Saturday, June 20, 2020

Friday happenings

The fifth shawl using Lion Brand Shawl in a Ball was completed and blocked. 
I am glad to be done with this is pretty but five was enough.  Why did I buy was on sale that way!

I used a different pattern for this one.

This crochet pattern is called Teterboro Shawl.

The back of the shawl.  I  do like how the colors flowed.  This pattern is suitable for a small person.

Far Guy asked me one day "What will you do with all the shawls?"  I have given two away.  Those that I don't give away will go to the prayer shawl ministry at the church or to the Nursing Home after all this Covid crap is history.

I have one shawl in the works and one is being blocked in preparation for it's photo shoot.  I crochet at night putting my feet up and watching a bit of TV...sometimes I only get a row or two done before I get sleepy.

We had a busy Friday.  I mowed for a couple of hours.  The ticks are active...I had one crawling on my arm and I wear a long sleeved shirt!  He probably fell out of my hair!  ( Yes I washed my hair right after that discovery!)

Friday evening we had a social distancing get together for my Dad for Father's Day.  My sister bought Bingo cards and we had Bingo for him.  We all spread out up at my brothers was fun! Dad bingoed on the last game!

Bingo at the American Legion started up again this past week.  Dad wasn't real excited to baby brother was going to take him...but they decided to wait a little while longer.  I will not go until it is safe to do so. 

Far Side


  1. Smart gal! I love that idea of having a Bingo party at the shop! How wonderful!
    Ticks. Yuck. That is my comment on that!
    That shawl is beautiful. I used to see some like these once in a while at my MIL's nursing home.
    We are not going anywhere for a while either. I go for food/supplies and that is about it.

  2. I bought yarn to make a shawl...still have to buy a crochet hook! Don't want to go out to buy one, so need to just order a few in sizes and get to work! Your shawls are beautiful!

  3. Your shawl is beautiful! So glad you had a nice get together for Father's Day. As far as the ticks go, NO! I would freak out lol. Happy Saturday :)

  4. Ticks are no fun. Glad you saw that one before it decided to have lunch. And I love your shawls and also wondered what you do with them all. Now I know. :-)

  5. Beautiful shawl!
    We are finding a lot of ticks here, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. The ticks sound gross. I am glad you could get together as a family and I imagine your dad was thrilled to win the bingo :)

  7. Happy Father's Day to your Dad! I'm glad you were able to get together for a bit of social distancing.

    Love the colors of the shawls. I knit or crochet while watching television too. Have to keep my hands busy!

    Take care ands tay well!

  8. It's been tick city here. I just got done mowing and I covered myself in my big suit from head to toe today in spite of the heat.
    I went down the Shawl in a Ball rabbit hole the other night myself. I was tempted but didn't end up buying any. That doesn't mean I won't. The colors are really pretty. Your shawl is just glorious. The rainbow was one of my favorite colorway. It's very tempting. Araignee

  9. Great job for using all the yarn! The recipients will love the shawls.

  10. I love the shawl! Someone will enjoy it. A family Bingo party is a perfect way to celebrate Father's Day with your Dad! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Just reading about ticks gives me the willies.
    Another lovely shawl. I can see that making 5 using the same yarn could be enough of a good thing.

  12. People are going to love to receive your shawls. Such gorgeous colors!

  13. Beautiful shawl. I like the pattern. You can start your own family bingo parlor.

  14. When my wife first had congestive heart failure, a blogger friend mailed her a prayer shawl. It was wonderful for her to have it her favorite rocking chair and she still has it today. People who have quiet times each day could use them and people who do a lot of reading could enjoy them. Yours are really good looking works.

  15. That is funny you said the shawl pattern was for a smaller person , because when I looked at it I thought it looked bigger than the others. ;)

  16. Your shawl is beautiful, as all the colors. I wondered when Bingo would start back up again. What a great idea that your family all got together to celebrate Father's Day and play Bingo! I'm so glad your dad had a Bingo! Thank you for the gorgeous Lady Slipper card that arrived today in my mailbox. You are a gem! Hope far guy is doing well too.

  17. All those shawls are lovely. Ticks--not so much.
    Glad your dad got to play bingo!! And he won one, too. :)

  18. Your shawl is lovely - love the flow of the colors. Many years ago, John received a prayer shawl during his parotid tumor surgery and it was most appreciated. I'm glad you could get together for your Dad. How nice that he got to play BINGO!

  19. Oh, the hazards of mowing. Glad you found your little visitor when it fell off!!!

  20. I'm sure wherever you donate them to will be glad of all the shawls, and in the meantime it gives you something to keep your hands busy while you watch your shows.

    Glad your Dad got to play Bingo, and won.

  21. How nice you were all able to get together. This will be a rough Father's Day for my children as their father (my ex) died last week. He looked fine when I saw him last summer but evidently they found cancer and it was too far gone.
    I spray Deep Woods Off on myself before I mow as I have Ticks Galore here! Then I come in and take a bath and wash my hair to get the "OFF" off and any ticks that might have crept in!
    Your shawls are lovely but I imagine you were getting tired of the same yarn after awhile no matter how pretty it was.
    So glad your Dad got to play Bingo and he won!!!

  22. I love the colors in your shawl... very pretty. Bingo sounds like dad loves to play too. He also likes to win! Ticks... beastly creatures.


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