Monday, June 8, 2020

Rockets and a dish

The Dames Rockets or Hesperis matronalis is blooming.

Such a pretty touch of color along Minnesota roadsides.  I would have waded into the patch to get closeups but I knew there were wood/deer ticks in the tall grass.

I found a glass dish ornament that will serve as a butterfly water source.  I will have to wash it out daily.

I had two long naps on Sunday...can't seem to catch up.  I almost missed a visit with Far Guy's cousins Jack and Pat as they stopped by to visit from a safe distance.

We watched Church in the morning and recycled in the afternoon. Our weather turned really warm 89 F or 31 C eh!

Far Side


  1. It is supposed to get hot HOT here today and then we are to have heavy rains move in from Tropical Storm Cristobal! Hmm.
    Dames Rockets are probably in blossom down in the valley, I should go look!

  2. It's been too hot and muggy here for a while. I made the mistake of going out for a walk last night and ended up an itchy mess. I had to have a bath and some Benedryl. I guess I'm indoors for the duration. Sigh. Araignee

  3. I mowed the lawn on Saturday. Sunday was our first day back to Church; everyone was so happy. Beautiful day on Sunday and today is starting out cool and nice. Love the glass dish you found.

  4. Sign of the times that I knew just what you meant when you said you "watched church." That temperature is way too hot for someone like me! :-)

  5. We have dame rockets in bloom in our area. I would like to have some in my yard. We got a bird bath put up for the birds but not seen any birds on it just yet.

  6. That is a clever water feature. I was gifted a pretty glass bird bath but haven't put it out because I'm afraid it would break if we get hail. But I guess I should just put it out and enjoy it.

  7. It's been hot here this week too but after Cristobal moves through it's supposed to cool off thank goodness! The butterflies will love your little dish of water. Your purple wildflowers are so pretty!
    2 naps? Do you not sleep well at night? Naps are supposed to be good for you but I don't like them and only take them if I can't keep my eyes!

  8. What a lovely little butterfly water dish. I love it, Connie! Naps are good things... and I'm glad you're getting yours. Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. We don't have ticks, thank goodness. They sound scary.
    Love the butterfly dish. I used to wash the bird bath out daily so they would always have fresh water. The butterflies will love you! :)

  10. The butterflies will love having the access to water so close to their new house.

  11. You will have a wonderful little butterfly oasis there!

  12. Dames Rocket is pretty. I can never tell it apart from Fireweed. It's the same colour if I'm not mistaken.

  13. Butterflies are going to look so pretty landing on their blue water dish. Have your camera ready!

  14. That glass dish is just beautiful. I hope the butterflies flock to it and give you lots of pleasure watching them. I'm sorry that you're still so tired. I'm really wondering wether or not to get those shots. I had such a bad reaction to the old one.
    It's 58 here today and tomorrow isn't supposed to get above 48. Then warmer, into the 60's-70's later in the week. That will be very welcome. Meanwhile the furnace is STILL on!

  15. We had 97 this weekend. Awk! Storms passing through at night.
    Pretty butterfly water dish! Naps are good to take whenever you need them. ;)

  16. The butterfly dish is so pretty! I'm sure the extra heat will bring out the flowers and the butterflies.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. Yeah that glass dish ornament is so lovely, I like it

  18. We have Dames Rocket in our yard. I love it! The Dept of Transportation here was slow in getting the mowers out, and so for a while we had lovely wild flowers blooming on the rights of way. Not any more, sad to say.

  19. Church on line sounds diffeent. I'll have to look at one of these services.

  20. You progress to HOT fast there. We are having a cool June, highs in the low 60's and off and on showery days. Typical June in the coastal Pacific Northwest.

  21. 89 degrees is almost Florida there! :)

  22. You sure know how to spoil those butterflies! ;)


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