Friday, July 17, 2020

Town and Home

Grocery pickup is always an adventure.  This week there was no bread, pretzel buns, ham, Dawn dish soap, cherries, lemonade mix or crackers.  I masked up and went inside a different grocery store that had all the things I was missing except the pretzel buns. Town was fairly busy, I dropped off mail and went through the drive through at the bank.   I waited only a few minutes for Far Guy to be done....we were in town about 45 minutes total.  Lots of people in town without masks.  In that County there are 12 cases of Covid-19, in the County we live in there have been 69 cases.

When we got home I mowed our yard...found out where the bear pooped back at the edge of the woods.  Far Guy trimmed grass around the trees. 

Our small raspberry patch that we pay no attention to yielded a nice bowl of raspberries for supper....very flavorful!  The wild raspberries are beginning to ripen...they are very small.

This is one of the sculptures at Goose Poop Park.  It is a circle with a dangling swirly part that has rocks inside. This one is not named.  Rocks in a Vortex might be a good name.

Christmas Ornaments ...  28 are completely finished.  Waiting on hooks to properly finish more.  We have just a few more to carve ...we should finish with them in the next few days.

Far Guy's sister had surgery yesterday for Breast Cancer, she had a double mastectomy and lymph node removal...a same day surgery....she still has radiation ahead of her and a hysterectomy.  She had the surgery late in the afternoon and by early evening was on her way home.   Seems like lots of surgery to have and then get sent home....Far Guy is quite worried about her.

Far Side


  1. Glad you could find the items you were missing from the grocery pick up, but sorry you had to go into another store. The raspberries sound delicious. God bless FG's sister. Amazing that she was sent home so quickly. Please keep us updated. You two have a nice weekend.

  2. We've been missing a lot in our pick up and deliverys lately too. I wonder what's up with that. It makes me worried and now I want to start hoarding food again. I think I have a closet full of toilet paper now. As soon as you could get it I couldn't stop ordering it. I totally get why my depression era grandma had a pantry chocked full of can goods just for herself. It changes you.
    Sorry to hear of your SIL's troubles. What a time to have such serious issues. Araignee

  3. I've never heard of pretzel buns but they sound interesting. We have 26 cases in our county with 1 death or so they say. I mowed last week but it is too hot now. I got up at 4:30 and it was 80 F! I take my walk but it is so humid that I fins myself huffing and puffing whereas usually I don't. Your Rocks in a Vortex is a good name!
    I pray your SIL pulls through...going home that soon seems a bit pushy. Does she have someone at home to help her? Plus, a hysterectomy? That poor woman!
    I had wild raspberries but now I can't find them it is so overgrown behind my yard. Enjoy your Friday and have a nice weekend!

  4. And to think they used to keep you for a couple of weeks after gall bladder surgery! I hope you sil gets along fine!

  5. I'm shocked at how short most hospital stays are these days. Not nearly long enough in my humble opinion. Hope she has a smooth recovery and treatment. I got to taste fresh raspberries and blueberries at my daughter's house on July 5. They have both growing in their little urban backyard. We just feasted on them right in the garden. Made me think of my childhood - picking something from the garden, rinsing it at the pump and popping whatever it was into our mouths. Yum!!

  6. I hope the surgery was successful, I have been keeping her in my prayers and will continue to pray for her healing.

  7. Sadly, insurance often dictates when patients stay in the hospital after surgery. I would be worried about your SIL too. I hope she is comfortable at home. No doubt the bears have been monitoring your raspberry bushes! Stay safe

  8. That is definitely a major surgery to be a same day kind of thing! Sending prayers that she will be ok.

  9. Our state’s Gov mandated masks. I’m glad.

  10. I'm glad you found most of the other groceries in another store. I am beginning to wonder if we are not going to start seeing more shortages again as there are more cases of Covid everywhere. Our county has a mask mandate but the state does not.

    Prayers for your SIL. It does seem soon to send her home but I wonder if they did that because of Covid? They may figure she is safer at home. Hopefully she will have at least a few nurse visits at the house.

  11. It is shocking at how quickly they boot you out of the hospital even before Covid. I imagine it is worse now. I hope she will do okay. What a lot to deal with on top of everything else that is going on.

    Too bad you had to go to two stores to get your groceries. You'd think things would have settled down by now but I suppose there will continue to be interruptions in the food chain for some time. *sigh* Wild raspberries are a plus. :)

  12. It seems very risky to send someone home so quickly after as serious as the surgeries your SIL had done. I hope she'll be okay. Our local hospital has had some bad press for doing exactly that and having patients coming back quite ill.

  13. Hope your sister-in-law heals well, and after the other treatments, is cancer-free!
    I don't always find the brand names that I like, but stores here are much better stocked now than they were a month or two ago.

  14. People often seem to be discharged from hospitals far too early in my opinon.
    I had t o do all my online grocery shopping at one store instead of two as my daughter had no car yesterday so I did it all at one store for Tim to pick up this morning because of this there was a few items i couldn't order. Our stores if they don't have our cosen brand they will send a substitue which for me is usually a better and dearler brand.

  15. My goodness, that seems awfully quick but I suppose hospitals may not be the safest place these days. I hope she recovers quickly and that her radiation goes well.

    You did very well, being in and out of town in 45 minutes. Take care and stay well!

  16. I also would worry about complications when set home. I am so sorry she is getting hit so hard. Our friend had the radiation on her brain and now we see that she many never be herself again mentally. It is so difficult.

  17. Goodness so much surgery and send you home. Miracles happen every day.
    I wonder if the rocks were put in there by someone passing by.

  18. Glad you were able to get all your groceries but the pretzel buns. I've never heard of those. So sorry to hear about Far Guy's sister, sending prayers for a speedy and full recovery. They send people home so quickly nowadays. Sounds like the end is in sight for your ornaments. Happy weekend!

  19. You keep busy all the time.

  20. I have a small grocery pickup tomorrow. I sure hope it is all there. I'm sorry about Far Guys sister. A friend here at the lake also had a double mastectomy with lymph node removal and they sent her home the same day too. Her husband had to wait in the parking lot the entire time as he couldn't go inside the hospital at all. You two are making great progress on the ornaments. Good for you!

  21. Very best wishes to your SIL.
    We have just arrived home in London after lockdown in Switzerland. We’ve been away 4 ½ months. I am horrified that almost nobody is wearing a mask. I believe they are “suggested” which of course is useless. I shall continue to wear mine.

  22. Wow that was a fast surgical procedure and out of hospital! Eeeks. I know that my last surgical procedure was an overnight thing but that was 20 yrs ago. I picked the last of the berries yesterday at the neighbor's. Heat wave coming in...stay safe.

  23. That seems awfully quick to be turned out of the hospital for such surgery. I am wishing her all the best.

  24. That much surgery and then sent home? That does not sound right! I just spent three nights in hospital for my back surgery. I hope she has someone with her ans monitoring her all the time.

  25. Oh, my! That is a lot of surgery to have, before going straight home! I wonder whether the rapid turn around is due to the risks of COVID-19 at the hospital. I have never heard of such a short stay for such an involved surgery. Prayers for Far Guy's sister!

  26. Sorry they were out of so much, but glad the other place had almost all of what was missing.

    That's a lot of surgery. Hope it was successful and she's healing well (despite having been sent home what I think is way too soon).


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