Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trail Cam : Mid July

Our yard is a pretty busy place.

The last time the trail cam caught the bear was July 15...that was seven days maybe he has moved on.  We are still bringing all the bird feeders in at night.

The deer come and go.
My baby brothers dog...Einstein..Stiney for short...he is deaf and doesn't see very much...but his nose keeps him busy.

One of our rabbits.

We got 3 inches of rain on Tuesday early morning.  I mowed down a bunch of weeds in the old parking lot and around the raspberry patch.   Far Guy serviced my lawn mower a blade was loose and it needed oil and the air cleaner needed cleaning...I am good to go for a little while.

We finished some more Christmas Ornaments 74 are done and ready to package up.   The carving is all completed...just painting and sealing left to do.  My carving tools are put away...not sure what I will carve next...maybe nothing for awhile!  Far Guy is working on some more flowers...his favorite thing to carve.

I made some of the Poison Ivy rounds yesterday afternoon...still have some more to do. 
Far Side


  1. That was a lot of rain! We had a rain shower last night; it cooled things off. Interesting to see the activity in your yard and a little scary. I look forward to seeing FG's next flower carving. Hope you both enjoy the day.

  2. I hope the bear stays away! My poisonous weeds are again climbing the house. I got most of them yesterday but I have to get something thin to get between them and the brick. They really cling tight to the building. Congrats on finishing all your ornaments! That is a major accomplishment!

  3. So glad the bear hasn't been around for a few days. I saw a deer going thru my yard the other night. Looking forward to seeing Far Guys next woodcarving.

  4. We need a good rain here. We got lots of thunder last night but just a sprinkle. You'd think it was fall by the way the trees are dropping their leaves from the drought. Araingee

  5. The bear would freak me out - just knowing it was in the area. We used to bring our bird feeders up onto our deck every night because the deer cleaned them out. But now my husband has them hung in trees where neither the deer or I can reach them. Now the squirrels are the ones having a feast daily.

  6. Glad to hear the bear has found new places to go! Congrats on getting the carving all finished. Have a great day :)

  7. Love to see deer and rabbits, but not bear!
    Have a great day!

  8. At first glance, I thought Einstein was a bear cub. Bravo on finishing the ornament carving. The rest of the work should go quickly - Christmas in July.

  9. You are so lucky to have someone service your lawn mower, and he's lucky to have you to mow! That bear on the cam is really scary! :-O

  10. That's a lot of rain for one morning. I bet that set the grass to growing! It's a good thing the bear has not been back, hopefully he has moved on. I love seeing the pictures from your trail cam. Congratulations on being almost completely done on the ornaments, and it's not even August yet!

  11. I love seeing what the game cameras come up with. Very coole

  12. Thanks for the beautiful Lady Slipper card I received in the mail yesterday. It was a bright spot in my day of struggle.

  13. Your yard is a busy place. Wonder if Einstein is trying to figure what animal scent was there; there were so many. Eli has to stop and sniff every blade of grass from here to the highway every morning. That bear is amazing.

  14. We're getting rain today. Probably from the same weather system that brought your rain. We are not getting as much as you did. We appreciate what we get. We have had a dry summer.

  15. It was fun seeing all of your wildlife. I always enjoy seeing the animals here at the lake too. I'll miss that when we move the trailer in a month or so. We have a nest of quails about 10 feet from the back of the trailer. I love seeing the babies trailing the parents in a row.
    Congrats on having all of the carving done. You two are very efficient. Far Guys flowers are exquisite.

  16. We finally had a little rain a few days ago, but not enough (maybe half an inch). Everything is dry dry dry.I see lots of bunnies in the kids' garden ... and that's about all the wildlife we have around here lol. (Except maybe the possum in their neighborhood, yuck.) You guys sure work fast on your carvings! How long have you guys been doing this? (Asking since I haven't been reading your blog but a little over a year.)

  17. Lot's of vistors more then I have here also different then I have, I only get the odd cat

  18. Love seeing that trail cam of yours.....lots of visitors for sure. And wow...are you guys ever doing good on your ornaments. That is quite the labor of love from you to so many downright lucky people! Bless your beautiful hearts for all the good things you two do.

  19. Boy! I'd keep taking in the bird feeders for sure.
    At first I thought Einstein was a young bear--LOL!
    Good luck with the poison ivy! :)

  20. WOW! I think having a trail cam is very very cool. I've thought about getting one. I'm pretty sure we have at least one coyote in the back yard, and for sure we have deer, skunks, raccoons, rabbits and who knows what else. Katie and I have been sleeping in a tent back there and some nights there's definitely something snuffling around. Maybe I don't want to know what it is! :)

  21. Death to the Poison Ivy! Black bears in the back yard. How fun!

  22. It's almost like you had set a goal of finishing all the Christmas ornaments by the end of July!!

  23. it sounds like poison ivy rounds are neverending ~ are you able to get ahead of them or do they just grow right back?

  24. I checked my cams out in the woods yesterday. I should bring the cards in today and see what is going on!
    No bear sightings, I think it was about 10 days ago that I saw the bear.
    The deer stay out of my veggie garden as I have the mules pastured around it. :)

  25. I am back to spraying for Japanese beetles. They aren't as bad but they love roses. I see that I have them again this year on my beautiful birch tree at the old place. Yes bear pictures are good and bad. It is funny that he probably remembered your feeder so he had to check in. The bear that wandered down through Iowa into Missouri finally was tranquilized and taken away. I think he wanted to see the gulf of Mexico.

  26. You have a very busy backyard! Exciting to see a bear. I hope he didn’t demolish your bird feeders before you spotted him!

  27. What trail cam do you use? I wouldn't mind having one that isn't on batteries.


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