Thursday, June 18, 2020

Projects and Visitors

Projects were varied yesterday.  It was hot outside.  In the morning I woodcarved  and worked on my milk can project.  (It involved water and Dawn dish soap and a trip to the greenhouse for drying.)

My brothers and wives were visitors.  During the day and in the evening.
Fawn in our yard.  My baby brothers bride took this photo.

I cleaned part of the linen closet in the downstairs bath...the shelves with baskets of like types of medications; cold stuff., cough stuff, wound stuff, stuff to make you poop or to stop you from pooping...(that is Far Guys stuff...I prefer cheese or dried apricots), all types of Aspirins PM, all day, low dose etc...I thought I was low on toothpaste....not so much as I found 5 tubes.

After that adventure I worked on some of my stamped cards...coloring with various mediums and using glitter!

After supper I attacked some ants that want to move near the house.   Toward dark Odda came to visit.

She still loves us.

Far Side


  1. A busy day!
    Hope today is a good one, too!

  2. Cleaning out the medicine cabinet is always an interesting experience. I used to find all sorts of stuff as the doctor used to change hubby's meds quite often and we would end up with so many bottles until I got round to returning them to the chemist for disposal :)

  3. The Chef buys so many different painkillers. For his back, for headaches, for muscles... I have lost the will to live trying to choose the right one so I usually just grab the first that comes to hand. Partly because I have to stand on a chair to reach the stash of pills! And we have numerous different deep heat creams and gels and roll ons for neck spasms and frozen shoulders and sciatica. He’s a walking (driving around) pharmacy.

  4. Isn't it amazing how much "stuff" you find when you clean out a cabinet? I especially love all the expired bottles and tubes I find. Just cleaned out a cabinet the other day and had to throw out all kinds of junk.

  5. Sounds like you had a nice and also productive day! I would love to see your stamped cards sometime. I need to get motivated to get things cleaned out and get some home projects done too. I'll try to be productive along with you today :)

  6. Mail some of that energy my way, Connie. I have so much that needs to be done but just can't seem to do it.

  7. I had to look to find that fawn, tucked behind a tree. Cleaning out the medicine cabinet is my hubby's job, and he sometimes asks me if I'm still needing something or other. He throws out everything not needed. I love that picture of Odda. :-)

  8. Sounds like a really good day - some organizing, some creativity, some human contact, and a little doggie love.

  9. Your cupboards sound like mine!
    I came back from the grocery store with a jug of vegetable oil, only to discover I already had two full ones already!

  10. Nice to see Odda. I’m at my mom’s in Florida doing routine maintenance and finding those kind of surprises too! It will be a looooong time before she needs to buy anymore spaghetti sauce!

  11. Odda is gorgeous! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Good reminder to clean out my closet.

  12. Always nice to have visitors especially nowadays. Odda sure has a nice smile!

  13. Sounds like a nice and very productive day. Guess you won't need toothpaste for a while. LOL!

  14. Awww, Odda is a sweetheart. I’m beginning to think your milk can project might have something to do with spinning.

  15. Wow....that was a lot for one day! I am tired just reading about
    What a sweet pup face Odda has. I'd love to plant a kiss right on that pretty white spot! Araignee

  16. Busy days.... and busy is good, isn't it. We're staying busy too, as I'm finishing up the painting in my bedroom and hubby is installing a new kitchen sink & faucet (all ordered online & delivered via UPS). It's best to keep busy these days, isn't it. Love, Andrea xoxo

  17. What a great post today! I went back and read all of the posts about Odda (2 and 1)!! I should read your posts more regularly like I did before. It has a calming effect on my during these troubling times. (My brother and I sometimes talk about your posts; he's the percussion guy, Jerry). It was especially seeing all those earlier pictures of Chance.

  18. Sweet photo of the fawn. I have started a little cleaning and dumping. Lots to do. Some things are easy to dump. Others not so easy.

  19. Projects are awesome but not somethhing I am good at

  20. Another good day of getting things done! I looked and I have quite a few tubes of toothpaste too but I like a certain kind and when it comes on sale I stock up. It's not like it gets out-of-date.

  21. you had a very productive day! So nice to have such a beautiful dog visitor.

  22. You're doing a great job cleaning things out at your house. Still wondering what you're up to with that milk can!

  23. 5 tubes huh? You guys oughtta have the shiniest bright teeth in all of America! Wait, what's that glint in the sky! Look! It's Far Side and Far Guy, smiling at the rest of us... get your sunglasses folks! 🙌 Ahhhhh! Blessings to you! Yay for happy fur-visitors!

  24. Busy lady! Is it blistering hot your way?

  25. My goodness you were busy! I clean out the medicine closet once a year or so and I'm always amazed at how much I have to throw out because it's expired. I find multiples of things too.
    I hope you had a great day tonday too.

  26. Uff dah! I need you to come and organize my stuff! Well, okay, not really. But it sounds like you are busy.

  27. We have a cat who loves to eat any ants who dare to come too close to the house. We'd be happy to loan her to you ;)

  28. I'm afraid to open my linen closet for fear of being buried in stuff! I've been working outside and slacking on the inside! Good for you getting that done and working on your milk can project! I wish I had an Odda to visit me.


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