Friday, July 31, 2020

Adventures in groceries Pretzel Buns this week either...if it was winter I would make them myself.  They did some substitutions even though most items are marked no substitutions...I sent corporate headquarters an email suggesting that their personal shoppers read.   That should be kinda a requirement...

The Ritz Thins Bacon flavor were not available so they substituted Sea Salt and Creamy Onion...uffda. We do not like anything Onion.  I will drop them off at the food shelf.

They were out of Cara Cara Oranges...they may be out of season.  However they are still listed on their website.  ( they are not very organized if you ask me) Instead of two pounds of Cherries they sent five pounds...I may have to make jam.

Our friend Jill has breathing we dropped off jars of jelly near boulders in her front yard.  No contact exchange!  She said she was down to her last jar of chokecherry jelly and wasn't sharing with her husband...I have one jar of 2019 chokecherry jelly left in my cupboard after that delivery.

Grocery pickup always an adventure in these Pandemic times. 

Liatris and Rudbeckia blooming in the wild gardens

Goodbye month of July...onward and forward!  
Far Side


  1. Where do you order from, Connie? My Walmart curbside order is always correct... and if they have to substitute (sometimes I mark no subs but usually I let them decide), they're usually pretty close. Once in awhile tho, I do wonder how they came to the conclusion of substituting one thing for another as they're not even close. I'm sorry your experience wasn't a good one this time. Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. The local chain grocery store it is called Hugos:)

  2. Your shortages astound me. We have NO shortages where I live in the north eastern part of Ontario. I have heard of some in the city though. There is no rhyme nor reason to it.

  3. I have No Substitutions marked at the top of my ordering form. However, they ignore it and substitute something almost every time. Then the delivery person comes to the car window and asks if it's ok. I have always said yes. In fact, I got something $8.00 less that it would have been. Their policy is that they only charge the original choice price if they substitute with something more expensive. In this case it was only the size of the carton of Ensure - same flavor - just more bottles. (Is that clear?) Oh yes, we both have masks on.

  4. Our Walmart has not implemented a curbside pick up locally. I'd have to drive into the county where the cases are much higher to get that.
    People are having a royal fit over the mask mandate in the State of Wisconsin. I don't really understand it. One of the worst outspoken folks is a woman whose hubby is a nurse!
    Stocking up and preparing for a long winter of solace.

    1. Our local Walmart doesn't have pick up either but we order online and have it delivered. At first it was taking two it is 2 or 3 days:)

  5. I would think that if you specify No Substitution they would honor that. Getting (and paying )for something I don't want would really irritate me. We have food shortages here also and I just can't understand some of them. Oh well, hoping all this stupidity ends soon. Have a great weekend.

  6. I haven't used online shopping, since between me and my husband we can get everything we need from the local stores. And here everybody is paying attention to distancing and mask wearing, which makes me feel much safer. :-)

  7. I only used the on-line grocery shopping the once, had a bad experience and decided no more of that. But I understand with Far Guy's issues, it's a must for you. I agree, reading comprehension should be tested!

    Take care and stay well!

  8. When I did my grocery shopping here this week, I noticed some of the personal shoppers helping each other find things. I may go back to online orders and pickup, as virus numbers are destined to go up once school starts around here.

  9. Here it was corn on the cob they were out of this week. How can they possibly be out of corn in the middle of the summer when it's usually so abundant? That was so nice of you to make a drop off to your friend Jill. Have a great weekend :)

  10. Our province is now Covid free for over 14 days. So now they are making it mandatory to wear masks everywhere. That's like wearing a condom at the baby shower if you ask me. But the government is saying its to prepare us for the second wave. All Nova Scotians are saying its to prepare us because they want to open the borders. Grrrr. The almighty dollar is Sotheby's more than our health. The Atlantic provinces are a hot commodity at the moment. We don't have any cases. So people from all the other provinces are trying to get in. Even the Americans are trying to get in. Grrrrr.

    1. Whoops. I meant the almighty dollar is more important. Not sure where that Sotheby's came from.

  11. Sorry to hear of your bad experiences. We had shortages when this whole virus mess began, but now stores are well stocked, though prices (especially on meat) keep rising.
    Pretty flowers!
    Have a blessed day!

  12. Here in Colorado I rarely have substituionsif any and I can request none both through Walmart and Kroger. For awhile there the meat otions were dicey, but they always substitute chicken for chickens and so on.

  13. Hello Connie! How nice of your to share your from your small remaining stock of jelly with your friend Jill. Knowing how industrious you are though, I'm sure that you will soon have more in your cupboard. :-)
    Our Walmart has been pretty good with my online orders. Once in a while a small substitution, but usually it's just a larger size of whatever I ordered at the lower price which is always nice.
    Take care.

  14. We do curbside pickup at an Aldi in a neighboring town. They text me while shopping with any shortages and substitutions. I think they are computer generated. They were out of baby food vegetables and suggested a bag of salad! I think they only substitute if you click "okay".

    I did venture into a grocery store since we now have a mandatory mask regulation. People are not all participating, but one store in town was enforcing the rule. It was very pleasant, everyone had a mask and were careful to social distance. I felt the shelves were kind of bare. There were jars of mayonnaise, but they are not stacked in a row to the back of the shelf. And several missing spaces. This is in Northern Ohio. I would be comfortable going into that store as long as they are enforcing the mask rules.

  15. When I've seen the shoppers in the store, I've always wondered how accurate they are. Now I know.

  16. Pretty picture of your yard. My brother has similar problems with his store substituting things he can't use. So frustrating and expensive too. Nice of you to share the jelly with your friend. My brother and I were just discussing grandma's pear preserves this a.m.

  17. Your grocery shopping sounds like a very frustrating experience.
    I'm sure Jill was thankful you were able to give her more jelly :)
    Take care, Mxx

  18. Exactly why several of my family and friends say don't do online grocery pickup at walmart or dillon's (kroger) -- the employees do not read! I can't go that route anyway because wait times are out past 2 weeks now and I can't wait that long. So I just brave it and go shopping early on senior days or send money with my son and dil when they go shopping. Who knew shopping would be so frustrating nowadays. // I love your little windmill with the wildflowers growing around it. I like little garden areas like that. Blessings!

  19. I'm about ready to do another grocery run too but first I have to clean the frig, check the freezer, make my menu and then my grocery list so it might be a few days. So sorry you couldn't get what you needed. I love your beautiful flowers..pretty photo...card worthy!

  20. Sorry to hear you are still not getting everything on your grocery list. I am still having trouble with certain items. No one seems to have disinfecting wipes. My grocery store still doesn't have the regular Uncle Ben's Rice that we like and almost no soups or broths. Covid counts are rising so fast here that I am afraid there will be more shortages. I'll sure be glad when there is a vaccination! You two have a good weekend!

  21. You have the most wonderful wild flowers there.

  22. Can you return unsatisfactory substitutes we can here especially when do not substitute is ticked. I would be pissed off and have been when that's happened.

  23. Adventures in groceries....indeed! Nice of you to share your chokecherry jelly. Hope you guys have a good weekend!


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