do agree it is the best choice for this year. Virtually checking in will be nice and something we all need to get used to for the time being.

    Take care and stay well!

  7. Your garden is lovely. I'm tired of summer and I never thought I would ever say that ever in my whole life.

  8. Your decision to stay home from the retreat this year is a wise one. I’m troubled that so many people are going about their life as if everything is normal - no precautions. Those actions give the virus the opportunities it needs to continue to spread.

  9. I think it sounds like a nice relaxing Sunday. How nice to have family so close to help pick up needed items. As much as it is frustrating to miss favorite events like your retreat, you know you made the right decision. It was hard to let Dennis go to Omaha by himself, we love those kinds of drives together, but we also know my immune system wouldn't stand a chance out there this year. We still worry about him bringing something back to me, but we weighed it against his seeing his baby sister one more time. I'll take my chances.
    Take care.

  10. "Ta-kill-ya".... I laughed out loud when I read that one!!! Just what I needed this Monday (the laugh not the ta-kill-ya but could probably use that too). *lol* Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. Sunday family visits, boy do I miss those. I'm sorry that you won't be able to attend your retreat. Hopefully we will be back to some kind of normal next year and you will be able to go again.

  12. How nice to see your brothers and their wives. I'm sorry you will miss the retreat as I know you always enjoy it. There may be others that don't feel comfortable going too so maybe a portion of it could be done on Facetime or Zoom like you mentioned. You are always so good about keeping up with all of your projects. I like the way you trade back and forth on what you do. I need to get better organized with all my projects. I think I get overwhelmed and then don't get much done! You set good examples!

  13. Nice for everyone to stop by. And great to have them help out with the no trespassing signs, though on the neighbor's land, I don't think it really matters. :O
    I'll have to look up the obedient plant. I think I have seen them before. Are they the white ones?
    I've been canning tomatoes and making sauce like a good little girl.

    I really bet you miss going to the retreat. Hopefully next year will be so much better. But I think you made the right choice.

  14. It is nice of your brother to put up No Trespassing signs for you. Do you have problems with hunters coming on your land "uninvited"?

  15. That is so nice that you can still get together. How are your Mom and Dad doing? I should get a cell phone and then we could have a crafts night together. The only problem is I can't do anything and talk at the same time! LOL! I love the "ta kill ya"...good one and so true! Those things put me under just like anesthesia. We have some leaves turning color and falling too but is it because we haven't had any rain or is it really fall? I was thinking of calling the extension office and asking. For you it probably really is but here I never know.
    It can't come soon enough for me and some cool breezes too! Take care!

  16. All my days are quiet days spent at home on my own blogging or writing letters while doing housework.

  17. A lot of things we normally do we didn't do. It kind of all just blurred together. and we didn't think about it until those times have passed. Our August has been congested with Della's friend and the friend's health. We finally got her into a hospital with tje plan to get her to a nursing home. Lots of time spent talking to doctors.

  18. There are so many things we have to miss this year because of Covid.
    We spent some time with our son yesterday, ate take out burgers and sat in his yard and visited. It was good.

  19. Your wild garden is beautiful as always. I'm sure that was a hard decision to make about the retreat, but I'm sure it was the right one too. 2020 is such a strange year....who knows what will come next? Praying for only good things!!!

  20. Good that you have baby brothers to help you. Yes, don't bring nything back to Far Guy.

  21. Good work. On all accounts. We have to protect one another.


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