Sunday, July 19, 2020

Fun stuff

Friday night I asked my husband " What kind of fun stuff are we going to do tomorrow?"  I was getting ready to shave his head...the sink acted funny and gurgled...and then an alarm started going off. 

Earlier in the evening we had heavy rain and a power interruption....thinking nothing of it we continued on.

The lift pump failed...and the water alarms worked...Far Guy stopped draining the bathtub...I grabbed some towels and a bucket and sponge.  Far Guy tried to bypass the float and get the pump to dice.

I emptied the bathtub bucket by bucket because sometimes the stopper leaks and I really didn't want to sop up a whole bathtub of water off the furnace room floor. If it hadn't been raining cats and dogs outside I would have gotten a five gallon pail from the it was dark and there might have been a bear out there. Mission accomplished by 1 AM and I sure slept good after that!

Luckily we have another bathroom upstairs that drains directly out without using the lift pump. 
 Far Guy did breakfast dishes upstairs in the bathroom sink on Saturday morning...a Plumber was called.  Risk vs Reward...we like using our kitchen sink and the bathroom downstairs!

Late Saturday afternoon we were back in business...with a new lift pump installed and working.  Thank goodness for a nice young local plumber who works on Saturday afternoons...who was quick and efficient.  He said "If you have any problems with this new pump call right away!" 

Far Guy says "Don't ask me again what kind of fun exciting things are we going to do tomorrow."

We didn't cook...we went to town and got a burger from a drive through burger place.

We got 2 and 6/10 inches of rain from the overnight storms.
 The road to town
While waiting on the plumber we managed to get a few more Christmas ornaments completed...45 are done now!

In the evening my brothers and their brides visited and nephew Logan is here from Seattle with his new puppy Zelda...we had a nice visit out on the patio!  (Logan was about 20 feet away from us and we did not pet his puppy but admired her from afar)

Far Guy heard from his sister, her surgery went well and she was feeling pretty good after having such a big surgery.

 Far Side


  1. Oh what a time you two had! Thankful for the plumber. Thanks for the update on FG's sister. God bless her. Glad you had family to visit and it's always fun to see a puppy!

  2. Things like this make us wish for no excitement for a while.

  3. Well, I do hope your excitement is done for a while! No more of that!
    Okay I don't know what a lift pump is nor have I had one in a house...but I am going to look it up for sure.
    Hope today is not exciting.

    1. The lift pump lifts the water and sewage from the lower level to the septic system:) Our lift pump handles the kitchen and the bathroom...everything goes through it!

  4. Oh, dear! That was some adventure. We are on a well system and know all about pumps just not that one. It's no fun when we have no electricity because it also means no water. I have to haul water up from the creek just to flush the toilets. Araignee

  5. The excitement never ends! Glad it's all taken care of and that you were able to have a nice visit. Hope today is a nice lazy day :)

  6. When you need a plumber, you usually need it NOW. I'm glad you got the fix you needed.

  7. Happy to hear all is fixed and a disaster averted.

  8. That plumbing emergency isn't the kind of excitement anyone wants or needs! Our lawn sprinkler system sprang a leak last week, and we had a geyser shooting up about 20' in the air in the backyard. It's fixed for now. Glad you got to visit with family again. We probably all appreciate those visits more than usual these days.

  9. Oh that plumbing issue sounds like a whole lot of fun, NOT! Glad it was resolved quickly.

    The visit with family and puppy sounds much nicer. Good news too for FG's sister.

  10. Enough excitement! Goodness!
    Company was nice, though. :)

  11. Oh my goodness, that's a LOT of rain! I'm so glad things were taken care of without any damage... and that a good night's rest followed. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. What a headache plumbing problems can be! I'm so glad you were able to get someone out on Saturday. Those kind of problems always remind us to appreciate it when everything is working properly! It is good to hear Far Guy's sister is doing okay!

  13. Empting a bath by bucket would take a while and be somewhat annoying

  14. Getting a new lift pump on a weekend would be a minor miracle most areas. Glad you managed. Also good to know Far Guy's sister is over her surgery and hopefully will mend with no problems.

  15. The domino effect was not fun. I am glade youth could bail you out.

  16. I laughed out loud at FG's comment about not wanting to have any more fun like that. Glad you had someone fix it up so quickly. :-)

  17. Sewer failures are nasty. Our sump pump has been running for two months.

  18. Oh my... not exactly the excitement you were looking for was it? Glad Far Guy's sister's surgery went well and that she is feeling okay.

  19. After all that excitement, I hope you did get to do some Fun Stuff over the weekend :)

  20. Never, ever ask for excitement! I'm sorry about the lift pump. I'm amazed that you found a plumber willing to work on Saturday! Especially in the summertime.
    I'm really glad to hear that Far Guy's sister had a successful surgery and is doing well. It sounds like you had a good visit with family. How we would love to see family but it will have to wait awhile. Two more people at Dennis's work are awaiting test results. Both were in the same meeting with the person who tested positive.

  21. Heck, I'm glad you were able to find a plumber period!

  22. That's what happens when I don't visit your blog...bad things! I cannot miss a day or something awful happens. It looks like I have a big responsibility to check on you guys every day. I have never heard of a lift pump. I have a sump pump in my basement but I don't think that's the same thing? So glad you were able to get it fixed fairly quickly.
    So glad to hear about Far Guy's sister doing well. I've been praying for her and you guys too.

  23. So glad to hear Far Guy's sister is recuperating well. Thanks for the update!

    You two certainly had excitement over the weekend...and not the kind you'd prefer, I'm sure!

  24. WOW! Yes, I think you should follow Far Guy's advice and not ask that question again.


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