Saturday, August 8, 2020

Grocery Report and a Recipe

 This week the grocery saga...we finally got Pretzel Buns!!  Yeah us! 

Philly Cheese Pretzel Buns

Brown a pound of hamburger

Add a cup of beef broth or beef stock

Add 2 Tablespoons A1 Steak Sauce

Simmer until the liquid is absorbed.

Spoon the mixture on pretzel buns cut in half and top with mozzarella cheese...put under the broiler until the cheese melts...Far Guy did that part because I have a reputation of burning stuff under the broiler. 

You can add onions to the meat mixture...we don't. 

Since it uses a full pound of hamburger we only use half the mixture and freeze the rest...all set for a quick supper some night when neither of us wants to cook. Windex or paper plates.  Far Guy found some at another store ordered them and went in and picked them up curbside. 

Such is grocery shopping in the pandemic times. 

Far Side


  1. Nice looking flower! Now I know why you wanted those pretzel buns. Sounds like a winner if you eat meat, that is. :-)

  2. You've told me that recipe before, I still have to try it, sounds yummy! Grocery shopping is definitely odd these days. Glad you finally got your pretzel buns at least. That flower photo is amazing! Hope you and Far guy have a great weekend :)

  3. Yay!!!! You finally got the pretzel buns.

  4. We can get paper plates at Wally world, but I don't use them often. Most cleaning supplies are gone too. I have enough bleach and vinegar and other cleaners that I can work around most issues.
    We still don't have curbside pickup in our small town.
    But it is tomato time and I am glad I ordered most everything I needed via Amazon for freezing and canning.

  5. I'm surprised they are out of things.
    I BBQd big, juicy pork chops last night. And fried up some kale, onions, broccoli!

  6. Sounds good! Of course my husband will eat at least 2, so there's never very much of anything for leftovers!

  7. Your recipe sounds delicious and sounds like something my son would enjoy too. I'm not sure I've ever seen a pretzel bun in our local grocery store but I probably wasn't looking.

    Have a good day!

  8. I didn't get potatoes, deodorant or a small fan that I ordered but other than they my order was fine. Lucily I have an extra deodorant for as hot as it is, no one would want to be around me.
    Thanks for the recipe. It sounds delicious.

  9. That recipe sounds really delish!

  10. Yay for pretzel buns! Your recipe sounds delicious. When this all started, ground beef prices were so outrageous here! Finally things have settled down and I was able to restock two weeks ago. I also have my name on a 1/4 of a steer in October. One of my 4-H kids raises beef and we broke down and bought a new freezer just to keep a supply. We had decided as two old people the freezer attached to the frig was adequate since we could go to the grocery store at will. Remember those days?

  11. Is that a day lily in that photograph? What a lovely specimen!

  12. I'm happy your finally got your pretzel buns. That recipe sounds good! I found a few of the items that my grocery store has not had in the food section of Target. I don't usually buy food items there but I was surprised at the selection and better prices of some things. The problem is I try to avoid going to multiple stores. I guess I need to plan better and occasionally check other stores. You two have a good weekend!

  13. Just the name of the Philly Cheese Pretzel Buns makes me want one!!

  14. The hamburger on pretzel buns sounds good. I always like seeing the flower photos. I'm doing my grocery shopping in the grocery store. It is strange to see empty shelves here and there. We have a state mandate to wear masks in any store. Nearly everyone is following the mandate in this area. Hope it helps.

  15. I bet you enjoyed those pretzel buns after months of wanting them and finding them a no show!

  16. So glad you got your pretzel buns. I've never heard of them but I'll be on the lookout! I heard there was a tornado near Park was on the weather report online. When I read it I had to get right over here and see if you were okay...evidently you are, PTL! That recipe sounds delish!

  17. Your hamburger sandwiches sound very good. We did shopping this week too... no Clorox wipes, paper plates or canning jars for me!

  18. Reminds me of the Philly cheese steak I had on a pretzel bun in Philly. It was OK.

  19. I have never hear of pretzel buns and had to ask Google what they are.

  20. Your recipe sounds Delish! And oh that day lily picture is gorgeous. Summer gives us such beautiful things to admire! I suspect that if I blink, the outdoors will be covered with that white stuff again. It won't be long.

  21. That recipe sounds yummy and I am definitely going to have to try it! Sounds like a good camping meal for sure! I haven't had A1 in my fridge for years, maybe time to get back to it. Sherry in MR

  22. Never tasted a pretzel bun. I bet they are chewy, right? I had a pretzel cracker — not impressed! What a gorgeous flower.

  23. I love that daylily! Seems I always have to hop from one store to another here to get my full list of groceries. I hate doing that but I prettymuch have the route down to a science nowadays lol. Blessings!

  24. Years ago I bought that same color lily at Grand Marais, Mn. It was a sale in a parking lot. I had forgotten that and I don't know if I moved it to the new place.


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