Monday, June 29, 2020

Summertime Sunday

We listened to church in the morning.

 I did some laundry and then headed out to mow.  Far Guy played Lumberjack cutting down some small trees that were leaning way to far into the wild gardens.  We had some huge thistle in the middle of the wild gardens so I waded in and sprayed the buggers. I wear fancy smancy red rubber boots when I mow...they are easily washed off with a hose and my feet and lower legs are protected from dust and poison ivy.  ( Have I mentioned that I hate Poison Ivy?  I will be spraying again sometime this week when it isn't windy!)

Our lawn was mowed and I headed over to my other baby brothers to mow.  It was quite warm when I finished.
After cooling off a bit I harvested another batch of lettuce that we enjoyed with our supper...lettuce salad, pork burgers with no buns and air fried potatoes was the menu.

After supper I went to my baby brothers lake place and took care of some thistle and weeds on his patio.

 I put up the 4th of July flags but did not take a photo.  The wreath outside the door will be decorated tomorrow after another few hours of mowing.   I also have some shrubs/small trees that need trimming.

The Wild Rose bush did not produce many blooms this year.  I think I will cut it all down and let them come back nice and strong.  It is called rejuvenation!

Over the weekend I watched a movie on Netflix called  Change in the air  ...has anyone else watched it?  I am not sure why I am still thinking about that movie...maybe because it has an older cast?   I give it a 8 out of 10 starts.  For fun I watched The Floor is Lava...interesting show I give that a 7 out of 10...pure entertainment with some sick jokes.

Far Side


  1. Just hearing about all the mowing and yard work makes me exhausted, you guys sure do stay busy! I'm heading back to the couch now lol. Have a great day! :)

  2. You must have to mow almost everyday to keep up. I have a young man (thirties...I remember when I didn't think thirties were young!!!) Anyway the young man and a buddy have been keeping my lawn mowed. They've mowed for Tom and me for at least three years. They do tree trimming, too.

  3. Sounds like an incredibly productive - and exhausting - Sunday.

  4. Where do you find the titles of things that you watch?

    1. I usually make a note if it is noteworthy:)

    2. We thoroughly enjoyed watching Change in the Air last night - my husband in particular loved it. Keep up the recommendations!

  5. Don't mean to sound like an annoying person, but those thistles are really pretty, and they do provide good food for the birds, whereas the sprays (unless you are using something organic) can kill the birds. I cut down thistles in my hayfield and pasture, but leave the ones on the edge of the fields and also the ones in all of my gardens because they are so good for the birds and are pretty! I don't even pull the thistles out of the fields, but just cut them because they are very deep rooted and actually do good for the fields by bringing up minerals and aiding in ground compaction. Maybe you already use a non-lethal spray like some kind of vinegar mix? I know you enjoy birds, as do I.

    1. Thistle is a noxious weed in Minnesota. I don't want it in the wild gardens or my spreads by seeds and roots:(

  6. You had a very very busy day! I kind of like mowing, but husband hired someone to do it for us. I don't know, I think I could do it still. But some days it is nice to sit in the air conditioning and watch them out there on their big noisy mowers. And they do it in half the time. PS: I hate poison ivy too.

  7. We took the Grands camping over the weekend. There was the wild rose in bloom, so pretty. I looked for cactus in bloom but all were close up of the ones I saw.

  8. We are going to tackle some trimming today too. My Camellias are too overgrown and we can't walk past them on the sidewalk. I dread it but it has to be done. Araignee

  9. Thistles are hardy weeds and spraying is the only way to really kill them. So nice to see family helping family. I know he helps with your snow removal and you’re helping with his yard work. Nice!

  10. Sounds exhausting!
    I had Change Is In The Air in my queue and it does loot interesting so I will definitely watch it today. Thanks. :)

  11. Goodness you sure got a lot of mowing and weeding done. I'm tired thinking about it.

    I haven't seen either movie, but did actually watch Collateral Beauty yesterday. I don't normally sit that long but it was good, probably 7 or 8 out of 10.

  12. I hate yard and gardening work. Maybe it's because I've had a couple of episodes of skin cancer. Maybe because I had to do it when I was young. You seem to enjoy it. I'm tired just reading about your day!

  13. We have ivy and also deadly nightshade growing into the wild garden from an untended area on the lot behind us. The only way to kill it is to spray, even then it comes back. I hope I never find any poison ivy. To the best of my knowledge I haven't even seen any in my life.

  14. You had a busy Sunday and got a lot of yard work done. I always watch the weather and try to work outside on cooler days but that doesn't always work out this time of the year! It is hard to believe it will be the 4th of July soon. This summer is moving on pretty quickly!

  15. Love to hear someone else out there doing yard work! You did 2 lawns? You're a better woman than I! One is plenty for me although I think I have a double lot as it seems a lot bigger than my neighbors. I spray the Poison Ivy every year and every year it comes back. I'm sure it is telling me it was here long before I was. I just harvested dome lettuce for BLT's favorite summertime meal along with peaches and ice cream for dessert. I have the peaches but no ice cream! Take care!

  16. I got out my weed killer a couple of days and took out thistles and other similar weeds. I saw this morning that it was working. I don't have back strength so I will get them after they have shriveled up. I have started to use my original electric trimmer. It is light weight and I can do it with out falling down.

  17. You did lots of work and will now be ready for celebrations.

  18. The thought of mowing makes me exhausted

  19. You're such a good worker, Connie. Mowing and spraying and helping others with their lawns and weeds too! Hope you can be done with all your mowing before the stifling heat of July comes this week. whew.

  20. I really think you need to show us those red rubber boots, with you in them. :-)

  21. Hard to believe it is already time for Fourth of July...despite people shooting off fireworks around here for nearly a month straight, already. I guess my mind's still stuck on that week in March when the quarantine started--it feels like we've lost an entire quarter of the year.

  22. I just went and put Change in the Air into my list, so I'll watch it too. Thanks for the recommendation. I woke last night to the sound of fireworks. It's that time of the year. :-)

  23. Thank you for the movie rating - I also enjoy older characters. It's funny how that works.


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