Friday, August 28, 2020

Oh Deer!

 Our yard seems to be a hub of deer activity lately.  I think they are coming out of the woods to escape the skeeters that Far Guy calls the Saber Tooth variety. 

I was playing 52 pick up and put away when I spied a deer out the window. 

This fawn was at the fire pit drinking water off the top of the steel cover on the fire pit. 

It was a very nervous fawn looking this way and that while munching on clover and lapping up water.  Far Guy was in the woodshop making noise or perhaps it was just nervous away from its Mom. 

Then it got really nervous and walked away. 

Fawn number one leaving and  fawn number two coming into view.  He/she was the leader of the family.

Family of three. 

Watching the deer number one leaving.  The fawns stayed pretty close to their Mom. 

So that was four deer in just a matter of a few minutes.  Fun to watch!  All photos taken out the living room window.

Far Side


  1. Love the Saber Tooth label :) I think it could also be applied to some of the vicious sandflies that live in parts of our South Island!
    How utterly amazing to see deer like that out your window. They are beautiful creatures.
    I keep forgetting to say that I join with your curse on spammers, you express it perfectly :))

  2. Fun to live in the woods and watch the wildlife. Loved the first picture the most, but the are all amazing! Good job! Mom!

  3. Interesting, is it very dry where you live? Just curious to see a fawn lap up water like that!
    It is getting terribly dry here but we may get some rain today we hope. I sure don't want the hail they say that can come too though.

  4. Your fawns are still young because they have their spots. The ones around here are definitely a few months older. The neighbors - - one behind us and the other diagonal - - own at least six acres between them which makes a U-shape of woods around our house. We see deer frequently. It was funny the other day because a neighbor's small dog took off running towards two of them. Both older "children" took back across the subdivision road into our yard - - - - and then one deer stopped - - - turned around and looked at that little dog as if to say, "I'm bigger than you!" It headed back curiously toward the dog. At that point, the dog tucked tail and ran back home. It was funny to watch.

  5. They are such beautiful creatures. You are fortunate to see them up close

  6. They are such beautiful creatures. I would love being able to watch them like you can. I hope you and Far Guy have a wonderful weekend :)

  7. Isn't that fun! We had a pair, as well as a fox!

  8. Great shots! I like that second one of the skittish fawn. We have lots of them around here, too. :-)

  9. Nice! To be able to see wildlife close up is such a treat.

  10. I think we need to put up the old bird feeder outside our family room windows, because then we saw our deer every day. Now I only see them every 3 or 4 days. Of course they maybe come through at times of day that I don't notice.

  11. Oh how beautiful!! I could watch the wildlife all day long. Thank you for posting these spectacular pictures!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. Wonderful photos.
    I grew up in the country and deer were regular visitors. Now I'm in suburbia, and I do miss them!

  13. That last photo is very special.

  14. How wonderful to be able to watch them! You have great pictures, they are all so sweet. Saber Tooth skeeters! Eek!!

  15. I love the last photo! I can just see those tails twitching. Oh, and I have lots of sympathy for them being tormented by mosquitoes. After 8 days of rain here I’ve never seen so many.

  16. You looked up just in time. Luckily your camera was handy and you got some good pictures.

  17. they have probably found something good to eat.

  18. Wonderful!
    Have a great weekend!

  19. Those are good pictures Connie. You must have clean windows! Love the pics of all those beautiful deer. Hope they're not eating your flowers! Take good care you 2.

  20. We don't get to see deer very often, maybe a couple times a year when driving a country road. I do love to stop and watch them when we can. Great captures! // I think our skeeters are cousins of your Saber Tooth variety . . . eeeeek! *swat swat swat*

  21. Beautiful photos. The dear seem to be especially prolific this year. I had one run in front of me while going to buy milk Tuesday night. Then another one, (or the same one) ran in front of me on the way home. It's why I try to never drive at dusk if I can help it. I just can't see them quick enough.

  22. So precious except they eat my garden and why I don't know as there is all kinds of stuff in the woods around here.

  23. A teacher friend finally moved away from her timbered home in West Des Moines because there were just too many deer all of the time. I find them fascinating but there are just too many fences for them to wander through.


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